Why did he hate white people so much when it was:

why did he hate white people so much when it was:

>black people who killed his father
>black people who caused literally all the suffering in his life

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How did his ancestors have kids if they jumped off slave ships and drowned?

Not only that, but also conveniently chose to ignore that black slavery was rampant by the time white people started buying them.
Literally sold by other black slavers.
Also, made no fucking sense that he even identified with black slaves, that bitch came from royal blood from wakanda. They were never slaves.

He hated white people for subjucation his people
He hated Wakanda for not helping his people out
Why can't Sup Forums into basic narrative

It was niggers that sold nigger slaves to whites. Whites paid for them.

It was Arabs mostly.

He was only half wakanda. His mother was a slave

>being too fucking stupid to understand a capeshit movie
how is this even possible

We were never shown his mother though. Could have been white for all we know.

So he doesn't give a shit about black slavery in africa, which is still happening to this day.

He doesn’t hate white people he just hated people in power and wanted to overthrow governments so he would rule everything “correctly”

He grew up as a poor foster kid in LA in the 90's. Back then, in that area, racism was still pretty in your face and brutal. White cops used to beat the shit out of black guys back then for no reason. Shit was crazy.

It's metaphorical for the ancestors of black people in general

The irony is, that Wakanda, and all the actors on set are East African, but the slavery happened in West Africa

>give huge incentives to mass enslave
>hurr white people dindu nuffin

And it was white people who brought them to America, made them work as slaves here, then fought a war to keep them as saves. Then refused equal rights to their former slaves, designing laws specifically to target black people and imprison them. White people also refused home loans to black people trying to live in white neighborhoods, and gave them predatory, high interest loans in all black neighborhoods. And for thriving black neighborhoods, white people went in and took their homes and businesses for "urban redevelopment", forcing black people into shitty project housing.

Basically, racists created the crime ridden ghettos they complain about now.

>for no reason
american blacks are out of control

>self aware

whites ended slavery, african today still practice it
be grateful, negro

>meanwhile slavery in africa is at an all time high, children are forced into fighting for warlords, etc.
what this dumb nigger mean by this?

Hahahaha his mother was black/African-American not a slave, but yeah that was what he meant about his ancestors.

the wh*Toid sub human fears the alpha KARA BOGA

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little disingenuous nigger

Because that's what people do, blame another group for their suffering instead of taking responsibility. Black people blame white people, white people blame the Jews.

Mad that he couldn't grow a decent beard.

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>>meanwhile slavery in africa is at an all time high, children are forced into fighting for warlords, etc.
literally this, what the fuck.
You have to remember this movie was made by and for american blacks, which are different to their african cousins.
I doubt a real african would have ignored the rampant slavery in Africa.

It's Oakland you fuck.

Blacks completely ruined places like Detroit and Baltimore. So we're even.

Also: The reason youre liberal paragons in the MSM bark about blacks not getting good home loans is because they want those blacks to get the loans so that the blacks can move out of the city and the liberal white urbanites don't have to live amongst them.

Man, you should feel lucky white people abolished slavery and let people like you enjoy the things they build, instead of making you do the only good thing you are good at - tend to the farm at the behest of the white master. What have you done with your freedom? Complain and whine to the people that gave you everything. You're directionless apes and you need a higher authority figure to guide you.

The previous rulers of WICvoucher stood by and did nothing as the whites raped Africa. So he hates both

A true hero

>The previous rulers of WICvoucher stood by and did nothing as the whites raped Africa.
Also stood by while other Africans and Arabs enslaved other Africans.
But that gets no mention.

what the fuck is that nick cannon

the reality tv show host is a movie star? LOL

media told him to

Dumb pol nigger

It’s realistic. There’s lots of blacks that blame whites for their problems but in reality they caused most of them themselves

Whitey always behind everything.

Also it's a civil war between niggas and black people.

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Prove one thing he said is wrong. Oh you can’t? Back to your containment board, mantitis.

His father is from Wakanda, but we don't know where his mother is from.

he didn't hate just white people. He hated that his 'people' are subjects of the lower classes and suffering all around the world. He blamed whoever's in power in that nation or area where niggers suffer. He also clearly hated Wakanda and wanted to reform it to the point where it would have been unrecognizable.

And you know, he's the villian, so it's not like the movie is advocating his view point. Surly Sup Forums would have been sympathetic if the chips were turned and white people where being oppressed all around the world, both historically and in present day.

just saying

It didn't happen in other countrys and crime rate is still stupidly high and they need extra attention

>implying mayonnaise boys never did anything wrong to black people in America

>fight bloodiest war in nations history to free slaves and occupy half the US with federal soldiers for years to make sure the south doesn't keep their slaves
>niggers still complain
What more do you want, besides a welfare check

>and gave them predatory, high interest loans in all black neighborhoods
when they stopped doing that it literally caused the modern recession...


Seriously though, the best way to pander to blacks is to be anti-white.


clearly he’s talking about the ancestors on his mothers side

automobile industry leaves detroit and white flight takes place

> its the niggers fault

white people will never self reflect on the harm they’ve caused blacks. all while unironically blaming jews for all their shortcomings

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>black people will never self reflect on the harm they’ve caused themselves. all while unironically blaming whites for all their shortcomings

ftfy :^)

>occupy South
>the second Federal troops leave the South treats blacks like shit with Jim Crow and terrorism

You fucks made niggers


Like taking them away from the shithole that is Africa, giving them shelter, giving them food, giving them clothing, giving them education in exchange for menial labor, and after fighting a bloody war of brothers, giving them 40 acres and a mule?

Niggers are the biggest crybaby wimps to ever walk the Earth

>muh Jim Crow
>muh KKK

Why are you bringing up past Democrat deeds? Also it's obvious that diversity will never work, it's why races self-segregate like in Prisons and Churches

More black people were killed at the hands of other blacks in 2013 than they were by the entire lifespan of KKK.

