Now that the dust has settled... was it kino?
Now that the dust has settled... was it kino?
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I watched it for the first time the other day. It was reasonably good. First half was pretty good. second half was just lots of punching. Gal Gadot was better before she was wonder woman.
By dar the best comicbook movie, an instant classic that will be talked about as a masterpiece in the future
FUCK off with your capeshit cunt
>M-Martha? Did you just say... Martha!?
Absolutely. Time will vindicate Snyder. People will see BvS as a higher concept Satantango
I laughed way too hard at that scene.
Man of Steel is kino as fuck, though.
Very much so.
if batman vs superman didnt have wonderwomen and no "martha" scene then it would have surpassed man of steel
I liked the first half of the movie where it felt like it had a vision and a point and was leading up to some kind of message.
Then they ruined it when the 2nd half of the movie was just lasers and nonsense and "HEY WE HAVE A UNIVERSE TOO PLZ TREAT US LIKE MARVEL"
It was the best comedy I saw that year.
Was howling in theaters when Batman committed genocide.
Mostly it was just a terrible, awful, cheesy piece of shit though.
>Christ symbolism makes it good!
No it doesn't.
Man of Steel had the SVU knife fight scene so it was still better
Brand Damage: The Movie
NO. I mean, come the fuck on man.
This. All we need now is the Snyder cut to complete his resurrection.
how many times are you going to make this thread
and yes it is
Yeah, Brand does a lot of damage, I ban him every time because it's hard to deal with him as an adc.
read that as brain damage.
So how did that change the timeline? Bruce didn't do anything about Lois
i guess that in that timeline after they brought back supes, batflecki didnt bring lois to the resurrection to calm him down. leading to events that lead to lois' death
No, I wouldn't even call it good, but I like it a lot. It's ambitious as hell and is really unfairly judged.
It's okay, a 6.
Didn't Lois show up in a taxi on her own?
>mfw henry Caville is the one posting these threads
D-do you think he'll notice me?
Yes it is good.
I like it a lot, best capeflick movie in the 2010s
Haha imagine if youre walking down the street one day and you see a commotion haha and as you get closer you realize its an actor lmao and when you go to see who it is you realize its henry lol and he looks at you hahah and he makes eye contact and winks hahah
Of the very highest calibre.
>Christ symbolism
You don't even know why it was there.
No, Bruce contacted her.
The problem with Batman vs. Superman is that much of the plot doesn't pass the "so what" test. Like Lois's investigation of Lex's mercenaries and their special Lex-branded bullets. An absurd scheme to frame Superman for wrecking an African village which leads to Superman being summoned to court. But so what? The courtroom is blown up before Superman says a word and the entire subplot is never mentioned again. Lex tries to prejudice Batman and Superman against one another by stealing disability checks and sharing articles about Batman branding criminals. So what? The fight is eventually staged by simply kidnapping Superman's mom, rendering Lex's preceding machinations completely pointless. Abysmal storytelling and an unforgiveable waste of time in a movie that despite a bloated 3+ hours length, can't even spare a few minutes to give Superman more than 42 lines or squeeze in scenes for Wonder Woman to talk to anyone other than Bruce Wayne.
In contrast, Marvel's Civil War is a masterpiece of efficient storytelling. Batman vs Superman struggles to effectively tell a story about a couple of superheroes, one villain and a love interest. Civil War manages to credibly weave over a dozen heroes into a tightly-focused story, two of whom are main characters, half of which are properly developed and characterised and all of whom, even the "guest stars", get something cool to say or do. Fucking FALCON gets more dialogue in Civil War than Superman does in his own movie! "Quip"-filled though it may be, the conversations in Civil War flow like real banter between real people, and do a good job of conveying the personalities of the characters. Zack Snyder seems to believe a few pompous pronouncements and Biblical motifs are enough to secure the audiences empathy with his heroes. But they aren't. Hence Batman vs Superman's 27% RT score, Razzie award, and failure to reach $1bn despite starring the two biggest names in the comic book industry.
Only if you're a redditor.