So will the second season just be him, in a different sleeve, chasing down his waifu?
Altered Carbon
No spanish boobs no watch
>that raspy voice grating on my ears all the time
Please no, I had enough of the sassy hispanic cop doesn't anything by the book.
Leave season 2 to me.
Hey, Wei, you smell a rat?
A season full of Wei Shen would be great.
Only reason I tolerated that flashback episode was because I had played Sleeping Dogs.
The flashbacks were fucking terrible. They weren't nearly as annoying in the actual book.
Another promising Netflix series ruined by the back half. Sad!
We can all agree Rei was the best girl, right?
As if there was any competition to begin with.
the first season was "based on the Takeshi Kovacs books", so.. maybe they'll do another one.
I'm aware of that. But the way the second and the third book played out doesn't mean it will fit well with what they've done so far with the show.
In the book, Quell died when she was shot down by the orbitals (stuff left by the Martians, from whom they took the DHF tech in the first place). The show was different, very different. I mean, Reileen was some sociopathic cunt who wanted Kovacs to work with her, she had no lust for him or love.
Yeah, her previous work for facial abuse had me interested to see where this was going.
Who was in the wrong?
Hard mode: you can't say both
>So will the second season just be him, in a different sleeve, chasing down his waifu?
In the second book he is a mercenary fighting for a PMC called Carrera`s Edge in a planet called Sanction IV.
Is a planet ravaged by war, with lots of relics from the so called martians, and warfare state between local revolutionaries called Kemptists (for the leader) and the PMC that Takeshi works for.
Besides there is some fighting between powerful multinationals.
In the book he goes trying to go awol from his army and make money recovering martian tech (won`t spoil the surprise saying more).
While Earth was civilian, this is a warzone so expect to see more exotic sleeves, military grade. He wears a afro caribbean one.
>He wears a afro caribbean one.
I still don't understand the motivation of the AI guy.
I made this
He runs the hotel. Kovac was his guest. He sees to the needs of his guest.
the retard trying to stop the entire human race from being fucking immortal because "boo hoo, some people will be ultra rich"
bitch you're fucking immortal, if you can't figure out how to have a successful life with INFINITE time, maybe you don't deserve to be called a human.
lol i thought that as well
>if you can't figure out how to have a successful life with INFINITE time,