I miss it, bros

I miss it, bros

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I miss Zedd posting.


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>I can't stand looking at other races, please Saban rape Super Sentai and turn into something lesser so I can enjoy it!

>mfw I added the rpm people
>tfw we will never experience the power rangers marathon again

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Fuck off sentai fags.

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I still watch it now and again.
I'm only on season 3 of MMPR though.

Womanlet Kimberly-fags BTFO.
Aryan Aussie Animorph GF pink, nottest pink

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>nottest pink
You got that right.

goddam it.

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>tells sentai to fuck off
>posts sentai

but it lacks the magic of shitposting with you fags... and twitch chat

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Let's settle this, which one is the best?

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Australia is the second-to-last outpost of the white race, before Argentina of course.

that's the finished version

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A griffon and a scorpion have sex and it produces a human looking baby.
Japanese logic right there.

>can't even do real stunts

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Crazy lizard hobo witch Elizabeth Banks was the best thing about that movie.

Who is the bottom left, the 1995 MMPR movie?

Machiko Soga.
American versions are shit.

some of the best times on Sup Forums were during that marathon

>already been one year

Riders don't do their own stunts anymore either literally BECAUSE of your pic.


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The original Rita, of course.

>it's already been a year
Fucking kill me.
No seriously, I mean it.

Depressed MuttBurger here. I'll allow it.

Only rival for hotter ranger is Karone or Kendall (Dino Charge Purple). Tori (ninja storm blue) and Kelsey (lightspeed yellow) smell of lesbian and Kira's (dino thunder yellow) music sucks.

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That bred the best rider, though.
Fuck Heisei.

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If I knew where you lived, I'd do it.
PRfags deserve death.

Blow me first as least with that attitude.

>more than half of the people in this image already passed away

How does it make you feel, brahs?

Best Rider is Kuuga but I love showa Riders also.
Actually the only Rider at all I don't like is Den-O. That shit was awful.

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We need to marathon something else lads

Based Jason David Frank sic-hiya'd the obese Punisher who came to murder him at the convention so we still have him thankfully.

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More like he called the cops and hid backstage. Also he's a cheating asshole and no one likes him.

my dick underrated kat when I was young

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What is on the episode count level of PR?
All the DragonBall series (DB+DBZ+DBGT+DBS)?
... there are 4,491 episodes of Sesame Street... Anyone up for becoming (more) mentally ill?

I don't think any other can top PRG in terms of marathon success

>lots of seasons
>childhood nostalgia
>cringe, bad acting, low budget, kino momments, dumb and smart humour all in one place
>a fabric of memes

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Okay whatever you say, Austin.

I was feeling mentally ill being attracted to Lady Aberline on Mr. Rodgers and she's like 90 now.

*Steals your husbando*

Kimberly dies a single mother and everyone knows it.

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wew lad, is that Tenaya?

You are likely correct. I can't think of anything as simultaneously as horrible AND epic as PR.

... Patrician taste?

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rpm up to when the showrunner was fired was kino af

if only he could have finished it


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breddy guud list. Right mix of absurd and cool.

>no Koda

>not wanting to bang alpha 5
you guys are fags

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Ashley and Gia you fucking retard

There's only one true waifu.

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It was fun, but kinda too much at once, everything is fucking blurred together for me now. I hope they do another marathon of something soon

Is Mighty Mega Battles the one where Chad and Joel morph and the shield actually shows up in the real world instead of the morphing stock footage? Cause that was a pretty sweet effect

>that hair

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The rv road trip and Billy’s increasingly suicidal depression were my favorite parts.

Plus everytime somebody read Agony for the first time

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Gia did Blacked porn IRL in Megaforce body paint. I can't unsee that.

Never got the the Ashley itch, because Cassie was a better GF, even if less hot.

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I wonder how many product placements and obvious panderings-to China (Zack major focus?) will be needed for a sequel?

I don't really want "Green With Evil 2019" But there's no chance that isn't what it would be, maybe with a small side of Zedd.

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>he thinks there will be a sequel

who's the most handsome power ranger?

that delicious ass

Fuck off Raz


Pacific Rim 2 seemed unlikely for a while. But Pacific Rim did better in China. It's unlikely, but we'll see.

Behead all who insult Adam. Honorable mention: the unreasonably jacked TJ.

Carter is peak Chad badass, but he has awful fashion, even for back then.

has it been a year?

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>Pacific Rim 2 seemed unlikely for a while. But Pacific Rim did better in China. It's unlikely, but we'll see.
Power Rangers was bad enough as it is, they don't need to Pacific Rim 2 it

Quantum Ranger, the Chin is pure sex.

I watched the newest power rangers for an episode and was shocked that the 6th ranger was a white Christian southern country singer. How did the Jews allow this?

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Would you be able to satisfy her?

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They left out the best part, in Japan his morpher is actually Burger-shaped.

>tradWife Kira

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reminder: Kat was a pig

his chin and jawline are spectacular. God it makes me jealous/insecure

only one answer

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Faggot = (You)

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What the fuck is saban doing with the IP since samurai? Why is he afraid to tell interesting stories?

>Plays a bitchy Tom boy character
>IRL is femine as fuck

Dude was operator as fuck, owns a T-Rex megazord, and the Chin to top it all off.

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Why would I bother when there are myriad better options?

You shut your whore mouth.

>not wanting to watch cuck porn
What did user mean by this?

Dino Charge seemed like it was going to be good, except Teen brother-dad derailed everything, the Heckle story didn't take off like it should have, and Xenowing is awful.

best fight scene

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Kimberly is short, trashy and dumb.
Kat is curvaceous, muscular, refined.

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Post Megazords that should’ve gotten more love.

Tommy-less Turbo is best Turbo.

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i miss it too. the only time twitch chat spam was actually entertaining.

that guy has a big ass

Would agree. I'm following along on the Ranger Danger podcast and they just jumped over to TJ & company a few weeks ago. Boy was JDF phoning it in since the movie, even for him, even for this show.

>tfw that was me
I had at least one of each power ranger and most of the villains up to Wild Force then stopped after that

wish I kept those small ones from the movie...they were actually well done unlike the small figures from LOTR

its missing tika and his father forgot the name of him

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There's no way it's been a year, holy fuck

>kat and kim discussion when kira is the superior blonde

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>characters hold hands or something stupid
>entire twitch chat

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kappa pride...

I still have my Turbo and Astro Megazords somewhere in storage. And a knockoff White Tiger that I've been trying to source it's origins for some time.


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Fucking Tommy, atleast TJ and pals got to star in the more acclaimed In Space. TJ will always be the Turbo Red for me, he was a pretty charismatic dude.

that one was bad. i consider a lot of the zord fights using cgi to just be god damn terrible to me and the american actors are terrible at choreograph

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i checked out at in space and came back for random ones. i was drinking almost everyday during it.
looks like we wont ever get it again unless some new power rangers movies going to be promoted

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he was based af

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