The Last Jedi is the MGS2 of Star Wars. In ten years it will be seen as a post modern masterpiece

The Last Jedi is the MGS2 of Star Wars. In ten years it will be seen as a post modern masterpiece.

Attached: 21.png (466x326, 334K)

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This but unironically

>In ten years it will be seen as a post modern masterpiece.
pretty much

this but ironically.

MGS2 is not so bad if skip all the coded conversations with Rose and a few cutscenes.

That's what the La Li Lu Le Lo want you to think.

Excellent work minion. here is your payment.

Attached: Disney Shill detected.jpg (620x387, 47K)

Attached: OP medical condition.png (500x368, 100K)

(Un)Ironically these

In ten years it will be forgotten for whatever new popular trash is playing. Probably still starwars and capeshit