You have seen the best movie of 2018? Right user?
You have seen the best movie of 2018? Right user?
>anton yelchin
is this nigga tupac
wait a sec which timeline is this I just jumped
More generic """"indie"""" trite
no thank you
Yes I have
>Zero scenes with with Anya Tayloy-Joy's breasts jiggling
A major disappointment in that respect, but other than that it was an entertaining film
anya or olivia panty?
Olivia Cooke was pretty in the movie. Nice thighs. Nice feet.
Nope. All you really get is one scene with them swimming in bikinis, but even that is pretty weak.
I loved the sexual tension between the girls. The brown one really wanted to fuck the alien one
Why was Anya in shorts or tiny dresses in every single scene?
When was this released? And where?
Torrent leaks yet?
Why did she kill the horse :(
this movie looks dark and funny from the trailer but i could see it being disappointing.
If you can fight off onslaught of nigger hordes at your local theater going to see Black Coon, it's probably in one the of the smaller theaters at the end of the hall. My family and I were the only ones there and we had to manually tell the projectionist to start the movie.
Thor: the ugh breads
I like the poor man's Leighton Meester. Other chick is gross.
>Leighton Meester
More like Rose Byrne.
Anya was pure evil in this film
I like that it kind of leads you to believe that the sociopath is the evil one, only to redeem herself by committing a self-less act, while Anya became true evil.
>Ana Taylor Joy
>Good breeding
La creatura....
Germfag speaking. Didn't release yet over here. Also got more sandniggers than niggers
feet game 10/10
How long will the sociopath be imprisoned :(
I don't know. She was bae.
>calling 2017 movie 2018 movie