Why is the second season so much worse then the first?

Why is the second season so much worse then the first?

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it's fine and you /who/ fanboys are tasteless faggots

get taste

Never watched Doctor Who in my life, mate.
Doctor Who is atrocious.

Jessica jones first season was so boring I quit halfway through. Only good show was daredevil and they managed to ruin that with elektra.

Becuase leftists literally don't know how to not double down. They put out something with a little bit of a political nudge and people enjoy it and forgive it for its typical hollywood leanings, they assume their success means people agree with them so they start shilling even harder. They become less successful and don't know why, they conclude its because they weren't political enough and they just shove everything in our face even more then claim their ratings were destroy by racist propaganda campaigns.

The only thing that saved season 1 was Killgrave chewing the scenery. Also the "women can be total assholes with no repercussions" power fantasy leads to unlikable characters that no one can root for. some user in another thread but it good when he said something like men wanna be heroes and save something, women wanna be super-villains and get away with everything.

no tennant
he held up the first season on his own
their choice was to either asspull kilgrave back from the dead or make a less entertaining show

That's how Netflix works

too much blacked in this one

>female power fantasy

because the yas queens ran out of bendis material and fail at writing on their own would be my guess.

>"women can be total assholes with no repercussions"
Huh, this makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. This theme does go through the whole season.

No compelling villain plus they decided to only hire female writers/directors even though season one was perfectly adequate with a mix of male and female writers/directors. You don't just change a shows team like that and expect a better result unless you set out to hire the best. But of course that wasn't the goal. The goal was to hire only female/writers and directors to shield from criticism and I'm glad it backfired for this and A Wrinkle in Time.

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>they decided to only hire female writers/directors
I couldn't believe it so I checked it and HOLY FUCK user WHAT THE FUCK it's actually true. Women's rights were a mistake.

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>No Tennant/Kilgrave
>Boring Villain that basically retreaded the same ground as Kilgrave with the whole "I'm a monster but could be good thing" except this time Jessica agreed to it because I guess this monster only murdered people and didn't rape anyone

One of the funny things I noticed though, is that all the women in the show were assholes while the men were great. Jessica, Trish, their parents, that cop were all shit selfish people while the men like Malcolm, the doctor, the other PI and the detective were all extremely likable.

You will see it in every female-led movie in the past 5 years. The ultimate female fantasy is doing whatever you want with no negative consequences.

reminder the show totally forgets who killed this dude.

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>The ultimate female fantasy is doing whatever you want and being loved more for it.

corrected. This is the type of writing that coined the term "mary sue" and why they're fighting it so hard.

The shots of her running are just as bad, what awful directing, editing, everything

it's capeshit

literally the only good thing about the show was kilgrave. He was even shit as an asshole manifestation of her desire to kill.

Can't jessica fly?

Idk, I enjoyed it. The characters are all terrible fucking people and it's fun to watch all the shit unfold.

Malcolm did nothing wrong tho.

No she can jump really far

Punisher>Daredevil>Jessica Jones>Luke Cage>Defenders>dog shit>Iron Fist

I think it's because the writers saw that Iron Fist was the highest rated and watched netflix series out of all of them and figured well what's the fucking point in even trying.

Netflix is trying to devalue the Marvel brand while they still can.


Please tell me this is some weird ass dream sequence she has or something. I've seen better "fast running" effects in fucking Kung-fu Hustle.

Men wrote and directed most of season 1
Women wrote and directed all of season 2

I don't know what more evidence you could possibly want

>I'm a monster but could be good thing

You know with Kilgrave there was real, adequate reasoning that the anti-social behavior he exhibited was purely placed into him environmentally. Being experimented on as a child and then never taught how to utilize the powers given to him would produce, in all likelihood, a monster.

I think what pisses me off most about season one is that Kilgrave, as he was taught how to be a "hero" was actually digging the whole entire role and being taught how to not be a monster, so to speak.

But he is a white male and not a muscular black man who more than likely murdered people as well so they killed him off.


It's shit, it's almost parody levels of shit.

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this is true of literally every netflix show, it's easy to produce an original, gripping narrative, it's hard to do it a second time with pre-established characters and a limited timeframe

most women are assholes.

Damn that pissed me off.

Guy grows up as a freak and science experiment, no chance to develop a moral compass, flat-out admits he has no idea what right and wrong mean and wants Jessica's help to learn. Just when it seems like things are going well and he's totally into this whole "being a hero" thing, she betrays him. Then his parents show up and he gets one more chance at redemption and catharsis, and his parents betray him. What was he supposed to do at that point?

Why is Jenffir Jones tying to be like that Dragon tAttoo chick?

Most (all) Marvel second-ism content is trash when will u realize

It's basically this, honestly. Everytime a piece of media drops to shit in a sequel or follow up, look at the writing staff.

DD S1 > JJ S1 > DD S2 > TP S1 > LC S1 > Dogshit > IF S1 > Defenders > Inhumans > JJ S2

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I stopped watching it after a few episodes when I realized it wasn't carbon neutral.

glad i grew up and stopped watching this stuff thats made for kids

Is it really based in any comic? Because the story was pure trash and waste of my time. Thet should had never made a new season of this. Heroes of Hire or a new Iron Fist season could be better, or they could just introduce another fucking urban character like Moon Knight.

