Infinity War ending

[spoilers]So Thanos destroys half the galaxy and fucks off mysteriously.

Avengers promise that they will find thanos and UNDO all this shit.

Cut to black[/spoilers]

Nothing matters, no consequences, they will keep churning out shit and making magical excuses to justify it.

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You know good and well the tag is spoiler not spoilers - you screwed-up on purpose so everyone would see it.

Will critics give it a good review or will they grow a spine ?

Infinity war 2 has a scene where everything gets undone and they mention that some things were changed also though as a result of the unbalancing during this sequence we see a bald man from behind teaching students who have Xs on their uniforms and we also see Fantastic 4 and Doom in a broken sokovia

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>destroys half the galaxy
>but not the single planet with concentration of hugely powerful beings that already tried to stop him

Sure, why not?

Do you work for Marvel?

I wish Bucky would put the sexy WS costume back on, including the mask. He was top of his game there, he looks bland in IW.

Who would you fuck of the women in infinity war?

I think Wanda is my obvious first pic
Gamora my second desu

Depends if Nebula's vagina was cybernetically enhanced.

>Thanos personally removed her pussy and replaced it with a solid battery

Hrmmm, if it can be altered once, it can be altered again. Reshape the Aether into a fleshlight.

But beyond memes, Wasp is the only hot MCU heroine now.

I'd take Darcy's Khazar Milkers on the side, though.

Wolverine ?

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Not till the merger is finalized.

> Destroys half the galaxy

No consequences?

Also I get the impression he reshaped the universe between Infinity War and Avengers 4.

Wanda all the way.

>DCfag trying this hard


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That was in the comics so that isn't surprising really.

That has to be it right? Use magic gems to reboot the universe and replace any actors.

>this fucking costume