There's no way Ready Player One will succeed right...

There's no way Ready Player One will succeed right? Something this stupid that shits on source material like this can't succeed, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

it probably won't flop, look at the big picture and keep in mind that audiences are becoming increasingly retarded

It will definitely make a profit, but will be forgotten entirely within five years.

The book was one of the worst I'd ever read.

Obviously fake

*unzips katana*
*shoots laser from behind*
Nothing. Personal. Kid.

I think you have a little too much faith in the film industry.

That isn't even from Ready Player One

Ready player one is like a film adaption of the shittiest crossover fan fiction you can imagine and the sad thing is that it'll probably do well because Spielberg has his name on it


*walks up to u*
heard you were talking ill of my blade...
*gets surrounded by dark energy*
(whispers) ...bankai
*presses z*
*stabs u*
heh... all too easy...

Black Panther, Read Play One and Avengers will be the top 3 Sup Forums movies from 2018

Finally this board is ours xD

Does it have references to Spielberg movies? That would be the icing on the crapcake

Like it's going to be any better, faggot nerd.

It'll flop. Only the soyboyest manchildren will go see it.

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Back to /leftpol/, 8gagger.

>HE WAS LIKE A Batman with a Dirty Harry Revolver and stood like TRANSFORMERS with a sweet Matrix slow motion bullet dodge then he cast a spell from World of Warcraft and summoned his Lion King attack Minion, and he killed the bad guy who was Darth Vader with a killing blow like the finishing move of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat

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wishful thinking

People are retarded, so it will succeed.

>but the katana is also a gun

I knew it was fake at this point.

You know how I know this movie sucks little boy cock. I played warcraft, and if it even looked like there was an easter egg people would leak that shit before the patch notes.


careful, the author can sue you for plagiarism

>When widowmaker arrived on the scene, Tracer was already in bad shape. “Oh gods above! Whatever happened to that weird machine you keep strapped to your chest all the time, Tracer!” She howled, calmly. “I shiggy diggy with it” Tracer said, obviously thrown for a loop by the massive pummeling she got from the Uruk-Hai cocks that were just here. Writers note: This is a reference to the Lord of the Rings franchise by JRR Tolkien, all rights belong to New Line Cinema and I give them full credit for their contribution to this work. The Uruk-Hai had been quite rough with Tracer, splattering her goggles with acidic Uruk-Cum and damaging her trademark time dilation device. “Harry Potter is a quality book series!” she belted out, obviously unaware of which was was up and which way was down like Sir Isaac Newton taught us in his heteropatriarchal cissexist manuscripts on the lies of the children of Yakub known only as gravity. The black man can fly. Google it. Anyways Widowmaker took out her fat cock and, throbbing with the heat of the boiling semen in her balls and prostate gland (most people don’t know that seminal fluid is produced, not only in the testes, but also in the prostate gland and seminal vesicles which mix together with the sperm cells to form semen) slapped Tracer so hard across the face that Goku felt the impact all the way on the other side of the world where he was enjoying a relaxing massage from a Thai woman who wasn’t quite a woman

>redditor angrily replying

at least we don't have to wait long to see it torn apart by critics

if any of them even show up

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>n-n-n-no u
the absolute state of rebbit tourists

>some literal who gets the 'script'
>literally confirmed to be a joke and mocking the film
>Sup Forums crops it to get (you)'s
Bit like this page triggers Sup Forums crossboarders on Sup Forums because MUH EPIC KNIGHTS not realising the context of the image.

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This desu
I'm honestly having a hard time describing how bad it is because I can't think of another movie that was so blatantly masturbatory and juvenile that also somehow reached a noticeable level of success
If it's anything other than a flop than it'll mean that we've collectively hit a new low

Dumb animeposter

Fucking retard.

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>specifically this
i want to see wtf spielberg been smoking at this point

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so slightly better than capeshit but worse than a snuff film??

>the Iron Giant using a katana

He's going to replace Ultraman, isn't he?

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you're telling me Nightmare Hotelier doesnt get scripts sent to him from major studios???

