this might help you make the right answer
What are your thoughts on current taxes
Been thinking and it always feels like taxes are just a convoluted system with diminishing returns on money staying in the private sector. You buy something, bam sales tax. The company pays its employees whose salaries are then hit by income tax. They spend their money, sales tax, paying other people's salaries, income tax etc, all in some scheme to give the government more and more money as it is siphoned from the private sector for any transaction you make. Track $10 and it all returns to the government eventually.
i mean if they can print unlimited money why do they need rs
the obvious reason that printing money makes the rest of it worth less.
that's ra dude
Should be zero.
yeah dude horus is on the left ra is on the right
Thats right and you are a post above this one and you are a dumb nigger
i have a headache for 4 days and counting and y ou are trying to make it hurt more with your incapability of reasoning dumb nigger
Anyways you are a dumb nigger
thank you based sammy. now i truly understand what it means to be an AnCap (anarchist and capitalist). tax it all.
Me too, thanks.