ITT: We post our top 3 favourite actors

ITT: We post our top 3 favourite actors.

Doesnt have to be the best actors, just the ones that will make you watch a movie if they're in it.

Sam Neill. Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth.

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Jim Broadbent
Bill Nighy
Toby Stephens

Rachel Mcadams
Helena Bonham Carter
Rose Byrne

Daniel Day Lewis
Bruce Campbell
Adolf Hitler

Christopher Walken
Christopher Walken
and Christopher Walken

Tom Crusie
Mel Gibson
Eric Roberst

>Toby Stephens

I dont think I've seen anything with him in it kek

Bruce Willis.
Tom Cruise.
Keanu Reeves.

2010s Walken
90s Walken
70s Walken

in that order... FTFY

He doesn't do much tv/movies he's mostly a stage actor,
Shame because imo he's probably the best actor alive right now but nobody other than a few people will ever get to see it.

JAKE Gyllenhaal

Christopher Walken
Leslie Nielsen
Cate Blanchett

Bruce Willis
Mel Gibson

Jack Nicholson
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tom Cruise

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William Holden
Daniel Craig
Emily Blunt

Daniel Day-Lewis
Mel Gibson
J.K. Simmons

Jake Gyllenhaal
Huge Jackedman
Matthew McConaughey

Jake Gyllenhaal
Keanu Reeves
Christian Bale

My boys.

Mouth of Madness is criminally underrated, I ish it and Prince of Darkness got as much love as the Thing

Christopher Walken
Udo Kier
Rutger Hauer

Tom Cruise
Kurt Russell
Clint Eastwood

Lauren Bacall
Kelly Grace
Amy Addams

michael caine
emma thompson
jackie chan

Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm

Sam Elliot
Charles Bronson
Jo Shishido

he's a god

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Clint Eastwood
Kurt Russell
Viggo Mortensen

Kurt Russell
Adam Driver
Jason Statham

Errol Flynn
Clark Gable
Roger Moore

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dennis hopper
james gandolfini
clint eastwood

Michael Rooker
Toshiro Mifune
John Goodman

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James Stewart, Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart