ITT: European Patriots

Post good old Euro heroes here.

>brown eyes

Fuck off leaf. Can you people even go one second without shitposting?

t. brown eyed person

t. Chink or poo in loo

he hated the wrong jew faction but at least he tried



Come on people be serious.

I'm pure Aryan

This. Although he wasn't European he was Jewish. I think it's offensive to call Jews european since they are so much superior to europeans

>I'm pure Aryan
Poo in loo confirmed


PS frenchies and krauts are and always will be the same fucking people


I'm actually Germanic

>brown eyes


her also Charles Martel

sorry about this chink, everyone...


This. Unlike the myth Slavs say Ogla of Kiev was pure Vangarian.

This man


>using the term 'Aryan' unironically
Do you even know how to be racist user?

Damned right.

He was called "King of Anglo Saxons" despite being 0% Anglo. Fuck him

Literally who?

Yeah im a neo-nazi skinhead.


European herors don't exist, hardly any national ones even.
It's all just some pretentious cunts trying to appropriate what's not theirs, thieving from those places that manage not to fail as badly as the common rabble 'unified' in a nation or worse.

He's not even white He has NO JAWLINE

>implying all jews don't work together to rid the goyim

Leaf. Please, just go away.

THIS! I really suggest you look into Asian heros. Genghis Khan didn't only take for himself but redistributed for the tribe. Many Chinese conquerors actually gave the loot to the people!

You are literally who-ing Charles Martel?

You don't know what your talking about, he was a Anglo-Saxon

He has small forehead, not white


He was Saxon, not Anglo-Saxon. Show me any evidence of him having any "anglo" blood. Oh right you can't

Mah boi

Neo-nazis? You mean those degenerate cucks that have literally done nothing but imitate niggers and stain the reputation of white people everywhere?
I'll ask again:

Do you even know how to be racist user?

I went to prison dumbass. I went behind a nigger on a chair and hit his head with a flashlight. He turned around and beat me up I went to prison for 5 years but got let on parole .


