Slag off

Slag off

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sneed, chuck, steamed hams, based, cringe samefag

Let's get it out if the way...
>Sneed off
>Feed off
>Seed off
>Chuck off
>Fuck off
>Suck off

(you) called?

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Sneed off

Based. So based

Feed off

>I'd like to play me latest chart topper. It's called "Me Fans are Stupid Pigs"

Seed off

>samefagging every Simpsons thread with sneedposts ladies and gentlemen there's only one word for that. Idiocy.

Chuck off

fuck, fpbp beat us all to the memes

Fuck off


You've changed Sneed! It used to be about the seed!

Suck off

I love that sneedposting has killed simpsons threads until the end of time.

Don't lump steamed hams with your garbage

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"I hate it.."
[Barney off camera]

t. reylo

I don't get it

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Sneed off


Hey faggots why is there a reylo general with hundreds of posts? What the fuvk are you even doing?

is sneed banned now

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Janny keeps deleting my post that say reylo fags need to go to death camps

I got a week ban last time for sneedposting

does it surprise you (((they))) dont like it?

Pack off fucking sneed fucks. Worthless cock suckers. Just leaving a reylo thread in peace. Fuck the lot of you.


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>I love that something I didn't enjoy which had no bearing on anything else on this board has now been hobbled when I could have just ignored it
You sound like a massive faggot

So I says to Mabel, I says...

>You sound like a massive faggot

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Maybe you shouldn't post that reddit shit

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sneed is the most Sup Forums thing there is retard

Shine ya boots, guv'nor?

Are you telling me you support reylo?


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steamed hams is also a bannable offence lol

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i said SLAG OFF!!!

suck and fuck



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Well, I couldn't before!


Kill yourself hole


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Im not from Sup Forums hole.

Sup Forums isn't for you snowflake

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Make sense hole

go back to rebbit

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you guys are getting efficient

Youre new

go back

Keep it up hole

Who are you quoting?


2005 is new? huh

Embarrasing quality.
Never post here ever again.

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Embarrassing yourself kiddo

Seriously, you fucks need to stop this meme. It's not even funny, let alone creative. You're always doing it because people react to it negatively and when they don't, you fake the negative reaction yourself. It's the most baffling thing I've ever seen happen on Sup Forums. Why do you keep doing it?

Never have I seen a meme be so ruthlessly spammed on Sup Forums in my 14 years of being on this site. I lived with doge, ragecomics, cuck, soyboy and so on, but this? This? This is the epitome of lazy forced memeage that has killed Sup Forums as a website.

Ever since some fuck came up with this meme (and honestly I can't even remember how it started now other than some Poo in the Loo started to spam it) we've been unable to enjoy any good threads about the Simpsons. One day you'll understand that you're wasting my time, your time and the mods time when he comes and b&'s your ass for forcing a terrible meme that wasn't even funny in the first place.

Even Rick and Morty shitposting eventually stopped. I don't think there is a more Reddit meme in existence than Sneedposting. Sneedposting is so low-effort that it makes Reddit's ragecomics in 2010 look like works of priceless art. You have to realise that you are turning into the very things you hate. Disgusting caricatures of human beings. Seriously consider suicide.

Don't bother replying to me. We're done here. Pathetic. Absolutely PATHETIC.

>I get SO BUTTHURT about memes!
How pathetic is your life?

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I've done far more embarrassing things than that, newfag

>I post GARBAGE memes!
How pathetic is your life?

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Kinda obvious, you could have done it by putting the first letter in each sentence rather than paragraph and save yourself time

Reminder that the lone underage black kid from /o/ who created this meme is no longer here.

ooooooOoooooOooooooOOOOooo...Where is my sneeeeed?

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Sneed is the unfunniest meme ever. No one laughs at it, it's just annoying. Everyone that posts it should be banned. Even the OC is terrible, but it's not like you fags make much of it, just spam the word. Do the rest a favor and kill yourselves

Am I sneed's feed and seed anymore?

Of course you are

Well i was chuck's before

Now it's a black kid from /o/, before that it was an Indian from Sup Forums or something... Can't wait for Sneed to be an idea of an albino transexual

I laugh at it.

While it's a pasta, it's actually right. See everything he said is right. It's spammed because it gets a negative reaction and when nobody replies, they just pretend to be upset.

Daily reminder that the saudi arabian from /k/ poster who started this meme is no longer here.

Daily reminder that the fat, gay, autistic Israeli from /qa/ who started this meme is no longer here.

Reminder that the chinese girl from /gd/ who started this is no longer here.

Bi-weekly reminder that the Russian from /d/ who created this meme is no longer here.

cryptic subtlety

Daily reminder that the trans congolese demi-sexual from /trash/ who started this meme is no longer here.

>copying cringe.

The meme sucks. If you laugh at it, you are a simpleton. Go back to Redd*t, unfunny imbecile. Steamed Hams is actually good content with creativity and not spam garbage. How funny, I want to ruin a thread!!!

Wow it's almost like hiding words in posts has been a thing for a while or something, huh

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Its reylo chemo

You fucks have done jack shit to /reylo/

Did you get here yesterday?

It took you fucks over 9 hours to find the current general. Incompetent little shit.

Come gather 'round, children
It's high time ye read
'Bout a villain named Janny
And a hero named Sneed

We just want to funpost
Fresh memes and O.C.
But Janny deletes them
(he does it for free)

So we'll post day and night
'Bout the old Feed & Seed
They have the Janny
But we have the Sneed

So we'll post day and night
'Bout the old Feed & Seed
They have the Janny
But we have the Sneed

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This thread needS more Sneed

Based my Friend. You should get paid for this

Sorry user i was sleeping. I got on it as soon as i could. Why werent you doing anything about it?


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Now do classical slag!

>It's another "Simpsonsfags crying about not feeling welcome when they got three threads up at the same time again" episode

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