Perfect form of government

This thread is for discussing what form of government is the best and why.
Fringe and non-mainstream views are very welcome.

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Jewish Ethnocracy here btw.
goyim were made to be ruled

I liked the idea of the government set-up in that movie the Giver.

Benevolent AI dictatorship

please do explain further

One led by a woman. We need a kind caring leader that respects life and can put herself in her people's shoes.

Gas yourself.

A government for the people, by the people, basically the original vision if America


but isn't that racist, sexist, homophobic and islamophobic?

Meritocracy with AI oversight.

Fascist Republic

OP's pic related actually has it right. Under the US Constitution, it's actually pretty hard to make snap changes. The more we cling to the Framers' vision, the more free and prosperous we will be.

I Dont believe I need one at all

so you're fine with anarchy? then you'll eventually become part of a tribe, so it's tribalism

Constitutional monarchy

I think representitive democracy is good, but we need really big changes to prevent voter fraud and corruption.


and every single thing gotta be made public

Fascist Meritocracy.

this tbhwy

yeah so put in a constitutional monarchy and bring back the landstinget in denmark. you can't find the globalist elites but the local elites sure as fuck will defend the people if their cash is on the line.

this. with proper safeguards to the AI overlord it would be perfect.


We have to get rid of some amendments.

Repeal theb13th for sure

No more like hermitisim

I'm with Her


Meritocracy with equality of opportunity. Take Scandinavian healthcare and education, remove leftie shitheads from the ministry of education, allow the teachers to flog the kids again, remove most of the other government services and make a big online hub for the few services they have left. Have them release all the documents to the public.
Some semblance of state or structure is needed. It just shouldn't become overpowering. The new world idea was to have institutions of power exist by the people for the people.
The European trifecta isn't a bad idea either. It's just that the government, the court and the media became a mangled up abomination, when they should have been kept on completely opposing spectrums.
Never give mediacrats power. The internet seems to be solving this, though we're going to end up with the internet of everything becoming the spectacle of everything.
Suddenly benevolent AI ruler doesn't seem that bad. But anyways, meritocratical people's republic.
>inb4 muh old, sick and wrongly treated people
Living a life of virtue shows merit as well. Embracing such an attitude would fix many problems we face with conflicts of interest.

Mr House / Good karma ending

Forgot a key addendum. Equality of opportunity =/= equality of outcome. Cultural marxist SJW scum want equality of outcome and that is cancer. I say let the incompetent starve and die if they're not good enough at swindling the more "virtuous".


City-State Monarchy. Read: Democracy the god that failed, and Unquaified Reservations

Hierarchical oligarchic redundantly parallel government.

Basically, what we have now in America, but people can only vote for one level directly above them.

Citizens can only vote for municipal goverment.

Municipal officials can only vote vote for state government

State officials can only vote for federal government.

State and federal government are triply redundant and parallel, each having three identical supreme courts, three identical legislatures, and three identical executive administrations (with the caveat that they are led by a supreme executive chosen from the three primary executives)

Generally speaking, the purpose is to both break up and isolate power. The common plebe has no business influencing national decisions, but it ought be hard for power to consolidate at any one level.

The further government can distance its interests from its constituents, while at the same time being less able to pursue individual official's interests, the better.

Correction: An ethno-centric city-state Monarchy.

remember folks, the challenge is not in finding a benevolent dictators, but in finding an unbroken string of benevolent dictators.

that is, any system of government must be engineered not to do the most good in the best case, but the least harm in the worst.

Im now a #merkelmerc

Extension: City-State Monarchies united under a federation, with the "Monarchs" being the sole constituents.


A Democracy where only net-tax payers may vote.

I'd generally say a bureaucratic electoral monarchy. That is to say a nation that functions basically like this
King (Elected for life by legislators)
Legislators/governors (Elected by citizens, like senators) = Generals/Admirals (Appointed by merit)
Public Servants (clerical and mayoral staff) = Business executives
Citizens (Have to have especially distinguished themselves by personal ability) = Soldiers
------Everything above this line has full rights and priority to protect in a crisis-------
Subjects (Same rights as citizens, but cannot vote)
Day Laborers (Cannot demonstrate or hold high positions unless they distinguish themselves)
Male Slaves (Low intelligence or low testosterone males, can advance with effort. No rights)
Female Slaves (Unexceptional women, even from noble families. Walking holes to be fucked by any man who wants to blow a load)

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Constitutional monarchy, with an unelected upper house and property requirements for voting.

Can someone replace the brotwurst with a burger saying something to that effect, pls

and even better if people do not know about the reality. AI is the one pulling the strings and people are happy about their democracy/dictatorship/... what ever form of government people instated.

>presupposing a perfect, non-corruptable system can exist
keep on dreaming, ideologues

>net tax-contributors promptly vote to end all resource expenditure on net tax-drains
the only way this works is if, culturally, there is not a concept of sharing with the less fortunate.

remember folks - anyone that is disenfranchised will promptly get shit on by people who are franchised. power expending resources upon things that don't gain or maintain power is wasting resources.

