Has Amy Adams won an Oscar?
Has Amy Adams won an Oscar?
i wanna buttfuck her if you catch my drift ;)
she won the oscar of my penis
>43 years old
how does she do it?
I'd give her vagina a razzie if you know what i'm implying
I would cum on her purrfect tits if you understand what I mean OwO
not with these feet
I want to fart on her butt
I just wanna play with her Golden Globes
What is this? An Amy for ants!
She deserves to win one. Especially considering some of the shitty actresses that have won in recent years who really didn't deserve it.
I'd stick my dick in her pusy and thrust my pelvis repeatedly until cum squited out of my dick and into her pusy if you catch my drift
Where did that ass come from?
just the angle
How does that happen?
she’s too attractive to watch
Blake Lively is a doctor’s work
Mormon succubus
based pusy poster
Called a 'bunion' years of wearing shoes that dont fit right missalign a bone in the foot. Fairly common.
what is Amy Adams' lewdest role?
>Adams is the fourth of seven siblings.
>rich, christian cult child
>it's a retard on the internet posts a photo that is years old and then says the current age of the celebrity episode
What did they mean by this?
better circle that calf too, wtf
This is from 2013, she was 38.
Do girls have dewclaws?