Watching kino with practice gf

>watching kino with practice gf
>she keeps talking and commenting on the movie while I'm genuinely trying to watch

How to fix this?

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Does it go on forever or are they just small thoughts or observations?
What the fuck is a practice gf?

stick your dick in her mouth while you watch the movie

Newfag PLEASE go.

I'm not a newfag you nigger lover you go.
Seriously what the fuck is a practice gf????

what do you think it is user? :)

have a nice, calm and sensible talk with your gf about your/her wants and needs

only watch kino alone, you sped

It's a realdoll isn't it?

>What the fuck is a practice gf?
Fucking virgin

>shut the fuck up bitch i'm trying to watch
>pause the movie
>ask her to tell you a story that is more entertaining than the movie

>practice gf
that's mean user

his sister

Kiss her

punching her in the throat usually works fine for me

Im guessing practice gf means your girlfriend (male)?

You cram your cock in there.

Attached: ahegao.jpg (540x664, 102K)

is it legal to be this cute?

let it slide and then slide it in
the movie is a bust at this point

>practice gf


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