370 economists denounces Trumps economic policies

why are you stil supporting this socialist anti-free trade buffon?

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Yes. Now go correct the record somewhere else.

good comrade, free trade is bad don't trust economists.

Beats going to war with Russia any day of the week.

Man up, pussy.

It's him or the candidate who wants to raise minimum wage, heh what am I a fucking idiot?

Good (((Russia))) is a threath to the free world.
they are trying to push a mongoloid to become presidetn of America

economists are for free trade because free trade helps the wealthy business and finance oriented people like economists get richer. For the general people in the wealthier consumer countries free trade just means fewer jobs and lower quality products. For the general people in the poorer producer countries it means increased cost of living and workers rights, if there are any, being stymied.

What about his policies are they so against? I thought everything he's proposed was fine.

And I suppose you have some actual proof here to support that claim, or should I just take your word for it.

To be honest, I would rather vote in Kid Rock as president and let the economy crash then let the witch of the west be president. sage

an economics degree is as worse as a philosphy degree and psychology degree. just look at the absolutly idiotic shit krugman says. its laughable.

saged this is worthless


Economics is the only "scientific" area of study where two people can win the Nobel prize for saying the exact opposite things

>what i don't understand is stoopid
average drumpftard everyone

Betcha they're all Keynesian cucks. I'm not Austrian, and I think the Keynes model is is valid for only such tiny fractions of time that it's absolutely reckless to employ such policies unless people are *literally* starving to death in droves. It's just an excuse to be corrupt. And the economics look at everything on paper and say "this would work!" Welp, even if that's the case, history has proven government will FUCK it up, or eat half the pie before dispersing it.

Just look at the '08 stimulus. That was a time where the Keynes model could be employed. But instead of infusing the economy with the money, they gave it to banks. Not just any banks, but the fucking FAILED banks! And then the banks kept 80% of it instead of lending it or spending it, so only a very small fraction made it into the economy. And then they turned around and fed huge donations right back to the left-wing (CF mostly) that stuffed their butts full of money.

Fucking croneyism is the result of trying to apply Keynesian policies in the real world. Every. fucking. time.

Because Trump is Alpha.
Alpha men always find a way to make things work, no matter what.
You know, cause that's what Alpha men do. They're problem solvers and you can always rely on them to do a good job.
Something these beta boi twink ""experts"" can't measure.

Liberal economics :
>double debt
>steal 6 trillion dollars
>tax the poor
>give tax benefits to the rich

Wonderful plan you got going there the last 8 years.

Is the number supposed to matter? It could be 371 and I still wouldn't care

>give tax benefits to the rich
but thats what Drumpf whant

Only 370 denounce it? So that means the rest must think its a pretty good idea.

Free trade doesn't require 20,000 page bills

>people that have studied economy for several years and are expert on the subject but their oppinion dosen't matter because muh god emperor said otherwise XDXD

He takes advantage of them retard, so I'd say they are already in place.

like who?

>their opinion doesn't matter
You're right, they don't matter to me. Next


>"Galileo is such an idiot... all of the experts know the world is flat."

>muh feels over reals


it was already known that the world was round before Galileo

not an argument

Not an argument


Read it

outsourcing = free trade
- t. economists

Yeah nah



>Burger education
Ancient Greeks already knew that Earth is round

reply to this post or your nother will die in her sleep tonight

>it's only free trade aslong as it works how i want it

If he were wrong surely one would be enough?

good thing i don't have a nother whatever that is.

fuck it m8

I hope your daughter gets drafted to fight against Putin.

Keynes isn't right

Former Trump voter here. As a father of two beautiful daughters, I simply cannot vote for that sexist bigot who would sexually assault my daughters if he just had a chance.

Besides we cannot give him the nuclear Iaunch codes.


You'd rather have them in a protected pedophile carousel? You are a true Democrat.

Not an argument

If these economists are so great, why haven't they fixed the economy or hired to fix the economy?

Babhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahas id worry about taking your kids to the grocery store and getting ganged raped by ahmeds my sides are in fucking orbit

because I want to enjoy the media shitting itself every time President Trump opens his mouth?

Economists != Economic decision makers

Lemme guess, do those economists write articles on how "CHINA WILL COLLAPSE ANY DAY NOW, THIS TIME WE GUARANTEE IT!!!!"?

>Swedish flag

You guys really do live up to the Krautchan memes, even on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

economists are about as good as a fucking cat at predicting the future
at least philosiphyfags work in fast food and contribute to society

>Tens of thousands of economists in the USA alone
>370 denounce Trump

wtf I'm shill for Hill now

none of them is a billionaire like Trump
>muh economist


top shitposting ... leaf... well played.

Then what do they do?

>“Economics is the only field in which two people can get a Nobel Prize for saying the opposite thing”

Lets blindly listen to an (((arbitrary number))) of people who we know nothing about and have not listened to their arguments. Even if they arguments made sense they can obviously be argued against and both can be generally "correct". That's why economics is fucking retarded as a degree.


Because a lot of really greasy people I never liked are vehemently telling me not to using every orifice the media has for sale(which is all of them).

>CTR can't afford Photoshop

Economics in nutshell:

Economists use Gaussian distributions in predicting scale-invariable phenomena. In other words, economics is a scam.



>free trade = moving your factory to another country with lax labor and environmental laws and selling products back to your home country for the same price as you did when the factory was at home.

Study the the interaction between economic decision makers considering what would be optimal / rational.
Also here in Germany: Desperately try to convince politicians not to push more leftist bullshit.

>370 Voodoo undergrads denounce Trump's economic policies

