ITT: Celebs that are literally impossible to hate. I'll start.
ITT: Celebs that are literally impossible to hate. I'll start
XD upvoted
postan him erryday
i hate him since he did tarzan
denzel greatest
That’s a good joke, because they are extremely disliked on this imageboard.
Well done, sir, well done.
Hasn't overstayed his welcome, mostly does classical stuff, national treasure to be sure
Decent comedic actor, nothing more
Wrong skin tone famalam
Stopped doing his own stunts, I hate his unwillingness to die for the art
>Stopped doing his own stunts, I hate his unwillingness to die for the art
George Wendt is the most lovable man on the planet
I hate this piece of shit.
Does Wakko count as a celebrity?
Prime De Niro is impossible to hate. I still don't understand why waste a good gene to a negra.
I actually dislike him. He's a great stunt man but a shit actor. And he seems intent on milking his fame for every dollar. But I gather he's an appologist for the communist party, and his son is a drug addict or something.
more like literally redddit
He's a communist that shits on his birth place every chance he gets
Fuck off nigger posters.
whoa....he's just like me!!! O_o
I'd guess... Robin Williams?
nah, i disliked him from young age, always seemed cringey and over the top
Try to hate him.
>protip: you cant
The new bill and ted may be cringe but it’s so ridiculous at this point it might be kino like the other two
how old is he here
somewhere between 18 and 60 it got hard to tell