ITT: The movie liberals don't want you to see.
ITT: The movie liberals don't want you to see
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Is this anything like the original Death Wish (the first one, not the sequels) i.e. concerned mostly with politics, rather than action scenes.
Fuck his daughter was gorgeous! I also liked when Bruce gunned down the colored drug dealer
What a fucking terrible poster.
Like this one is any better.
No rape, no suicide. Happy ending.
>literally name drops milton friedman
what did he mean by this
Fucking dropped.
That poster is just begging for a delete this edit
Fucking madman
also serious question for any Sup Forumstards that may be lurking. Why do you on one hand claim to hate globalist economics and neo-liberalism, while on the other hand worship Pinochet and keep posting Pinochet memes, when the entire point of Pinochet was the made the most extremist neo-liberal economic polices directly advised to him by Milton Friedman?
Sup Forums is a fucking huge board more so than your board. Its like saying why do Sup Forums like /reylo/ so much when its only a small minority faggot nigger ass
Why DOES Sup Forums like /reylo/ so much?
it was boring
i know that jews were kvetching about how the russian mobsters in this were jews.
But the group that claims to hate neo-liberalism (the alt-right) is the same as the group that keeps memeing Pinochet. It doesn't make sense since Pinochet was literally by definition economically neo-liberal.
Because it is very satisfying to drop commie faggots out of helicopters.
>murder is totally okay if it's murdering people I dislike!!!
The mind of a psychopath.
kys neckbeard
by that logic you should love Stalin and Mao since they killed more communists than any other person in history
The official movie of the alt-right
I'll probably see it this week
That's not a poster, that looks like a bargain bin DVD cover
That's where this alt-right Trumpcuck shitflick belongs. In the bargain bin.
yea right next to your mom
Stalin killed plenty of decent whites too.
But agreed, Mao was pretty funny.
That's not true. Most alt-righters meme Hitler, most libertarians meme Pinochet. The problem with a term like "alt right" is that it encompasses practically everything outside of mainstream cuckservatism, including lobertarians.
This looks anti-soy as fuck, i hope the screener leaks soon and don't even care if it's HCsub
Except bronsons acting was a thing of understated beauty while willis wasnt good since the fifth element
Willis wasn't even good IN The Fifth Element. Jovovich carried that movie.
there wasnt any suicide in the 1st 1
reviewers are already shitting on it and they dont even seem to be aware that its a remake.
It was the most entertaining movie that I have seen in awhile. Liberals can go fuck themselves.
Same thing happened with Flatliners. Granted, I'm not sure if Flatliners is any good and I don't care as I have no interest in it, but it just underlines how retarded film "critics" are. I notice most of them decide to hate a movie long before it's even out. And if you go into a movie looking for a reason to hate it, you will find something to hate.
Actual original poster is good
That's not really fair, every single 70s movie had a fucking fantastic poster.
There is literally no such thing as the alt right. Alt Right is a term that was made up by CNN to lump in everyone who disagreed with the narrative they were pushing, it encompasses everyone from Classical Liberals like Dave Rubin (a gay, married jew) to isolationists to disaffected leftists who have been thrown under the bus by the current DNC.
It's literally just a buzzword that means "Everyone who disagrees with leftwing extremism".
I wanted it to be good, I assumed that the bad press was just Jews Jewing, but it's just a flatout bad movie. There's no depth to the story whatsoever and several aspects that don't make any sense.
>by CNN
Richard Spencer made it up you fucking idiot. If you don't like the alt-right term maybe you should be spurning that retard but you can't because your forces are dwindling and you need every ally you can get.
Are you really this stupid? Really??,
Have you seen the original or are you a pleb who doesn't watch movies made pre-2000?
Checkmate libturds
Who the fuck is Richard Spencer? Oh wait, he's literally nobody.
Shut the fuck up Trumpcuck.
Carson actually.
The fuck? Why?
Can you make one for Bright?
i dont even know what that is
Because his running mate was Alan Keyes, who is an extremely intelligent man and an excellent policy maker who has a great habit of absolutely demolishing Obama in debates.
You don't know what Bright is? We've had hundreds of threads on that movie.
Basically, it's Training Day with orcs.
I'm really wanting to see it mostly because the only criticism anyone had for it was
Even though every single news outlet has already completely forgot that anything happened and has moved on to the next big, shiny story to distract everyone.
At least until the next school shooting in a month or less.
ITT films no one wants to see.
Not interested in seeing a geriatric action star.
Well Trump's trying to sweep the gun violence thing under the rug by whining about video games because the NRA is paying him big bucks.
not like i browse this board that often, I was just looking for what people were saying about Death WIsh.
Fucking retards. You should want to see it because the original Death Wish is a great film and you're curious to know if this is a worthy remake.
videogame industry or the NRA, which do you think has more money to pay someone off honestly?
Who cares? Video games have nothing to do with gun violence.
thats not the point I was making, its not like trump needs the money in the 1st place
The Republican party certainly does.
Communists aren't people.
>people I don't like aren't people!
The mind of a psychopath.