Social Justice Club

I joined this Social Justice Club at my school, basically /leftypol/. A big circlejerk about how Trump is a mean and mocking Trump supporters (The one who did, got his porch shit on and his Clinton Kaine sign destroyed.)

Today they were talking about the election. They took a tally on who supports Clinton and who supports Trump. Surprise Surprise it was 1v13. They all knew they could out leftist me. When they made their argument, I was respectful and didn't say anything. When I made mine they were literally acting like chimpanzees. No one could hear me for the next 2 topics. Then the final topic was immigration and such. Many people felt that "Murica is based on immigration so why should should that change?" I brought up how I'm partially Native ( 40%) and how the white man basically came as peaceful people, yet in the end destroyed the culture and the people. Also how if they want to solve poverty, instead of saying "Let them have the jobs no one wants" maybe you should give the poor citizens those jobs?

No one listened and they all mocked me for being native and just were repeating what I said in a sarcastic mocking tone.

My question is: Why are leftist like this and how can I better combat it?

Why aren't you joining them to subvert and destroy them? It's long overdue that we start using Alinsky's playbook against them.

Or at least covertly ID and snitch on the lot of them when they do stupid, illegal shit or otherwise use it to destroy the reputations of members involved at random.

I did a similar thing once to some antifa thugs in my uni days, got two of the fuckers locked up as well for beating up a police officer at a protest. I got pictures of them posing with a helmet and epaulette on the coach home without their balaclavas on. Safe to say, they were fucked when the police got that alongside their names and addresses a few weeks later.

you sound like a bitch desu

Because some faggot gave me away. He literally shouts "HEY AREN'T YOU THAT KID WHO LIKES HITLER AND HATES BLACK PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

keep going there and try to convert them over time

>Not following the God Emperor's example, and saying wrong over every incorrect statement.

And that's why you lost.

I wanted to make myself presentable. I'll do it next time. I'll make him proud.

With a shotgun. It really doesn't matter if you pin a leftist down on a point, even if you can overcome their unwillinglness to accept conclusions based on evidence then they will simply resort to amnesia to forget everything you "convinced" them of.

They are weak of will, betas who cannot help but conform to the groupthink

You didn't feel this was important enough to mention earlier?

...and that's why you don't sperg out in any environment they can ID you in.

In future join groups outside your usual area or social circle and don't use social media or at least a false account. Wherever possible use a pseudonym.

Top tip: Don't talk about the Nazis. Choose your battles, you are going to instantly alienate people if you start with things well outside the Overton Window. Start small and work up, it is a long term process to de commiefy people.

I should probably tell them I'm not a National Socialist (I am to an extent). As well as coming up with reasons why I'm not idk anymore

Do it m8, go full trump
>The finger of serious points
>Ok symbol by the head
>Crooked Hillary
>Big league

I always reveal my power level too fast

I usually mix in my power level with batshit crazy things, so no one can actually tell what I think. This slow exposure has helped some people be exposed to redpills without realising it.

You've got to be a sarky prick to pull it off though

I had a chance to mention the black on black gun crime and how they're the ones increasing the violence and they were going after the rich and I should've mentioned who the (((rich))) actually are. However, I have a Jewish teacher and that most likely would not go over well at all!

I would have inflitraited their group and subverted them with Stirnist ideology.

Kek agrees. Slow and steady, you can wear them down, don't be too controversial but eventually you'll know when to speak. Good luck out there brother

Pray to kek for guidance and help defeating them?

only edgelords actually pray to kek


Kek confirms his religion is made up of edgelords

You can't stoop to their level and win. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately.

>only edgelords actually pray to kek
Only edgelords actually pray to god