>make an AI animation model that can teach itself certain movements
>be proud of it and your team
>have the opportunity to present it to a living legend, Miyazaki himself
>he calls it an insult to life itself
Who was in the wrong here?
>make an AI animation model that can teach itself certain movements
>be proud of it and your team
>have the opportunity to present it to a living legend, Miyazaki himself
>he calls it an insult to life itself
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you've seen one Miyazaki movie you've seen them all
>steampunk heroes journey featuring underage looking heroine with frequent upskirts
If it wasn't for Japan's retarded elder worship culture nobody would take this senile old fool seriously.
They were in the wrong, because they are just trying to be ahead without even thinking about what they are doing there for a second. They think it is a great design to have it all messed up, it is great for a monstruosity that you'd have to deal with, but they treat it as something trivial, having their sense of reality completely stripped by screen looking culture, having failed to grasp anything that could ressemble something of life to tell with their technique. I'm so glad Miyazaki took that position and said those things to them.
Why take that tech to Miyazaki of all people? Know your audience you spergs
Anime is an insult to life itself
Miyazaki isn't even good anyway, he's an overrated twat
To be fair, what they made looks stupid as fuck, but it isnt an “insult to life”, its just ugly. Miyazaki could go suck his crippled friends dick if he wants to actually do him a favor. His shit is overrated anyway.
>create some random 'AI' spazzy shit that looks horrible
>try to pass it off as art to a man who's entire life has been dedicated to handcrafting genuine art
They were in the wrong
>genuine art
What in the living fuck were they thinking showing this to him of all people?
To be fair, the technology is interesting and has potential. As it is, the effect is creepy and I can see how it could be used in something like a Silent Hill-type horror game.
he is right and you are contrarian twats.
You have to put it in the right context. Miyazaki said multiple times current animators are unable to observe real life and reproduce it.
He even says in the video that who made that does not know how pain is shown.
Oh look another old man who can't understand technology
>Earliest stages of AI technology developing its own ability to animate and understand motion
>Ground floor breakthrough on new types of machine learning
>Old man sees that the first ever iteration of this technology isn't as good as human who has been animating for years
>Puts zero thought into the long term implications of the technology, immediately dismisses it as crap
yeah this thread was posted less than 12 hours ago fuck you OP
No, anime is not art. No contradictions there pleb.
Who even are these people? Do they work for studio Ghibli?
>Puts zero thought into the long term implications of the technology
I think he did though, it's just that what they're trying to develop would ultimately replace traditional animation which he devoted his entire life's work to.
Then it was their mistake, not his. Do you want the man who spent his entire existence creating traditional art to "think about the possibles of the tech" while he's being shown this putrid shit? he doesn't need advanced tech to tell the stories he want to tell, what purpose does he have for an AI like this?
I bet he secretly watches stuff like dragon maid.
>Whoever creates this stuff has no idea what pain is whatsoever
This is a far more interesting comment. Is he right about this?
its okay your robot is cool. i understand that it still stings, tho.
He's not angry at it for what it represents as a piece of art, he's mad at it because it makes him uncomfortable.
explain how it's not art
NOTE: you personally not liking it does not mean it's not art.
And in the end they all fucked. Every time.
Ghibli anime is the only anime that gets Oscar noms.
His films very frequently feature weird creatures and monstrosities so I don't see why not
>find a way to harness the absolutely unfathomable power of the evolutionary mechanism in simulations with easily altered variables
>"this is offensive to my cripple friend, how dare you"
Does he not recognize the magnitude of what he's watching?
All of the premises listed in the top part of that picture are retarded as fuck.
The genre or medium does not address the quality, no matter what you think you pseud.
>uhh just copy old manga and other old anime
you having to bring capeshit (the lowest form of videography) in to make anime look better is a strong argument
>My Neighbor Totoro
>Porco Rosso
>The Wind Rises
I mean yeah, Miyazaki likes to repeat themes a lot, but he's done different kinds of movies.
Not really. It's moralistic shit.
No one "created that stuff." That's the point. The algorithm taught itself
You seem to understand this sort of stuff so can you explain to me what that program they created does?
I think he's pissed off because they had to resort to an insensible computer program to do this stuff instead of going out and studying life itself to come up with a solution, like artists used to do.
Hence the whole "humans are losing faith in ourselves" part. He dislikes otakus in the industry for this very reason: they're people who don't understand human relationships and when they make animes you end up with tons of moeshit garbage with 0 resemblance to the human experience.
