What's next on her career?
What's next on her career?
getting a proper haircut.
She will play an edgy role
is this a shoop? She looks like a tranny
times up
Blacked DP scene with Mandingo and Jax Slayher
4 what?
Arm hair contest with other hairy female celebs. Who should she compare her arms against?
Second best Emma is now worst Emma.
Long live best Emma, Emma Roberts.
With that hairdo, either playing a caveman or the lead role in a Dudley Moore biopic.
Geico commercial, star trek villain
drug abuse
What career?
Hey no, stop it
falling into inevitable irrelevancy
Some drama about her being in a bad relationship with a drunk who beats her and then she discovers the STRENGTH!! to escape and she becomes a successful feminist writer or something.
Oh joy, another fucking Emma Watson bashing thread.
Being the woman of my dreams. Hair's looking shitty now but it'll grow in a few months and you niggers will have to apologize
probably producing feminist movies or publishing feminist literature to "create space" for female directors/writers.
She has no career now that she can't fuck the Harv for roles. Same as Jennifer Lawrence.
who is that?
She´s the next Macauley Culkin
>retconing your own books and movies
jesus fucking christ
>white face across all books
>white in movies
>"hermoines white face was sticking out from behind the tree"
fuck off Rowling you faggot.
ur a rapist 'arry
aka metoo
she'll be on efukt by next year.
Makes sense. No wonder Rowling didn't want her to be with based Harry.
Does she have any films coming up at all?
nothing hopefully. and as an actress, she wasnt that spectacular.
and really just goes to show that looks can only carry u so far, if youre unfathomably obnoxious
blackfaced ms.t in an all female a-team remake
That's not how you spell Weinstein.
Her career
Thanks for keeping this thread alive
How much longer until she gets raped by a subhuman nigger?
>6 months later
>she calls producer
>"there were a few calls, but....Don't worry, I will find something"
>1 year later
>nothing yet Emma, no worries no worries...
>3 Years later
>"We had the perfect opportunity but you haven't been keeping up with the appearance agenda so we passed..sorry next time Emma next time"
>6 years later
>"stop calling."
>When the only memorable role you had was the main character of the dullest franchize
Must hurt
>What's next
Being a productive member of society, and using her influence/income to change the world for the better.
Can't say the same for the other useless Emmas.
>Whining about "Muh women rights" (despite having more rights than men)
>Whining about "muh rapefugees" while living in the whitest areas
>"a productive member of society"
>"change the world for the better"
kek, she didn´t have a common job before, she doesn´t know what real work is, or real struggles, how can she talk about "muh unfair rights" when she actually lived a jobless life? Fuck her and the libtards who follow her
my dick hopefully
Holy terrible mullet!
Why do these bitches always look like they cut their bangs with a weedwacker?
I hope she cuts all her hair off again
>"muh sexual harrasment"
No actress spoke of that because they wanted "muh fame", and ate their pride for that, but when they got famous enough they spilled the bean; hypocresy there. So... Watson was the major supoporter of hipocresy attitudes? What a """productive""" person!!!
...and in addition starts spouting national socialist viewpoints plus joins a right-wing hate group. I wish. It would be the greatest unJUSTing in history
dat ass
Where is dat ass?
right there
Getting an apostrophe on that fucking virtue signalling tattoo.
she is "dating" best emma's leftovers
>Buckbeak snapped his beak
>Harry, hurry!
Now that's writing.
looks like nothing
pls respond