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Time to destroy these redditors


Nnnoot my favorite tv show! !!

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Verbal abuse:
>Hey could you try that line again with a little more intensity? You weren't really in character on that last take, I'm not buying it yet
all hail the death of art

Were incompetent roasties the reason Season 2 sucked?

I hope they get fired

>"verbal abuse"
>allowing yourself to be abused by verbs

>first House of cards
>now Stranger Things

it's almost as if some eastern European style socialists are trying to destroy netflix

>Responding to Disney smear campaigns at all.

Netflix really don't know how to handle nu-corporatism.

Why would European style socialists want o take down Netflix? It's not like they have a vested interest in disrupting the platform

>In an Instagram post this week, crew member Peyton Brown wrote that she would not be returning to the set to work on Season 3 of the series because of alleged verbal abuse toward some women on the set.
>“I personally witnessed two men in high positions of power on that set seek out and verbally abuse multiple women,” Brown wrote. “I promised myself that if I were ever in a situation to say something that I would. I have 11.5 thousand followers who can hear me say this, TIME IS UP.” She later confirmed to a commenter that the men were the Duffers.

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How come Bobby Brown didn't say anything regarding it? I thought she was so into the #timesup movement
What a hypocrite cunt

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>silence on the set..

Does verbal abuse even qualify as an allegation?

Yeah not buyin it fucko. They work with literal teenagers

Words are like bullets, these women are braver than the men who landed on the beaches in WW2

Is this the only source of "allegations?" She talks like a psychopath

>Verbal abuse
What the fuck does that even mean?
Did he seriously just hurt her feelings and that's it?
Does that mean that if my boss is angry with some female co-worker's terrible skills she can just pull the "verbal abuse" card and got him fired?

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what the fuck are they doing to this poor child.

we live in the age of soy.

>we will rise and scream from the mountain top
wouldn't that be verbal abuse too?

I remember reading a story they pressured the ginger kid into doing a kissing scene she didn't want to do

>only verbal abuse
Step it up

If this was legit she'd be the one bitching online, not some roasty who's just been dumped from set.

so glad women can finally get the #respect they deserve

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Verbal abuse...do they mean getting told to shape up and do shit right by their bosses? I mean look at this;

Nothing specific.

And holy shit, this is just some random crewmember? Not even a title, just "Misc. crew." So it's not like she's plugged into the little community of the creators and the actors and understands the context of everything, she's just watching it from the outside and assuming that a man being mean to a woman always rises to the level of being abuse.

She probably hasn't said shit because she doesn't think shit has happened.

but if it's written in the script then what's the problem? Are they supposed to just cut the scene if the actor gets nervous? That's literally just a normal part of the job, I fail to see why that'd be called "pressuring" instead of "directing"

She's not even a crewmember. Her dad's a crewmember and hired her as his assistant. She's a literal nobody.

It's over.

Fuck off.

Nobody did anything they didn't want to.

>didn't want to do

wow racist much little ginger kid?

>European style socialists
French faggot philosophers never were this insane. The current SJW bullshit is 100% american college feminist creation. Now this filth is coming to Europe. Fuck you Americans. Fuck you.

pls r8

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Didn't these two jews make the new ginger girl kiss the nigger? Can't say I feel sorry for them.

This claim is bs but somebody post the webm where she’s dancing for them on the pool table for this guy.

Killing socialists is legal in eastern europe.

#MeToo got killed by that chick that said she had sex with Aziz on her own choice then felt bad.
#TimesUp has officially gone from sexual misconduct to hurting a girls feelings/ego by telling them to do their job.

It's legit. Bobby Brown probably relies on the paychecks too much to speak up for her fellow women

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>No specific allegations

This is a smear campaign, wake up.

>#TimesUp has officially gone from sexual misconduct
(((TimesUp))) was never about sexual misconduct though.

Here it is. Kinda kinda creepy behavior desu
>Ross Duffer opens a discussion of the kiss by telling a visibly worked-up Sink that the scene was “all [her] own fault.” Sadie points out that “the kiss was not written in the script.” She recalls, “I get there, the first day of Snowball… one of you, I think it was you Ross, you say, ‘Ooh, Sadie, you ready for the kiss?’ I’m like, ‘What! No! That’s not in the script… that’s not happening.’” She continues, “So the whole day I was like stressed out, I was like oh my god, wait, am I gonna have to… and it didn’t happen that day, but then the second day of Snow Ball.” At this point, Duffer explains, “You reacted so strongly to this—I was just joking—and you were so freaked out that I was like well, I gotta make her do it now… that’s why I’m saying it’s your fault.” And no wonder Sink was so “stressed out”; as she goes on to describe, the kiss was filmed in front of a full room of extras, plus “their parents, and the crew, and my mom.”


I wonder who's behind this...

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You mean Disney plants.


There are 3 other kids who had to perform the kissing scene and Millie and Finn did it when they were even younger, she's the only special snowflake who had to bitch about it

I actually love it but it would be better with music

Someone hasn't been keeping up with the latest Sup Forums memes.