It's fake. It's not real. Somebody has already said that in this thread at least once.

kek you triggered the newfags

Doesn't change that they're replacing Ultraman with The Iron Giant. We'll never see Ultraman vs Mechagodzilla now.

no no no


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> teleports behind you

Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.

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Good post.

More like Reddit Player One.

lel good post, really kicked the hornet's nest

if this movie came out 3 years ago it'd be a surefire hit. If it came out 5 years ago it'd be Avengers level success. The modern nerd culture bubble hit its peak from 2012-2014. We had The Avengers, DC Universe films looked promising, a Star Wars sequel trilogy was finally being made, and there was an air of innocence still remaining with social media and internet hype. The Fappening, Gamergate, and then the 2016 Election popped that bubble. The internet is a lot more cynical now, a lot more angry and out for blood. Excitement has been replaced with outrage, hype with pessimism.


>took 50 seconds to trigger leftypol

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I've got some bad news for you.

Well Sup Forums keeps saying it's going to flop so I expect it to be a massive success

>people saying its going to flop
nobody in the thread is saying that

>Standing on the left side of the runway was my battle-worn X-wing fighter. Parked on the right side was my DeLorean. Sitting on the runway itself was my most frequently used spacecraft, the Vonnegut. Max had already powered up the engines, and they emitted a low, steady roar that filled the hangar. The Vonnegut was a heavily modified Firefly-class transport vessel, modeled after the Serenity in the classic Firefly TV series. The ship had been named the Kaylee when I’d first obtained it, but I’d immediately rechristened it after one of my favorite twentieth-century novelists. Its new name was stenciled on the side of its battered gray hull. I’d looted the Vonnegut from a cadre of Oviraptor clansmen who had foolishly attempted to hijack my X-wing while I was cruising through a large group of worlds in Sector Eleven known as the Whedonverse.

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soy: the movie

Who is The Giant? From Twin Peaks?

Iron Giant.

There will likely be a red room reference.


Ok seriously was anyone else cringing during the trailer here? I can't relate to this normie version of geek culture.

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that scene was cut because of gun violence

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>five years
try five weeks

the BFG failed and that was a spielberg film

I'd argue it's the reception of the recent Star Wars movies that have done the most damage to nostalgia in the film industry.

I have legitimately not seen a single person hyped to see this film

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>sopmeome was paid for this

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>Chronic masturbation is fine but god forbid you use an aid like a sex doll to help get your rocks off

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It's really sad how that's actually in the book

>Firefly class ship
Pisses me off everytime

There is such a lack of goodwill towards this movie it has to flop. This cynical corporate garbage almost seems like a collective test of all of humanity's capacity to be worthwhile.

>ready player one
ready late capitalism

People think the Shadow of the Colossus one is real

imagine all the soylent he consumed

>book is about how corporations are evil
>90% of it is fellating mainstream commodities created by corporations

Jesus guys. I didn't like how the book was written either but at least the moral at the end was stop wasting your life on the internet and go outside.

When I saw the trailer and he walks into the nightclub where it's like normies partying, all I could think of was VR chat. The reality of a virtual nightclub should be ugandan knuckles harassing people, underage anime girls, weed, giant sharks and shrek.

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>my Harry Potter wand was glowing as I fought the Daleks in the mines of Moria. Little did they know that by pushing a button on its back I could turn it into a lightsaber. I cut through their mechanical bodies as I fled the mines, only to find Hannibal Lector piloting a Jaeger on the outside. Good thing Optimus Prime arrived just in time to help me defeat Lector and save Krystal from Star Fox and her trusty Pikachu. My Solid Snake grew, thinking of the threesome I would have with her later on with her and Hermione. But first I had to get into my time travelling Batmobile, I called it the Cardis, to go to the digital world and stab Skeletor with my Klingon ceremonial dagger.

Bravo, Cline.

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I don't know much about it but to me it looks like "Memberberries: The Movie"
I'll have to watch it to pass judgement.

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Why do they all have that same open mouthed look?
Its like that fish-gaping thing every SJW does

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