The Last Jedi is the MGS2 of Star Wars. In ten years it will be seen as a post modern masterpiece.
The Last Jedi is the MGS2 of Star Wars. In ten years it will be seen as a post modern masterpiece
Eli Thompson
Other urls found in this thread:
Jason Rogers
This but unironically
Tyler Lopez
>In ten years it will be seen as a post modern masterpiece.
pretty much
Zachary Barnes
this but ironically.
Caleb Johnson
MGS2 is not so bad if skip all the coded conversations with Rose and a few cutscenes.
Adam Diaz
That's what the La Li Lu Le Lo want you to think.
Aaron Ward
Excellent work minion. here is your payment.
Ethan Evans
Hudson Hall
(Un)Ironically these
Alexander Garcia
In ten years it will be forgotten for whatever new popular trash is playing. Probably still starwars and capeshit