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Why would anyone ever hire women?

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I tried to upload it with the music to YouTube but the quality got fucked beyond recognition.

>Kid is nervous about a kissing scene.

No shit, I did drama at school, of course she was nervous. At no point did she refuse and if she had the scene wouldn't have been shot.

If she keeps on in the business she'll probably end up doing scenes naked with a coworker and humping at each other in sex simulation. I really severely doubt that most people in Hollywood would see a kissing scene as exploitative if you asked them, kissing is probably the most chaste way they'll have characters express a romantic interest and romantic plotlines/character interactions are fucking everywhere.

Or she just legitimately doesn't think anything wrong happened. From what I'm reading I would bet most of the women on a set wouldn't.

It's a PG-13 version of the butter scene in Last Tango In Paris.
Actors have a right to refuse to do scenes not in the script, especially nude/kissing scenes.

Both that kiss and the kiss between Mike and El were not in the script, both were insisted by Millie

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hes right tho
grow a fucking spine user

can't believe that kid had a better read on the audience than the people making the series

what a talent



>it was just some butthurt roastie no one knows or likes or even talked to

wonder where will the normies draw the line to protect the shit they like, youcant shat on everything they like and then ask them to support you

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She didn't refuse, and that Last Tango in Paris comment is a load of hyper-neurotic horseshit.

>implying just Disney
every motion picture distributor is scared of this being the norm. They're all in on it. Disney is just the more obvious culprit.

Well it made me laugh out loud

>verbal abuse
Wow, people are so pussy they can't handle getting yelled at by a superior.

>we HAVE to kiss
>f-for the audience

>ywn have your homely costar make up excuses to kiss you

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Men and women can't work together.

Neither did the girl in The Last Tango In Paris...

Disney are going hard at the moment, other distributors don't have the resources to pull mainstream media into compliance and they are currently trying to fend off Disney's aggression as well - Disney want a monopoly on conventional cinema even more than they want to fuck Netflix into the dirt.

Additionally, Disney are just about to throw their own streaming service up and they now own Hulu. Everything points to them.

I hope her post was worth killing whatever chance at a career in Hollywood she had

Verbal abuse lacks strenght... we should call this verbal rape!

Re-enacting buttery ass rape while Marlon "Big Boy" Brando pins you to the ground is not the same thing as kissing a co-star on the lips.

>verbal abuse

Nah I've worked with a lot of women where it was perfectly fine. People who are good at their jobs and enjoy their work don't do shit like this, regardless of gender. This whole "movement" just provides an excuse & justification for people who are incompetent and/or impossible to work with. "He didn't criticize me because I was fucking up, he criticized me because he's a BAD MAN minimizing my contributions because I'm female!!!" People like this always have an excuse, it's nothing new. The problem with the Internet is that it allows people to see these excuses out of context, and take them much more seriously than they should. 9 times out of 10, if everyone actually KNEW the person making the excuse, they wouldn't give it a second look

If she thought she had a chance she wouldn't have posted it. She's clearly a worthless chancer.

Stop verbal abusing me

In the age of smart phone, she couldn’t quick film it, but take my word. I call Bill shit

>they control netflix
>theyre trying to destroy netflix
>they are the government
>they attempt to undermine to government
>the holocaust didnt happen
>the holocaust was justified
Make up your mind guys.

Being an adult and being a child is not the same thing. It's why I called it the PG-13 version. It was her first kiss too... Mouth raped by producers... sickos.

Yeah, fuck off

she must be racist, they paired her with the black kid

>eastern European style socialists
they were sending gays to forced labor camps not enforcing racial casting quotas this is american feminism which has evolved into some massive social justice campaign and is now spread across the western world.

so as usual, the US has ruined everything

What the fuck even *is* verbal abuse? If my dad calls me a lazy piece of shit because I didn't take the trash out, is he verbally molesting me? If my boss tells me that my project sucks dick and tells me to ameliorate it, is it verbal abuse? If I drunkenly bump into a guy on a street and he calls out "watch out, cunt!", is it verbal rape? I need to know so I can file relevant lawsuits.

Fuck off fangirl

Yeah, true. I'm just overreacting but "feminism" needs to be taken out of the workplace because it gives cunts like these excuses to blame others for their own shortcomings.

It's verbal abuse if you are a psychically attractive girl who is not used to any kind of conflict.


>"Your project sucks dick. Ameliorate it."

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Jail them, fire them, I just want shitson 3 to get cancelled/delayed

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Those college feminists take after their Marxist professors, user

>tfw the least cucked show on Netflix is fucking German.

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Ironic considering Germany is a cuck country full of mudslimes

She had to kiss a nigger, completely understandable

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>generic soap opera with time travel

come on user.

That's not possible.


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t. Millie Bobby Brown Eye

that was probably the point he was making

sam esmail>the duffer brothers

i dare you to try to refute this

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