ITT: Actors who elevate everything they're in just by being in it.
ITT: Actors who elevate everything they're in just by being in it
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Jeff Goldblum
John Goodman
Ryan Gosling
Morgan Freeman
Tom Hanks
Willem Dafoe
Harry Dean Stanton (may he rest in piece)
Jon Hamm?
W-what's going on over there, Aleks?
She elevates me whenever I see something she's in
his newsreaders character should've had his own show
>he doesnt know we'll retaliate
baka poor guy
Yeah he definitely knows about hentai
>makes everything autistic
Cillian Murphy
He's the reason I have to watch The Young and the Restless now.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Frances McDormand
Michael Fassbender
Julianne Moore
not gonna lie, his shitty performance in Destiny made it more fun than Nolan North's squeaker bot
He's not in enough movies i swear
Great list
>Brendan Gleeson
>Chris Pine
>Sam Rockwell
I’d also throw in Jeff Bridges, with the exception of R.I.P.D.
That shit put me right to sleep, and I like Bridges and Reynolds.
Boozed Dinklage was so hilarious, but NOOOO Destiny is super serious business guys.
>Chris pine
Okay we are being trolled here folks
I’m sorry you paid to see Star Trek, even though he was great in it I wouldn’t say that movie was worth money to see.
Hey add Bruce Greenwood to the list.
*mind controls behind you*
*cuts your nuclear deterrent*
pssh, nothin personnel, Mr. President
>there will never be a new DCU Swamp Thing where Ray Wise reprises his role as Alec Holland and then voices a CG Swamp Thing
i really love swamp thing but if and when they make one now they're going to cram in 20 other dorky dc characters nobody gives a shit about
Animal Man is really the only other one they'd need. He kind of goes together with Swamp Thing in the new comics. I just want to see Ray Wise get a big block buster movie role since he kind of got shafted in Twin Peaks S3
Also, Lance Henriksen
Alfred Molina
That hair is taller than he is.
I could never finish watching millennium. It was so good but also so fucking depressing.
He's a great actor.
He felt like he was in an entirely different movie in Tiptoes
>Black grandmas