Was this scene really necessary?

Was this scene really necessary?

Man, I saw that film after all that hype and it was just boring.

>muh american morals

what the fuck

>American sees a naked baby in a funny situation
>"I want to fuck that"
>this is the movie's fault
I bet you complain about Made In Abyss too.

Agreed, good premise wasted on a dumb road trip plot.

>Made In Abyss
Go on...

Couldn't even make it 10 minutes in.

It's cute but in real life that baby would be slinging shit like a monkey.

I've seen it happen

Go on with what, user?

This shit was boring as fuck. Made me almost as drowsy as good dinosaur

It was necessary for the Muslim population of France to spank it to.

Why do Americans think this shit is okay? No baby ever acts like that. It's perversion, nothing more.


Why would they complain about Made In Abyss? What's in there that is objectionable?

It was obviously made by a pedo. This scene from Inside Out was clearly innocent.

At least there is one shining beacon left in a world full of morally bankrupt muslims, niggers, and beaners

No you haven't

If you aren't a pedophile, a toddler running around naked is cute and funny or produces a neutral response.

pretty sure some pedos had their sexual awakening to that scene

Nothing, but you know people have to bitch about boys having penises and girls having nipples.

How would you have rewritten this plot to make it actually good, Sup Forums?

Nothing, user. People haven't seen the show or read the manga and think its some sex doujin because of child nudity and abuse.

>mustache guy rams his tongue up Riley's developing pussy

True, but you are still giving pedos fap fuel.

>No baby ever acts like that
oh come on, are you actually being sincere?


Yeah but there are so many fetishes any given movie or tv show will cater to some of them eventually. It's unavoidable.

cute little tushy

What the actual fuck?


Wait, are pedos really attracted to a toddler?

Oh yes, the jewish experiment to make the population sexually and mentally depraved was a triumphing success.

>childhood house was narrow and basically a long hallway running from the front door to the living room at the opposite end
>my sisters and I used to have “named time” a lot when we were young
>running around the house and jumping on couches while naked
>I was partial to climbing up the hallway walls by bracing my legs on either wall and scooting my way up
>mailman used to constantly have the door open only to see a six year old boy suspended six feet off the ground, buck naked and spread eagle right in his face
>that mailman was killed by a coworker last year in a workplace shooting

google "man sexually assaults toddler/baby" and you'll get some news stories.

The abstracted art style of this show makes the toddler look like a young female rather than an ugly sexless flesh grub.

>that mailman was killed by a coworker last year in a workplace shooting

guess he WENT POSTAL, right? Ha ha

those people aren't pedos

>Americans call their lovers "baby" and/or "daddy"

>tfw my kids are going to have to call me something else because “daddy” is just too weird at this point

>you will never know the happiness of playing with your child and seeing them laugh

it's probably for the best

I've always found "baby" to be very annoying.

What are they
Daddy is the most disgusting and degenerate thing a woman can call her partner.

Nothing is less arousing than men who want you to call them "daddy".

my best friend just had a daughter with his wife. i barely see him anymore. he works and comes home and has to play with her young son from another man and take care of his daughter. i might envy him if he didn't marry a single mom. but i dont.

Only two things can shit while running. Babies and Raab Himself.

pusy pics?

they are psychopaths, real pedos are loving people who would never hurt a child

>noo not my icky sensibilities
>how dare you offend my icky sensibilities


very true



kek what a creep. It's amazing what they let people get away with back then.

>He was formerly from Chucksville

eat more soy faggotlord, that is what a redpilled society should look like

ok minister

>married till death parted them, had several children and many grandchildren and countless great grandchildren

oy vey! can't have that!

I'm kind of in agreement with this. Considering how long I've called my niece baby girl, it'd be weird as fuck calling a partner that.
Aniki, please wake up. Please.


Nothing yet

>oy vey
What the fuck does that mean?

>Muh body horror

Why do japs force this trope so often and why do normies always eat it up?

This scene has literally made every normie weeb I know say Made In Abyss is some kind of mature masterpiece.

Fucking disgusting medium.

I don't even remember this scene.

Because it is a masterpiece. The way the story builds makes effective moments of tragedy and suffering very poignant, and it resonates with the shows themes about accepting death and saying goodbye. Also existential horror is rarely done effectively in anime and manga.