Algorithmic rule, enforced by death squad fascist libertarian squad.

I'll explain what I mean by this. Essentially society is run by an algorithmic process, in which we use evidence and statistics to create models for the best ethnocentric existence of whites, but not horribly trampling the rights of the inferior races.

In order to ensure the parasite does not infiltrate us, and to avoid corruption, the algorithmic approach to law and punishment requires a task force of real people who are activated. These people are chipped with neurotoxins, which automatically release if/when the person abuses their degrees of freedom dictated by law. Not only that, their family members will also be executed through the same method, and the semi intelligent ai program is constantly monitoring their behavior.

Their function would be to utterly exterminate any corporate, bank, or media executive that disobeys the law. This means their entire family line, up to a designated point is exterminated for their crimes. In this case, crime is VERY high risk, and presumably not worth any reward.

The ai would be monitored by this task force, and have subroutines installed and multiple fail safes should one system collapse. It would be solar powered, with oil/hydro based tech set as a backup in case there is a problem.

As for the societal outlay. Libertarian. The government does not concern itself with anything except the law. It does not intervene in most cases, but when corruption is caught, it is strictly and swiftly murdered and cut down.

So liberty is in tact most of the time, but is entirely sacrificed the minute you commit a crime. Abuse of this power by the committee is monitored through a semi intelligent program, which is housed in multiple stations to prevent sabotage. If the ruling "elite" abuse their power in any way shape or form, the algorithm immediately kills them and their family.

It's harsh but fair.

at one point our government worked very similarly to this

an american voting in 1800 would cast a vote for his local councilmen and mayor, his electors, his state legislators and, finally, his congressman. this was an expression of popular will designed to ensure that the people maintained a balance of power against the elite.

at the very top, however, was the united states senate. senators were elected by the state legislature and promised to serve the interests of the state to avoid the tyranny of democracy to balance out the system. this was repealed in 1912 by the direct election of senators, thereby unleashing the immensely stupid political system we have now.

>This thread is for discussing what form of government is the best and why.
Sup Forums-style democracy

everyone yells at eachother until there is a consensus (yell at people you disagree with until they leave)

The merging of a human and an omniscient AI with control over the world's electrical grid would mean it would be able to effectively provide for the needs of the people as a benevolent entity. The human aspect of the merge is required for the AI to understand the wants, needs, and desires of humans as a species

are they putting something in the water in canada to make you that stupid? every government eventually corrupts -- sort of how you idiots ended up independent instead of subordinate to westminster where actual humans could call the shots in your frozen shitty wasteland of a country.

under your system, you'd be executed and be just as bad as the sjws who would eventually take over the system.

those are not enough for ruling AI.
it is missing the so called zeroth law
>A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

>This modification is motivated by a practical difficulty as robots have to work alongside human beings who are exposed to low doses of radiation. Because their positronic brains are highly sensitive to gamma rays the robots are rendered inoperable by doses reasonably safe for humans. The robots are being destroyed attempting to rescue the humans who are in no actual danger but "might forget to leave" the irradiated area within the exposure time limit. Removing the First Law's "inaction" clause solves this problem but creates the possibility of an even greater one: a robot could initiate an action that would harm a human (dropping a heavy weight and failing to catch it is the example given in the text), knowing that it was capable of preventing the harm and then decide not to do so.[1]

But the government cannot become corrupt. The laws are determined by an ai. They are enforced by people, but the ai dictates whether they live or die should they abuse their power.

Tracer Tong has the worst ending. Fuck that primitive shit.



>only those that have given two years of national service are citizens
>everyone else is a civilian
>everyone can attempt to become a citizen. you only get one chance.

Military Oligarchy w/ democratically elected figurehead
>Millitary is open to everyone so there is that essence of democratic spirit.
>Faggy SJWs will never make it to the top because they will never get through training.
>Military personnel are some of the most patriotic citizens.
>People who aren't good showmen but have good ideas will be able to have their ideas heard.

>Pyramid Structure to the top with odd numbers of individuals in each sphere of command. I.e. One command is like the FDA and within the group they vote on legislation.
>High level of officer training later on, think naval academy

The point of the democratically elected figurehead is to have a leader that reflects the image of the people. It'll probably end up being a beauty contest.

Municipalities will be democratically chosen because their influence is so small and if the people make the wrong decisions it only effects them. Plus no media manipulation.


This is the ideal

This everyday of the week

and who programs the initial AI faggot? if its AI and its susceptible to influences just like humans it could go all fucking lena dunham on us



>Did I do it right maplenigger?

Kek guide us what government should we believe in.

Give it self-evolving code and play out scenerios against other AIs till one's code comes out the most effective.

Not to mention viruses and hacking.

I mean a neutral AI would be ideal but the hard part is ensuring it is not corrupted which seems an almost impossible task.

It would be best to just have one dude who has absolute authority. Someone with management experience, who has made billions of dollars dealing in real estate.

I'm talking about Donald Trump folks.