>sure, I kept you locked in my basement for 20 years, but I let you go eventually!

This, Sup Forumsfags are retarded as usual

the ships were owned by merchant jews, whites only bought them, and later on released them

This is a good post. What are niggers doing with their freedom?

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>weez dindu nuffin, save us whitey!

Hiroshima recovered quicker from a nuclear bomb than a nigger lives infestation. That says it all

Why did Shuri leave him a suit to use? I thought she was supposed to be the smartest person on the planet.

>apolitical murder
>equal to "if you vote, I'll kill you and your family"

Rightards everyone.

What makes this thread Sup Forums? OP didn't even use the word niggers, he called them black people.

All I see is someone that doesn't understand the plot of the movie. Are both of you insane?

>tfw he looks EXACTLY like the nigger who bullied me in school


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>there is good murder
>and bar murder
All murder is bad

Smoking crack, shooting each other, robbing liquor stores, using their food stamps on processed trash like Cheetos and grape soda

>tell your fellow hoodlums you're gonna vote for Trump
>get shot

Really makes you think

>murders only matter if they're political

This, Libtards don't know the difference. It's why they murder children and then try to protect criminals on deathrow

you can literally buy a person for $400 today in countries in north Africa

if America never got involved sure it would have spared many lives but it also wouldn't have brought them forward in a social evolutionary sense.

It’s just another case of their narcissism showing. It’s always going to be all about them. They literally can’t bring themselves to acknowledge that it was Europeans and their former American colonies who chose to abolish slavery of their own accord.

>white people
Jews you mean. Jews controlled the trans-atlantic slave trade. Whites were just the muscle on the ships to control the enslaved blacks. I know it may be hard to swallow but Jews are literally behind everything that is terrible in human history from slavery to genocides.

>but it also wouldn't have brought them forward in a social evolutionary sense.

But look how many strides Africa has made since slavery. This kid would be riding around armored rhinos and have antigravity orbs if it wasn't for white devils

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*trap music starts playing*

>O-other people also had s-slaves
>W-We dindu nuffin

The white trash pol narrative, everyone.

>super dense meteor falls on africa
>instead of being dead we wuz inventors and geniuses and shiet

>White corrupt government and corporate leaders are interested in destroying Libya
>Slavery comes back, bcs no state institutions to prevent it


>pol Nazi can't refute other anons argument
>Instantly moves goal post

Well done. Now tell me about your superior IQ.

read the comics, shitlord

the meteor mutated the area, which made the surrounding rich in nature and their brains highly advanced (so white people's level of advancement)
Black Panther donates monthly to mutant protection centers all over the world.

>have unparalleled upper hand in technology
>still chuck spears with shields and barefoot n shiet


His mother was White

it was the jews that were buying, transporting, and selling black slaves
get your facts straight

>o-only white pipo slavery matters

The White trash left narrative, everyone.

Source: the human rectum

Nope, his ancestors jumped ship so this mean his dad jumped off ship, and left his pregnant mother on the ship which later on gave birth to him.

Here’s my thing:

I think this movie is massively, MASSIVELY overhyped. It’s bog-standard Disney capeshit with their patented mediocre to outright bad CGI shot almost entirely on green screen in the wilds of deepest, darkest Atlanta. It borrows heavily not only from the earlier films, but other stories, like The Lion King and Killmonger is basically Kobe from Planet if the Apes. It has leaps in logic and continuity that have become the stock-in-trade of Disney’s poorly constructed, low-effort treatment of their Marvel IPs and the cinematic universe they inhabit.


If the Black community wants to embrace it as some sort of sea change of politics, social justice, and cheering a hero that their youth can identify with, then make it fucking count. Drop the bullshit ghetto thug culture and the crab mentality that shits on intellect and courtesy as “trying to be white.” Have some motherfucking pride. Try to be Wakanda. Try to make it real. Fucking try.

Ball’s in your court.

>meteor hits area
>after unspecified timeskip afterwards the tribes settle on it

>pol can not understand this

Shocking. As allways, these people are infesting other boards with their barrage of low IQ aids.

Yh no the Caribbean is proof niggers create violent shitholes on their own. You see Tyrone the only reason you have buildings or sanitation us due to whites. If we were as evil as you say we are we would have forced you negros to live in the wilderness of this country and build everything you need to live with your own hands.

What are you on about?

What argument? It was just more crying about Whitey and deflecting black people of all responsibility. If everyone left Detroit but blacks, why does it look like an apocalyptic hellscape and not Wakanda?

not what happens, read the comics, shitlord

yeeeee broooo gimme more meteors cuz it makes me smart and not kill me *smokes weed*

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>I try to relativize my ethnicities crimes by mentioning bad things also happened elsewhere.

Nice argument there, trailer park subhuman.

>no reason
I lived through the 90s you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.

>if my mom and dad killed themselves today I'd suddenly stop existing

The absolute state of Sup Forums

White people were a stepping stone to overthrow to complete his black state, they're joined by Asians and everyone else who doesn't fit into his African controlled world. Including blacks who don't join him.

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>imagine being african american and parading around in african garb like you know anything about it or have any relation to it.

Source: his dad betrayed his race to stick it to Wakanda

Wrong, he had no ancestors on slave ships which is why that line is retarded. Killmonger is a halfbreed trying to prove he's really black, like Obama

Jews brought them to America. So your very first statement is wrong.

>MCU Wakanda
>States this explicitely in intro

>pol can not understand this

Wew, you are cancer to every board, aren't you ?

this post doesn't make any sense, try again user. Maybe make a MSPaint with the "timeline" of the events.

he is of rightful wakandan blood prince, shitlord. read the comic