Lots of marvel shit is "based on a comic" but throws out anything interesting or novel about the comic it's supposedly based on. See Iron Man 3 vs Extremis.

Well why didn't she just do that? Her identity and powers aren't exactly a secret

It's all about the rape. They tried to continuously push the fact that he did it, and no matter his circumstances it's unforgivable.

Her mom being a murderer though, that's totally justifiable.

Fuck this blacked promoting bull shit

>Men wrote and directed most of season 1
Could have fooled me, the whole thing was feminist trash top to bottom

DD S1 > JJ S1 > TP S1 > DD S2 > LC S1 > Dogshit > IF S1 > Defenders > Inhumans >>>>>> JJ S2

fixed that for you

Thank fuck Tennant has shown up in ep11.

Yeah this is true

>Never watched

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this. i've managed to watch all the marvel netflix shows and they only good one was daredevil s1 and some of s2. all the other shows range from bland to garbage

but The Punisher was kino.


>Punisher goes to group therapy session

spot on, user
lets smoke

kek I just told my wife that this season sucked, since she kind of wanted to watch it. I told her to guess why and she said "did a bunch of women write it?"

>every episode was directed by a woman and almost every episode was written by a woman
>show suddenly becomes extremely boring, cliche'd and generic


>Only the last 3 episodes

The rest consisted of 'Muh'dani and barely any punishing.

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Based neckbeard.

In the comics she can fly, she is just shit at it. I think the show said the same but I'm not sure.

why is it circumcised

Look at that nose and think about it.

Not it was literally worse than Iron Fist and Jessica Jones combined. No one asked for a manlet whinny jumpy faggot punisher

I don't get this show. What are her super powers?

Being this much of a beta cuck
I know you're scared of women but try and make it less obv

>Jump high
>No fall damage
>Strong, heals faster too

A nice ass.

Lives on a diet of alchohol, beef jerky and hot dogs, alienates anyone who tries to befriend her and can take a super blacking from Luke Cage like a champ.

Why is that Aussie so smug?

>Jessica Jones S1 is second on both lists
>Scared of women

What did the autist mean by this?

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The one thing this series made me want with it's god awful voice overs is some Payne with god tier voice overs.

The show would need good writers first. Payne monologues are far too good for capeshit anyway.

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a mediocre ass.

Her body is breddy good but her face looks like where Michael Jackson was headed with his 500 plastic surgeries.

I was actually going to watch this season until I heard this.

Why was Sheev such a well played character?

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>Iron Fist was the highest rated and watched netflix series out of all of them
Wait for real?

i like Punisher, but i cant fucking stand iron fist, majority of Daredevil, the defenders or jessica jones
they're just all so fucking terrible, im sick of capeshit, the only capeshitshow i can regularly stand is Gotham

He is not wrong about punisher being absolute dogshit

Yeah people really gravitated to the idea that you can be forced to fight everyday of your life from childhood until you are a living weapon who instinctively reacts with furious violence to any threat and then instantly turn into a whiny fucking bitch the second you get some air conditioning back into your life.

It really activates 50% of your almonds.

Yes, for real.

>The superhero drama’s March 17 premiere was the most binge-watched this year for a Netflix drama, according to data from research firm 7Park Data, which measures number of streams on subscription video services. The company found that 54.7% of “Iron Fist” streams on the premiere date were of episodes three or higher. The average hour-long show on Netflix has a binge score of 46.9%

>According to their data on Iron Fist and the rest of the Marvel lineup, the “demand expressions” three days out hit 63,249,549. This is roughly six million below what Luke Cage registered last year, but considerably more than Jessica Jones and Daredevil.

This had a lot of critics and numales S E E T H I N G

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That's fucking bullshit, iron fist is the worst rated Marvel Netflix show.

Superhuman strength and toughness, but not as much as the big nigga LC

JJ S1 is good though

Is it still? Netflix keeps gaining more and more subscribers. If Defenders surpassed it a few months later then that means nothing.

Well if it did, we'd have seen the headlines about it.

.....there weren't any.

Anecdotally though, not many people seemed to even watch the defenders.

Huh that's interesting. I wish the show was better though. I waited over a decade to see Iron Fist on screen and was super disappointed. I think he got redeemed a little in Defenders but I don't think even season 2 will ever live up to the hype I had.

Netflix will just evolve to pander to the lowest common denominator.

I want women in my bedroom and dreams, NOT my entertainment.

I really don't think the problem with s2 was politics at all. It was storytelling, plain and simple - a lot of it driven by Netflix and "premium tv" fashion.

That was the worst one yet. I didnt make past the 2nd season. Should have been called "the nobodies ft. the punisher"

They have several male writers. The female directors didn't make that much of a difference, other than a few seriously stupid ending shot holds that should have been cut way sooner.

No based Tennant to carry it

The problem is that there isn't a single likable person in the show. It's all jackasses and junkies

modern day writers are too flimsy

I don't mind characters who are unlikeable per se. I mind when they take the things that were likeable about them before and ignore or destroy them. You need to have likeable and unlikeable things in balance, and this season failed to do that epically.

Has there ever been a more boring character on tv?

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Holy shit there's a second season, I actually like this show. I've watched Daredevil too, should i bother with the other ones?