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ok, you start
pick one

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Death Note is kino. Great story and doesn't have any of that creepy Jap fetishes or fart jokes.

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death note, NGE, madoka magica, the list could go on...

uh maybe Kaiji or Akagi

Aoi Bungaku
Ayakashi Samurai Horror Tales / Mononoke
Encouragement of Climb (Yama no Susume)
House of Five Leaves (Sarai-ya Goyou)
Miss Hokusai (Sarusuberi)
Princess Tutu
Summer Days with Coo (Kappa no Coo to Natsuyasumi)
The Tatami Galaxy (Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei)
Trapeze (Kuuchuu Buranko)
Welcome to the NHK

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Anime pleb here. Where should I start?

Death Note should have 50% less episodes. Then it would have been kino.

>anime cant be kin-

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why is this medium so much more favorable for kino in it's purest form?

With what? death note is the best introduction to anime

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If only it didn't drag a little at the mid point of series, monster would be greatest anime kino of all time

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huge fuckin anime pleb here

I'm halfway through Cowboy Bebop and I'm quite enjoying it. when i've finished it, where do I go from there?

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Near and Mello (?) were complete garbage

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Wan Piss

The part where Johan dresses up as his sister is weird

how you can tell someone started watching anime a year ago

What's the top anime if I just want to see robots fighting?

I was going to start watching this, but it's like 200 episodes apparently.
Is it worth the investment?

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>anime needs to be at least 20 years old to be considered good

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Code Geass is death note with robots

No, not at all. Erased is just trash by any standard though.

ive only seen one of the 30 live action adaptations is the anime good?

yes, it has some weak parts but the end is worth watching all of it

Yes, as far as shounen genre goes it's probably the best of them.
What makes you say that?

GaoGaiGar is super robot kino

>incoherent garabge
>now with robots™

so fucking good

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is this the best comedy anime?

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just go on /m/ and choose something

Grave of the Fireflies
Kino's Journey

the mecha fights are the lowest point of Eva
>eyyy the best weapon we have for those mecha/angel thingies is a big boxcutter and- oh no Shinji is having a nervous breakdown again

Samurai Champloo. It's made by the same person

clearly not


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>code geASS
>"the enemy acted like that BECAUSE I'M SMART!"

kino's journey is pure kino, just don't bother with the OVA

provide contender(s)

>make second season about the worst girl and her followers
>the series dies

>code geASS
>Cant solve this problem what to do?
>Stronger robot introduced

This is literally how very problem was solved

dragon ball

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Requests go on If zero babysits this thread that means we can have news threads and sports threads here too

>Hanezeve Caradhina starts playing
>everyone tears up
I thought it was overrated until I watched it.

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Anime is television show? What's your problem, pal

surprisingly good

naruto shippuden is kino desu

just remove the filler and the repeated flashbacks and it's 10/10

You cannot tell me the mission to catch the falling angel with their AT fields wasn't bloody amazing. Sure the battles aren't the main focus but you can't say they aren't cool.

>I thought it was overrated until I watched it.
how can you think it was overrated if you havent seen it?

i see
now i'm certain you're wrong

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Why do you Sup Forumsedditors come here? The news and day time sports shows are television too

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from the pictures and plot summary

Dragon ball isn't funny
Welcome to the NHK had some pretty good laughs though

its not about fear, Sup Forums is just too autistic


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No, I don't post in Sup Forums because I'd be scared. I don't post in Sup Forums because I'm not a weirdo.

So yes then you're normalfag Sup Forumsedditors posting entry level dogshit

made it to the second episode prove to me it's worth it

>Shingeki no Kyojin
We literally have undying general on Sup Forums


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they will dive in

>because I'm not a weirdo
yet you'll post here

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I never open pedo threads.

Thanks, I'll check it out

summarys are retarded thoe
>clothes is people, nudity
>little girl is internet god
>kid with bat beats up people
>dreams or some weird shit
>jesus just like hanging out with buddha and shit
>girl with talking motorcycle traveling

Disappointed in you Sup Forums

Cowboy Bebop

yet you post here

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See what I mean? You think if you dont watch the obscure stupid shit you're not worth talking to. Sup Forums is autistic when it comes to anime just like how Sup Forums is autistic to music and nobody sane goes there to talk about songs and artists.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika

If you are pleb watch the movies if you are patrician the show

>against Sup Forums too
Right you really are some cancerous outsider from Sup Forums

>potentially one of the greatest science fiction films of the decade ruined by making half of it about stupid whiny children

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I'm not sure what's your point here. As I said, I don't browse those threads.
Are offended that I find Sup Forums repulsive?

>too autistic
>implying that's a bad thing

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yeah ok user, you're right...

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objectivly wrong

>Sup Forumss autistic elitism is good

>comparing Sup Forumss elitism with Sup Forumss moe autism

how long until based western anime takes over

that castlevania netfilx show was pretty good

That's what I thought, crossposting Sup Forums scum

>objectivly wrong
Why? Cut Hathaway out completely and it would be the perfect conclusion to Gundam.

West is already beating east in anime.

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>>Sup Forumss autistic elitism is good
It is and Sup Forums was far better before you tasteless entry level Sup Forums plebs flooded in with the help of swaglord

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No, don’t listen to the hxhfags.

The evolution is like this.

>kids' stuff like Pokemon
>shounen fighting series (Dragonball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho)
>better shounen, action (Fullmetal Alchemist, original Dragon Ball)
>dark and deep (Evangelion, Madoka Magica)
>true slice of life enlightenment (Nichijou, K-On!, Non Non Biyori)


Please stay on the subject or I'll ban you all.

>everyone i dont agree with is a Sup Forums pleb
seek medical attention friendo

The ending section dragged even harder.

shit sorry mod

Anyone thinks 1st arc of Bleach is one of the best out there? Espada arc is decent as well.

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>against Sup Forums
>against Sup Forums
>probably against /lit/ too
>against any sort of elitism
You're Sup Forums through and through

>i'm replying to only one person
yeah, definitely seek medical help

The second season was weak