Write the plot

Write the plot.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You don't need one.

The whole world gets cancer. The end.

Me gusta >:}

>Pepe is the antagonist

It’s inevitable

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Hmmm or Wojak

Man sneed posts on Sup Forums for 90 minutes before getting banned.

Movie ends.

>reddit is the antagonist
sounds about right

Where is my gun

Someone creates a new meme, but then it comes to life! But then everyone realizes that if anyone posts the meme, it comes to life. Soon, the meme takes over the world and starts slaughtering humans.

Honest question why is it always Sony?

>the racist alt-right character is the antagonist

not seeing a problem here mate.

>muh alt reich
Well I fell for the bait so good job I guess

Moonman is the soundtrack

>it's an epic fake article Sup Forums post

>we're not nazis
>but wouldn't it be nice if all jews got gassed and we ran deathcamps and opened up a second front in Russia?

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It's literally just a cartoon frog lol. Stop imagining things sweety.

Can you imagine making some face in mspaint and 10 years later some jew suit makes a movie out of it

Despite your tasty dubs, you are the newest of fags


just a frog

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>the whole world is out to get me!!!

Hopefully it stays faithful to the source material

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You are just jealous of our master race.

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we're not nazis honest.

that guy with the swastikas, he's a Buddhist.

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see the iron cross? NO.

it's a cross of friendship!

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you seem to think its one person, check the post count next time

take your autistic "comfy simpsons"threads over to Sup Forums

sounds good, would fap to it.

based wofl

This. Sneed has quadrupled the unique ips in those simpson generals

> Re-use Lego Movie plot
>Plebs will think it's hhhuurr huurr funny.
>Sup Forums will be hoarded with 8 Year olds

I hope they do this so I can pay real money for a ticket and ruin pepe forever

It would be nice. Kill all niggers and kikes. 14/88. We WILL be victorious!

>get told by the MSM that Pepe is racist
>it's literally just a cartoon frog
>you're so gullible that you believe it

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I literally made the okay face back in august of 2010. That's what happened, I dicked around in ms paint, posted it on Sup Forums, and it spread like wildfire.

Nobody ever believes me though, and I understand why.

just as long as we don't get punched by the antifa chads


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fart fart something meme cue laugh fart fart callback to old forced meme fart fart laugh get the fuck out of this theater

pepe is copyrighted

piccolo dick

Bomber Harris put it more nicely.

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thanks doc

How do we stop Sony pictures? They've already fucked up Peter Rabbit.

honestly this looks like kino

I genuinely have an idea called, A Journey through the Meme-o-sphere, which will be like Pagemaster or the more recent film A Monster Calls, but with Sup Forums memes.
The main character is a spoiled bratty manchild NEET living with his mother (and until recently, his now-deceased father), but at the end of the film after the adventure, he decides to turn his life around.
Juxtaposition of references to familiar memes with dark themes and personal character struggles of the protagonist. Meme characters, fellow adventurers on his quest help him learn the value of comaraderie, friendship, optimism, hard work, and self-sacrifice.
I'm planning to make it as a webcomic first.
Kino coming to theatres near you 2023.

Delete this. 4kakers aren't allowed to know about some of this stuff.

Alright, can we finally settle if it was based on this real life person, or did someone spot this person and recognize the similarity to the one you made?

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I remember spamming Fefe on /r9k/ in an attempt to male him the hot new meme

That shit is outdated as fuck. Needs "to inteligent" wojak, brainlet wojak and caveman wojak

What's wrong with racism? Can someone explain?

Old memes are mad that new memes are around and nobody remembers them (to prevent it from being outdated on release, writers fabricate fake memes). The old memes try to kill the new memes blah blah blah then they realize "oh meme lifespans are not bad" or something and that every meme is destined to die "and that's a good thing!" I guess.

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This is fucking bullshit. Wojak was originally "feel guy." And then someone spotted some Slavic dude who looked just like feel guy and then they just invented the name Wojak because it sounds Slavic, and applied it to the dude that looks like feel guy, then feel guy became Wojak.

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The Emoji Movie made $217 million on a $50mil budget. A meme movie is pretty obvious.

this has to be bait

plus there is poo poo pepe but not the pepe that used to bully wojak?

this dude looks like the definition of a soyboy. what a worthless cunt. god damn trump supporters are dumb

Don't ask too many questions

kek, so this are the americans nazis

Nothing's wrong with racism.
Only a bunch of dying western whitecuck liberals care about it.
The rest of us in Asia and Eastern Europe and Middle East and South America practice it as a daily tradition.

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American SJW's look even more retarded than their rednecks and neo-nazis.
I don't understand how America always infuses completely retarded fashion and appearance into every ideology they attempt to LARP.
Neo-nazis look like something Hitler would gas before the Jews.
Marxists/Communists/SJW's look like something Karl Marx would not only put into ditches and pour acid over, but he would also burn all of his ideas and papers if he knew it would lead to these retarded looking people becoming the symbolic representation of them.
Christians look even more cucked and emasculated than the Catholics and others in Europe.
Every fucking thing Americans adopt, they create the most retarded looking fashion for it.

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Sony, no wonder your film division is in the toilet, Jesus Christ.

wtf are you even talking about, clueless retard

you know what to do faggot

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Are any of these even relevant memes right now, let alone 2 years from now when it will be released?

so this is where white people are...supporting communism

no wonder the right is filled with spics

No. I made it from scratch. When I first saw that posted a couple months later I shit bricks.

Latinas are best women, Latino men are actually capable of working honest jobs even if they are shitty ones unlike niggers, and Latinos know their priorities

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>when all the newfags don't realize this has already been proposed
Feast your eyes on the most dated trailer of all time

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I hope it features pee pee poo poo

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>the creator of Pepe voted for Hillary and now his dumb frog joke image is going to be immortalized as a symbol of racism in a major motion picture

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>alt-soys steal something and make into a facist nazi symbol
>reeee we didn't make this a nazi symbol

Nice! Will you be my friend? You're like a celebrity!

Touche. I concede. However I still love Pepe.


It's going to be some kind of Pixels shit. Baneposting starts actually influencing the real world (that plane crash a few years ago). Evil trolls start manipulating memes to come alive a wreak havoc on the world. Government turns to some young kid and his buddies to use their meme expertise to defeat the trolls.

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It WAS just a cartoon frog and enjoyable to post until you cunts ruined it.

cultural appropriation isn't as much of a buzzword anymore is it poltars

hopefully they keep it at this and leave apu out of it

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How come there aren't inteligent and brainlet Pepes?

Pepe is omniscent. Omnipotent. Eternal.

They put a woman in charge of their film division.

a frog that lives in your head

for free

Reminder that black people on Twitter >>> Sup Forums

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Whats up with the old man between Jamal and Dequan?

WW2 who fought Nazis

Looks like he's fighting the urge to sleep instead.

>Brendan Fraser as himself

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But there's already a meme movie in the making: The Chronicles of Rick Roll


You cringe, you lose.

mfw these assholes try to copyright memes


>The first people killed during the revolution

>pepe has a wikipedia page but Matt Furie and Boy's Club do not