Is this Cartoon Network and cartoons in general at their lowest...

Is this Cartoon Network and cartoons in general at their lowest, they will never be as good as they were during the 90s and 00s

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the only show I will watch is OK KO

OK KO is good faggot.
Craig doesn't look bad either.

If unikitty ends up retaining the cleverness and charm of the movie, I can see it being pretty okay. Apple and onion is a guaranteed flop, what were they smoking to greenlight that?

Ivandoe looks like it might be interested, if its and actual quest show with progression over time a LA avatar, as opposed to just an episodic hurr I'm a furry formula.

For me, CN will die when AT ends

Ok ko is nice so far, but it's only 1 show, CN has an atrocious lineup for 2018.

>judging cartoons before you've seen them or reviews of them
user plz.


Craig looks like Clyde...without the glasses. Not only that! But it looks a lot progressive than Clarence, I mean Clarence have autism. Unlike this nigga, his more street smart.

Which one looks good or promising to you, may I ask?

What a load of hot garbage. What is with all these nu-males making these crappy magic realism shows?

Craig of the creek better be something like Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Clarence was a disappointment.

>it has to be exactly what I want it to be
Fuck off nigger.

Hit a nerve? :^)

No, but you're a fag for sure

Only if you want me to be bby ;333

OK K.O. is on now, but when do the rest premier? Not until 2018?

Summer Island Camp is just the one show that doesn't seem to fit with CN's neo-Calarts/flash animated brand, apparently

>Apple & Onion
Dead on arrival. It won't last.
>Summer Camp Island
At most, it'll be really divisive, with people either loving it or hating it. Nothing special, but nothing bad either.
>Prince Ivandoe
Could be good. The art gives of the same vibe as Gumball, which gives me hope
>Craig of the Creek
Also has potential, but will probably push some sort of agenda
Decent, but the references can get old after a while
Likely mediocre, considering it can be classified as a toy cartoon

Unikitty seems to be coming late 2017, so soon. Rest 2018, yes.

apple and onion made me giggle, hope it succeeds

Cartoons in general very obviously peaked in the 2000s, and have been falling off a cliff since then. Don't blame just CN for something that actually happened industry-wide.

>Sup Forums hates Unikitty now.

>Falling off a cliff

Bojack Horseman, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Ducktales, and Rick and Morty say otherwise.

Gravity Falls I agree with, but see The rest? I am not shitting you, I simply cannot watch them. Modern cartoon writing is so forced in general, to say nothing of other problems like artstyles.

CN died when AT began.

>shitting on OK KO
Do you hate fun?

well most of the AT crew are moving onto Summer Camp Island

It revived the channel actually
Dunno, the animation is unbearable

I'm actually optimistic about everything in that picture except apple and onion

Summer camp island looks fucking horrendous

That's the only one I'm looking forward to.

nope, it doesn't look that bad actually.

At least the storyboard looks fine

Holy shit the CalArts meme was true. I should've listened.

>Bojack Horseman, Steven Universe, and Rick and Morty


Hey now, Bojack Horseman is a great show.

Place your bets, everyone.
>Which one dies off first?
>Which one surprisingly lasts the longest?
>Which one is the cash cow?

Who gives a shit, the final product is what you actually watch. NuPPG has some good storyboards, doesn't mean the final result isn't hot garbage.

>I've never actually watched any of aforementioned things but I'm totally an expert and they suck xdddd

Apple & Onion
>Regular Show but cringer
Heroic Quest
Craig of the Creek
>Horse Show: Origami Boogaloo

With all that you just add guaranteed incompetence and you have nuCN in a nutshell.

The only decent from that line up is OK KO! and I can tell you from miles that Summer Camp Island will be your new SU with less powers and more Tumblr. I just hope Craig of the Creek will be decent too.

For the rest: shove them up your ass, CN.

>Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Ducktales, and Rick and Morty

Oh, I've tried.

And failed.

Craig of the creek looks decent and OK KO is lovely, also I'm reserving judgement on Unikitty until I see it.
But yeah, A+O and Summer Camp Island look like trash and the heroic quest looks forgettable.

This reminds me of moomins.
The fact that the show proper still looks like shit makes me angry!

Apple and Onion
Summer Camp island

>NuPPG has some good storyboards
I don't believe you.

Cartoon Network never died

But we all know that Sup Forums will go crazy on all of them if they all have slightly attractive girl characters in them.

Cartoon Network is specifically trying to appeal to children, not to you. The age of spergs watching regular show and adventure time is over.

If the creators are smart they'll know to feature one like KO does. Masturbators on the internet make for a loyal fanbase.

NO, the late 2000s was the lowpoint of Cartoon Network: TOM 4, Fried Dynamite, Out of Jimmy's Head, CN Real, Fall is just something that grown-ups invented, Johnny Test endless reruns, etc.

I'll watch Unikitty for the business.

>Summer Camp Island
Who thought it was okay for something to look like this and air on tv?

Blame the current state of the internet. People can get anything that they want from Netflix Hulu or Amazon. Why bother with regular TV when I ain't shit on there anyway? People prefer the binge method of watching things now, constant hiatus and reruns killed the vibe.

note that the screenshot we have is from the pilot

>but will probably push some sort of agenda
Be honest, is the only reason you're saying that because you see a black kid.

Are there any previews for the unikitty show yet? I'm really curious on how it will turn out and I want to see something that I'll be able to make a good judgement on

So what is Summer Camp Island about?

Kids at a weird camp. Here's a clip.

>Fall is just something that grown-ups invented
As an adult who loves Autumn, yes.

This. I can go onto various different streaming sites (legal or illegal) and watch almost any show I want. Why wait for Nick, Disney XD, CN, or other cable channels to only air a specific show at a certain timeframe?

Prince Ivandoe looks charming. I already like the theme song:

Cute characters.

It looks fun and charming. We Bear Bares has had success in that department and looks like they want to go in that direction.

What cartoon starring a black kid didn't? I'm not trying to be snarky, I just genuinely have never seen one.

Apple and onion, summer camp island, and craig of the creek all look like poorly written shit. Cant wait to see them fail and have CN be forced to make infinity train and villainous.

What's with the facebook-tier nostalgia posts lately?

It's made by matt burnette. Agenda is all but assured

someone pull the plug

Why does Summer Camp Island look like it was focus tested for special needs children?

>What cartoon starring a black kid didn't? I'
Proud Family

What Agenda did Doc Mcstuffins push? Black people love toys and can fix things?

Guaranteed successful

Oh that makes sense, that's probably why I liked it desu desu

>Proud Family
You didn't watch the fucking show did you? They were the first cartoon to, while it wasn't actually at the forefront of the public lexicon then, tackle the supposed problem of islamophobia.

This is actually something I didn't consider. I mean, I don't quite know if it counts because 3D animation, but it makes enough sense.

Disney forced Nee to make Doc black.

That deer is cute.

Fuck man, and here I thought I actually found one at last that wasn't.

Fat Albert?

The Jackson 5?

That's not cute.

>If Unikitty ends up retaining the charm and cleverness of the movie, I could see it being okay

Too bad it looks like it's going to be Teen Titans Go 2.0

CN won't die until TTGO stops having the occasional good episodes

I'm really sad how cartoon network is heading off recently. These shows (besides 1-2 shows are decent) look like shit.

>no male gems is sexist

How is this any different than "no female characters is sexist"?


I'd be willing to bet most of the people asking for male gems are either girls who want more appealing husbandos than the townies or feminists expecting that men will be the real cause of gem society's problems because how else could a matriarchy go bad?

Because minorities can do no wrong you silly billy. And if they do, its obviously because of the white patriarchy.

the tumblr audience is kicking in

get ready for le epic lolsorandum shows and cringy emotional porn

>Apple and Onion got greenlit

Creativity is dead.

I miss when Cartoon Network went with thick outlines for most of their shows.

>doesn't support good shows until it's too late
>predicts everything will be terrible and is frequently wrong
nu-Sup Forums is Sup Forums2.0

>nu-Sup Forums is Sup Forums2.0

Nah. We don't say reddit enough, outside of R&M threads.

males are a minority?

Deer Prince doesn't look like total shit.

I feel like Apple and Onion is going to blow everyone away..

>CN is at its lowest point
So are we going to forget that Stuart Snyder canceled Fridays and the original Toonami, then tried to make CN Real a thing, we are? Okay.

Sup Forums here, we're not doing much better unfortunately but at least the school battle harems are finally dying out.

I'd take 10000 seasons of Unikitty over a single second of this.

I feel like these are happrning anyway

So is this it? Are cartoons finally ded in the US?

OK K.O.! is the only one of those shows that is out at the moment