Holy shit bros
Holy shit bros
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bitch head about to fly straight off she neck
I know, she's awful
I think mind hunter wants to bang her
Aside from the episodes directed by Fincher this show was fucking terrible.
I'd fill her up with dick even though she thinks she's a "lesbian", if you get my drift.
Best girl
it's fucking great
the fuck are you on about
his name's not mindhunter
Holden was the definition of a Mary Sue
His girlfriend subplot was the most pointless thing I've ever seen on top of her being a terrible actress
Why was the OP chick being a lesbian important or needed at all? It was in like 2 episodes then never brought up again.
She literally lectures Tench on trannies and crossdressing and how it's normal...in the 70s
Among other things. The kikes that make these shows are literally incapable of leaving their political opinions at the door.
It's about character developement dude
You do know it's a tv show right? There's going to be a second season
>you will never pummel her hard and make her addicted to the cock
Can someone explain the cat feeding scenes? I'm a brainlet
There was zero character development in this show. Holden was exactly the same in episode 1 as he was in episode 10 and his relationship ending didn't affect him at all.
Tench had no character development. He was just the hardened agent to Holden's gumshoe.
Lesbo had no character development. She was a bitch from minute one, by the book the entire time. She left her old hag of a girlfriend for no reason in the middle of dinner without ever talking to her and she fed a stray cat for 6 episodes.
Only Fincher managed to make the show interesting because at least he's a master of suspense.
Uh, yea it is...
They were fucking pointless.
>oh no I'm single now
>I'm going to feed a stray cat for half the season that we never see
She thinks there's a cat, but there really wasn't.
She thinks there's a problem with Holden's approach, but __________________
fuck this trash
the cat feeding scenes were absolute kino but completely pointless
Why are brainlets still allowed to post here?
It's symbolic of her learning the nuances of the interview process.
wish she did full frontal pussy scenes!
>but ....it was a cat serial killer all along
Oh okay cool thanks user. Thanks for hunting my mind
in what way? you can't just say it's symbolic when it really isn't
She is a no nonsense go by the book type. By plying the cat with food she learns that a little tact works wonders.
Brainlets are Mindhunters only weakness.
hey. It's agent demum
anna is based