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Been working pretty good for me senpai

why? it’s a stupidly good deal if you see at the very least more than one movie a month

I mean, the app has its problems here and there, but since its update, the service has been working for me just fine.

Their a shady ass company and their CEO is a dick wad

thanks for all of your info, mike
fucking retrard

>not buying a burner phone to use with moviepass


tfw now they want pictures of your stub fuck these niggas


been watching John Campea?

>Mike (((Movieman)))

There isn't a single company in America that isn't SHADY YOU FUCKING NIGGER!

>not having penis inspection pre-check service

The only time I've had to take a photo of my stub was to get reimbursed for a ticket I had to by when the service was out.

Cinemark pls

Why don't you elaborate, you cunt.

they track your movements after you leave the theater which isnt a big deal because google and apple do it as well. just butthurt crybabies hating something good

Turn on location services for check in, turn off after movie

supposedly its a new thing rolling out, because of idiots who use the card to buy other shit other than tickets and whatnot

So...just like every other company in existence?

Found the AMC/Regal shill

Who is Mike Movieman?

or just turn off your phone, you're in a movie.

>not snapchatting the entire movie
Hi grandpa

>their CEO is a dick wad

unless they are a founder, EVERY single CEO is a dickwad. That is how they get to that position in the 1st place, stupid

The fuck can you buy with that card. Shit doesn't even work other places

I'm seriously starting to think that one of the major chains is running an anti Moviepass shill campaign on here. I keep seeing all of these vauge, angry posts attacking the company from people who don't even appear to have the service.

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Suit yourself. I got the year subscription and have already seen 12 movies. Even if I don’t see another movie for the rest of the year, I’ll still have saved money

you take that back, Im barely old enough to remember seeing gone with the wind in theaters

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Once you check in, it loads the cost of the ticket onto the card. Theaters obviously accept the card. Therefore people can check in to see a movie, buy concessions with the card, and then just leave.

>Using the $11 credit on the card to buy maybe a medium coke at most
But why...

Wait, you can buy drinks or popcorn with the card as well?

That's literally the most jewish shit I've ever heard

Yes, you technically CAN. But you're not supposed to, and you can get banned from Moviepass for doing it if they catch you.

boo. Next time say Master and Commander