It was a pretty shit animation
If I'm right, they gave an algorithm a fully articulated character model with programmed muscles and gave it the goal of flexing those muscles in a way that most efficiently or quickly makes the model move. The program generates a "generation" of many of those models, all with different randomly generated instructions for the muscles and how they move. The simulation runs, and the models that managed to move the most, even if by random chance, are used as a template for the next generation. A degree of random variance to the muscle instruction is included in the next generation, and the process repeats. Eventually the program teaches itself to walk without ever being told what walking is or how to do it.
Here, screw around with this to get an idea keiwan.itch.io
>using marvel movies as an example...
brainlets and their anime
I forgot to mention, that's literally what evolution is. We've undergone the exact same process to get to where we are now. As long as
>individuals reproduce
>individuals inherit traits on their parent(s)
>there is slight variation with every reproduction
>the variation has an effect on the likelihood of further reproduction
Evolution will always occur.
Nope. This is definitely an insult to life itself.
It takes talent to be this stupid.
Sounds pretty interesting. That old Jap dude clearly doen't understand it
Explain yourself
no im retarded
Why are you responding to him when he didn't say anything to you?
It will never teach itself even something simple like walking properly because they havent added factors like discomfort, pain (or positive feelings) to the algorithm. That is what makes it look grotesque, and that is what Miyazaki has an issue with. As long as an algorithm doesnt understand the basics behind human behavior it is useless for the creation of emotional and thought provoking media.
Useful for modelling evolution, yes, but that has nothing to do with what Miyazaki does.
It actually will, given enough time. The animation it's showing in the video is a very underdeveloped mode of locomotion, because it isn't efficient at all. If efficiency/speed/distance are the factor(s) being selected for, you'll end up with much more sensical animations, assuming the model doesn't plateau with a shitty method of movement that can't really be improved
given that miyazaki's critique isn't even the least bit technical, rousing a memory of a disabled friend seemingly to parallel his own fears of old age, he seems completely emotional in seeing the imagery outside of any possible future application of the AI.
miyazaki is clearly wrong here. the "legend" of miyazaki has only ever been a myth.
Someone can still be wrong in a legendary way though
Just look at the presocratics
isnt this the nigga that made dragon ball z?
Reminder that Miyazaki is a feminist cuck and misanthropic twat.
Why didn't anyone tell me how kino Lupin was?
It's like heist movies meets James Bond meets Indiana Jones, I fucking love it
There is no worse breed of human than the simultaneous feminist and misanthrope
Who gives a fuck about that demented old gook anyway?
Lupin is one of those things that I watch and feel depressed by it, because it's so good that I know I'll never be able to create anything that good. It's kinda like when you see a stunningly beautiful woman and feel the need inside to become a better man
Time to commit sudoku.
I hate women, and by extension, anyone that respects women.
>somebody with a cunt does something retarded and they all make this face
That's a strangely accurate analogy
I doubt that. The primitive versions of locomotions need to be paired with a primitive version of skeleton+ muscle.
at least let the fitness determine some factor of maturity ie low fitness ancestors get a baby like body and high fitness ancestors get an adult like body
It is the archetypal castle adventure movie, one of my fave Miyazaki works
I do.
can someone list the animes?
I watched Nausicaa recently and I thought it was a waste of time
Dragonball Z
Avatar the last airbender
Night shift nurses
the reality
>cherrypicking anime titles from decades
>most anime of the seasons are harem moe shit
>they are by far the most popular shit in japan
>nobody fucking cares about gay ass shit like kino no tabi
They fucked up by describing the movements as "not limited by pain". They should have just called it an emergent unnatural movement generator and left it at that.
Miyazaki was mainly touched by the limited movements of those who are in pain he knew and got all sidetracked by that stupid little comment. He was the dick about it, but they should have never even brought pain into it.
miyazaki is an asshole, fuck him
no bully pls want real titles.
>demonstrating new tech to known technophobe and traditionalist miyazaki
>Do you want the man who spent his entire existence creating traditional art to "think about the possibles of the tech" while he's being shown this putrid shit?
Sure, why not? At the end of the day even if its "putrid shit" its still just art. It fundamentally isn't any crazier then then shit he himself has animated.
The only reason Miyazaki sperged out about it is becauae hes old and threatened by change. If he had been 17 when this shit was shown to him he would have been excited by the possibilities.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not art, I don't like anime but it's art.