Orthodox Technocratic Primitism???

sounds too good to be able to actually work.



national socialist dictatorship


>classical anarcho conservatism
Just fuck my shit up fampai

Fucking golden, that one always make me Kek.

It is impossible for government to be perfect because humans are imperfect.

A democracy where you get to choose where your taxes go.

Perhaps you go online, enter your social & tax info, then your owed taxes are calculated. You should then get to decide where most of it goes. Certainly everyone would have to give some percentage of their tax amount to critical infrastructure, but after that, you could have sliders on the budget. If you didn't want your money going to the bloated (((defence))) industry, you wouldn't allot them any more money than their baseline. The only thing we'd need politicians for would be to figure out the baseline.

Switching to a system like this would phase out the politicians. Over time, the tax system would come to equilibrium and we'd be deciding where our public funds went. And only those who pay taxes would wield power. The more taxes you pay, the more of the national budget you decide. Of course, we'd need laws so that people can't just ((("pay"))) a bunch of (((taxe$))) and thus, determine the budget. I guess we'd need some lawmakers/representatives to take care of that.

But overall, I think that we should move towards open, anonymous, public forums, where people could actually hash out ideas and vote directly (and anonymously) on the policies which interest them.


guess what? that still doesn't work. there is no universal moral code. someone will ultimately have to "birth" the machine to learn and act in a certain way that is invariably susceptible to confirmation bias

>A democracy where you get to choose where your taxes go.

worse an-cap tbhfam

>there is no universal moral code.
There doesn't need to be, only the aggregate subjective moral code of humanity (or the portion of humanity we choose) to base the AI on.

I thought of that at one point, but didn't really imagine it as an entire system of government. It would work as a system of getting people to pay their taxes more I imagine. It would be hard to get people to put their money towards things like education if they don't have kids though.

>technocratic primitivism

I dont think we can do this one user

Whoever is most skilled with rocks and sticks leads.

Any form of welfare or wealth redistribution that isn't an essential function of government is an opt in program in which you can specify whether you want to contribute on your tax form.


So basically the plot to Metal Gear Solid?


Poor people don't pay for it, they vote for it.

No democracy = no welfare

Basically this. It's where we are heading to anyway and what would have been the most logical next step in our evolution of government.

rolling baby
Pragmatic National Mccarthyism

>but didn't really imagine it as an entire system of government
Yeah, I guess I hadn't either until prompted. Needs some fleshing out, but you see the general trajectory: more direct control by the people, and less centralization. I guess the point is to MOVE in that direction. Not to have a system fully written and thought out (you'll never get it just right). I think it's better to move organically in that direction.

Or burn the motherfucker to the ground. I'm down with that too.

The mixed constitution of Rome when it was an Imperial Republic. Governments need to be flexible; strong and representative of the people. The mixed constitution can adapt to change without constant and otherwise unavoidable cycles of bloody and extremist revolutions for either side, neither of which is sustainable.


About the best economic system:

The main problem of Hayek (and Mises) is that they believe in a thing I call the consumerism benevolence, which has as corollary that a company that wins the free market is the best for society.

See, suppose that we have two drug dealers fighting for consumers. The first sells weak drugs, like LSD and ecstasy, the second sells strong drugs, like cocaine and heroin. Naturally, the one with the stronger drugs will win the drug market by creating more chemical dependency.

According to the capitalist logic, the second drug dealer is better for the economy, simply because the consumer chose him, which is absurd!

Following my reasoning, we have addiction in many forms, chemical dependency or psychological. Dinning in a fine restaurant, travelling to Paris, and getting stupidly indebted because of spending beyond his means are signs that consumers are complete idiots that don’t know what is best for them and for sure don’t know what’s best for society.

These economists ignore the impulsive and primal nature that even post-docs have and that dominates the majority of human behavior.

That being said, allowing private enterprises is to give a loophole to disturb society. Which is what is occurring. In the last years, social inequality has been accentuating, and the economy has slowed down. Also, we have seen cyclic crisis since capitalism is capitalism. And I am not even talking about social issues like hunger.

Besides the problem, already cited by Lange, that capitalists lack important information about the whole system.

The only way to solve this is by having a strong State, even totalitarian, and competent leaders.

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" - Benito Mussolini

Yup. We don't need faggots, trannies, liberals, hippies, etc voting every four years if our Constitution offers sufficient protection of citizens rights and clearly delineates the powers the government can wield. At that point you'd just need a governing body to ensure adherence to that document and protect the State.

Constitutional Monarchy

More like Asimov's R. Daneel Olivaw which is a robot which manipulates the humankind behind the scenes. he is more succesful of doing it than Patriot AI

perfect form of government is anarchy, gives complete freedom to its citizens. but a perfect govt assumes also a perfectly moral person. Govts are only as good as the moral values of their people. If Trump was elected president of Mexico, or China, he wouldnt make it great. What makes the US great is its people

It sounds like it could work in a Sweden type country but would get ruined like Sweden by degeneracy and refugees. Not everyone thinks like us user, I'm pro-millitary Oilgarchy because the armed forces will create based individuals.
