Is this a show normies are going to talk about? It got quite a bit of mainstream shilling

Is this a show normies are going to talk about? It got quite a bit of mainstream shilling.

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>Normie trying not to be one

You live a sad life

it's actually a good show, made me laugh many times, still better than any of those unoriginal copy paste shows that seth macfarlane does.

From the thumbnail I though it was holding its dick.

Id be fine.with that, I love futa

Nobody's falling for the viralling, thankfully.

if one thread is viralling I don't even want to know what the 8 current Rick and meme threads mean

The handwringing on twitter and the like about cartoon genitalia doesn’t seem to have found its way into proper reviews. 100% on RT.

Good. It's a pretty great show.

I have to thing only people who bitch about it are underage fags who find it threatening because they haven't hit puberty yet.

Seems like a lot of people are bothered by the art style. I liked it a fair amount though. Lots of comedians I like. Basically all CBB people.

Yeah that's the crutch they fall back on.

But complaining about the animation in a low budget writing-centric cartoon is like bitching about old school Dr. Who episodes having poor special effects and sets and costumes. It misses the point entirely and just makes you a cunt.

Most adult orientied shows have hideous art styles. Why is it only a problem for Big Mouth?

It's not one thread, there are several threads every day that are "Wow this show is totally crazy offensive guys, you gotta watch!!!!" and "It's actually really good, give it a chance!!!", and I'm not just talking about here, I'm talking on Twitter and every forum.

Good point, user. There's no way people could actually have like opinions and stuff about a new cartoon.

This show has purpose bealive it or not.

I'm sure a good chunk of the teenage and young adults still misunderstand sex and sexuality. It doesn't help that modern media is saturated with sex and it really doesn't help that the education of sex is primitive and misleading.

The show is a bit gross and the art style is meh but maybe that's the point.

I think if this existed when I was 13 it would have helped alleviate some of my anxieties. Also probably would have made me fuck my pillow though.

Stop shilling it, shill.

>Why is it only a problem for Big Mouth?

I think it's because it's Netflix and we all expect them to do better since they clearly have the budget for it

shut the fuck up already, speak English.

>they clearly have the budget for it

Netflix is over $20,000,000,000 in debt.

Nice imaginary figures, nigger.

I actually would have really appreciated it, too. Puberty was a scary time where I grew up and parents in my town decided against sex ed being allowed at school so instead a lot of my friends decided to "experiment" with each other, get someone pregnant, and drop out of school to raise the kids at 14. They unironically believed you couldn't get pregnant your first time, staning up, or drinking Coca Cola and spread it around school. Didn't work out so well. One girl had a baby at 11. Another thought she was dying when she got her period and freaked out since no one told her about it. Parents telling us over and over again not to have sex until marriage because Jesus also didn't work out so well. By 15 pretty much no one was a virgin.

>Netflix is over $20,000,000,000 in debt.
I wish. Then Trump can give the world wide web a bailout like the auto industry and banks.

user, Netflix is 20 billion dollars in debt. You can look it up.

It doesn't mean Netflix is insolvent or bankrupt. This is what big companies to. They cycle back and forth between debt and profit. Right now they've invested a lot in differnet productions. Later the revenue will come in.

>god dammit!,why do you guys keep talking about this new cartoon!?
The absolute state of neo-Sup Forumsumblr

The Netflix revenue is subscription based and therefore mostly constant, right?

I think their subscription revenue is pretty solid, yeah, but corporations that big have money elsewhere that you'd never expect based on just the products they sell.

The episode where happens the"headpusher" was an interesting and intelligent comment(I'm not say genius just good) about Consent

What third world country? Cause they push sex ed starting in 7th grade here in the US.
admit it Sup Forums you'd wish you could go back to these times and change a few things.
>sleep at you best friends house and lust after his sister
>having your first crush
>discovering porn for the first time

The joke about about the gay kid and the crippled kid being offended for not being included in the holocaust dance train was pretty good.

I'm a gayfag who thinks Sup Forums is retarded, but US education about WW2 and the holocaust is nothing but "muh six billion jews!" while ignoring everything else.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums actually liked this steaming pile of shit, as this is the same board that praised Neo Yokio after Sup Forums and Sup Forums threw it away

well i do.
And i wish they get enough viewers so they have to make 4 seasons

What did you think about the gay kid in general? I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity that they made his character seemingly immune to the problems of puberty. Maybe if they do another season they can make him more than just a punchline machine.

It was here in the US but quite a while ago in an extremely rural area, they did "abstinence only" sex education and taught nothing about biology, all they taught was "don't have sex." They didn't even teach us what sex was. They also taught that we would go to Hell if we were gay but not what "gay" meant.

>quite a while ago in an extremely rural area
So, making shit up then? Because any media outlet would have loved to jump all over that. All the way back to the early 90's. I got family in Alabama, West Virginia, and South Carolina. 90% of them are Confederate flag wearing people. Some "go into town" every few MONTHS. And not one of them have ever claimed anything like that happening in their schools.

>not lusting over your best friend
Honestly that was more of a college feel anyway

>Because any media outlet would have loved to jump all over that.

This was the 80s and it was an extremely tiny town. Before the Internet, these stories didn't get much attention. I'm sure it would have been different if it happened today.

user, the same thing happened during the Bush administration, anal sex, STD, and pregnancy rates went up, and the media DID report on it.

Southern religious republican states are so fucking stupid, they do this shit over and over, while having the highest teen.pregnancy rate, and most stds.but REFUSE to change anything.

Sex ed is a.regional thing, the.fucking schools decide what to teach, independent of even each other regardless that they are in the same state.

So basically like my comment above, retarded Christians keep doing stupid shit that's proven not to work, and yet they just keep hoping it will

>praised Neo yokio

Last thread I saw it was shitting on it, then again I saw the thread the day after it aired.

Not that user but I think the show is mediocre at best, I got a chuckle here and there but it was nothing too groundbreaking.

He was just a bland gay stereotype and nothing more. The episode with the other kid worried about being gay was more interesting.

Someone being that openly camp gay at that age is also a little retarded.

>all the pedophiles in this thread right now

Shit the Fuck up Faggot, there are fucking two times total that show children's genitals, and im a non-sexual way.
Besides once they hit puberty its hebe, not pedo you normie scum

Ssshh, don't let logic get in the way of Sup Forums's circlejerking.

Well, you know, the slippery slop is a fallacy.

>So, making shit up then?
Not him, but guess I lived in a parallel universe then.

Palin's daughter getting pregnant was absolute classic.
It's like a joke writing itself.
The way they shotgunned the poor boy into marriage made me almost feel sorry for him.