Nigger Panther

> the worst marvel movie ever
> $1000000000
Some people are just fucking stupid.

Attached: Nigger Panther.jpg (800x1185, 464K)

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You need to put some more work into that poster.

Black Panther thread? My favourite. But what does Moshe Goldstein think?

Attached: Black Panther.png (635x924, 1020K)


Seething, huh?

>get media to hype movie as greatest thing ever
>get sjw groups to pay for black kids to see the movie over and over

This movie will never get referenced in popular culture because no cultured person will see it.

Attached: trashone.jpg (979x734, 187K)


U mad white boi?

>something makes a lot of money means its automatically good
in my 26 years of my shitty existence i have found that the opposite is actually quite true.
real gems be it music or kino, (not literature tho) are usually hidden and make no money at all because these people make the product because they want the product or artform to be good and not just because muh $$$. It is why a lot of good bands or franchises turn to shit once the suits knock in and see an opportunity to milk the cash cows.

Panthers dont even live in Africa, the jews who made him up are fucking hacks.