Itt movie facts you know

Itt movie facts you know

>in the movie titanic, the script had to be re written because Leonardo DiCaprio was upset when rose was easily persuaded into getting onto a life boat and then jack just drowns with the ship handcuffed

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i gun bunned your sister

When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

There’s already a bondburger thread you faggot

>The Iron Giant is loosely based on Vin Diesel's childhood, in which he grew up in a scrapyard and ate cars

The voice of Steve in American Dad is Brad, the ginger kid from the first two Critters movies.

Last night I Brosnan steamed hammed your sister.

I'm calling bullshit on this

I can confirm, I was the hot dinner.

how would he know that that burger is a #9 on the menu? he doesnt even know what restaurant it is from. he just made that up.

>tfw you bond burger your sister

Last night I fed your sister a hamburger in order to prepare her for her eventual nuptials

>combo #9 on the menu
What menu?

They're Canadian.
Do they only have one menu over there that doesn't require a specific menu?

Pierced and Pounded
Brosnan was the 5th bond

I agent quartered your sister

You think it was cold? Maybe he had like $11 and some change?

Based hot meal

I BondBurgered your sister

some urban dictionary type shi

Last night I James bond holding a pistol with a silencer attached a burger with ketchup, mustard, pickles, cheese, onions and a patty your sister.

Last Night i Pierced _____ your sister