Altered Carbon

This show was so much more entertaining when it focused on the detective murder mystery stuff but when the sister got introduced it got dumber and dumber.

Overall, pretty efficient use of their budget to maintain a fairly consistent production value. Only a small handful of moments where it leaned towards looking cheap.

Show would have been kino if the last half of the show was condensed into 1-2 episodes.

Also kudos to pic related for getting ripped as fuck for this, it was refreshing to have a believablely tough main character.

Attached: kinnaman-altered.jpg (1363x769, 452K)

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>This show was so much more entertaining when it focused on stuff in the book
> but when the stuff not in the book got introduced it got dumber and dumber.
hmm imagine that

I'm 5 episodes in and feel like the dialog was always a little clunky. Also, the tone in the last episode I watched where he got tortured had the skinhead being the body for female lead's grandmother and the tones clashed too much for either storyline to really flow. The unfolding of plot points over time seems to keep a good pace, but there's so many slightly played out/cheesy moments that it's hard to get emotionally invested in the characters sometimes.
I like it for the atmosphere and fight scenes but I think it'll start losing direction now that Bancroft's murder is solved, ala Twin Peaks

Is the book worth a read? Does it end differently than the show?

Latina cop > Rich MILF > Lawyer lady who used to be on bones > Wasp-face > Black rebel lady

I honestly can't believe this show is taking seriously when the acting and writing is shit and the production values are comparable to Agents of SHIELD. This is network TV on Netflix. You have shit taste and/or got meme'd into believing everything on Netflix is somehow better.

Damn he’s got a chad frame. Shame about the height and face though


Is this worth watching/patrician? It has a 65% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The book is worth the listen, I got it a year or so ago on audiable and after I finished it I picked up the second book however I haven't listened to it yet. The tv show was pretty dang similar to the book so if you like the show you'll prolly like it.

Honestly I loved all of it

Best show I've seen in a bit

Would have been much better without the 3deep5me monologues every fucking episode

Attached: 1485663530394.jpg (408x408, 114K)

>Those arms
Nigga didn't work his arms a day in his life

what do you call that hairline?

he is like 6'5

>Watched everything else, bored as fuck
>Been putting it off because it sounds like shit
>Maybe the immortality aspect will be mildly interesting
>P Zombie "brain downloading" bullshit
Dropped within 10 minutes. Fucking trash for brainlets.

Ortega gets a pass on her lame gurl power shit with those gratuitous tiddy shots

books ok
ending is the same but a bunch of stuff was shoehorned in that makes that ending in the show not feel right.
pretty much all the additions except poe made the story worse. he’s a manlet?


Patrician list is:

Tsundere cop > Yandere Sister > Rich Milf > Black daughter that becomes a ninja in VR > Lawyer from Bones > Black Rebel

Not him, but...

Attached: 1518447303157.webm (1280x640, 1.74M)

Kinnaman had worked hard on his torso but his arms are unimpressive.

Man wakes up 250 years in the future, subjectivelys econds after he's been killed and the love of his life dies and is able to immediately function in a far-future society as a detective.

ok. I'm sure a man from the 1700s would take to the 21st century easy-peasy.

in the future we'll reach a point where technology no longer advances, so for him things weren't that different

I'm so damn jealous of people who get laid like that.I just want to have sex at least once.

Xchange was a brilliant movie that did this cliche better in 2000. But none of you kids have seen it.

>Show would have been kino if the last half of the show was condensed into 1-2 episodes.

This they stretched out the story with too much filer and subplots, either have a long running 20+ episode slow boil season with multiple threads and single character focused episodes or a dense and compact 6-8 episode story. 10-12 episode seasons are the worst of both worlds.

Wow I really prefer how the envoys sound in the book as opposed to their #resist version in the show.

>gripping plotline showing Kovacs enduring virtual torture/how he was trained to do so
>cut to wacky Mexican grandma antics