*ruins your franchise*
*ruins your franchise*
Other urls found in this thread:
Star Wars was never good
well, except for the video games, and a few of the novels. Anyway the movies are shit
The Prequels are kino
It's hilarious how awful it is. They're not even trying to hide the fact that it's purely a phoned in cash grab. I had to quit watching for reasons but I did watch long enough to witness the symphony of ignorance that is the bombing sequence.
>dude opens door to vacuum of space and trots away
>my man just chilling in his swivel chair while ship is ripped apart
>cables on the right enjoying gravity till the end
>Strong woman in porous fibers with exposed hands and no breathing apparatus opens door to space
lol don't worry silly boys
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Rey Meets Snoke
*teleports in front of you*
why didnt he do the face
what were the critics thinking???
>"So think JJ was bad?"
>"Wait til they meet me"
What did Rian mean by this?
>Heroic girl rests on catwalk
Whose idea wasn't it to tie their entire bombing system to remote device? You have droids that can make repairs mid-flight but you don't backup, stationary method to drops the bombs. There's more than one way to open the bomb bay doors though...
Also kek at how this bitch isn't terrified or mad but just mildly annoyed.
STRONK WOMAN and magic gravity
look at those restless legs LMAO
>I'm retarded
HERE is bonus webm
just finished watching Last Jedi... i feel gross...