It's happening bros - get in here:
FOX News reporting rumours of Indictment
have a bump. Sliding is crazy right now
Hannity can't wipe the goofy grin off his face.
It's amazing.
holy shit it's actually something.
Hannity is a fucking madman. I just came in my pants
They are going all out. This is great.
Good luck America I hope you manage the battle againsy #MentallyHill
I've been kinda numb with all the "happening" threads, but it looks like this time it really could be. I can't wait for all this to be over so I can take a week off Sup Forums and get on with my life
DOJ and Obama still blocking tho, FBI can only investigate, they can't prosecute
this is actually it isn't it
jesus i'm glad i'm here to see it
P.S so, so many ads on Fox it's insane
Indictment inbound
Trump will be the president.
We fucking did it.
Between Dobbs and Hannity, who is /our guy/?
Did you guys see that? They obliterated here, holy fuck
Now it's Eric Trump's time
Well we all know that the MSM is going to totally ignore this story with maybe the exception of Fox News. Is there any idea if there will be anything substantive from either the FBI or NYPD prior to election day?
He would be a fool to block it this time. Congress doesn't have the balls to go against the people on this matter.
eric trump killing it
DOJ will not prosecute. It's a dog and pony show you dumbfucks.
I'm liking that Fox news has been reporting on leak results the same day they are released. Still deceptively albeit subtle.
Do normies still believe in the "fox is right wing propaganda and made up shit" meme?
Eric Trump 2024
Yes unfortunately.
I gave the biggest smile on my face, thank you burgers, you carry the torch of the west, now light the witch on fire, and may the light of the God Emperor lead us through the dark tunnel and into the promised land, and then the stars
isn't hannity just maddow in a wig?
would you vote for a Don jr/eric Trump ticket?
Or would you prefer Eric/Don jr?
Who is Brett Baier?
Fox is only shit when they are allowed to run the country.
Back during the Bush days, they were garbage, but these days they aren't that bad.
you forget how partisan and nasty things have gotten. The president is besties with Jay-z and thinks white males are the root of all evil, and half the country is with him. They will obstruct shamelessly
After trump I would vote Ronald McDonald
Just shows you don't need to know shit to be a good president just don't be a pussy
That doesn't matter at all, you're missing the point. If the FBI is publicly pushing for an indictment, and her party is covering for her, her poll numbers will be completely 100% fucked, and she'll have no chance at the election. Trump will win, if they make this public before the election, or even if media starts running with the whispers.
Replace Loretta Lynch with the person that Trump will replace her with, then talk to me again about prosecution.
Back in the day there were Infowars-tier loopy
But this election, they've been redeemed
The second amendment still stands strong, remember that user. I can assure you that Congress remembers that everyday.
Did he just say Pennsylvania goes red in a new poll? kek
>no barron/barron option
Ivanka/Gowdy 2024
i'd never seen Eric talk before - he's surprisingly lucid, and really quite endearing
fox news anchor / reporter, sometimes does his own reports, looks kinda like he's had a very mild stroke.
It's like an early Christmas present.
Holy fuck that URL
Eric was fantastic. I hope God-emperor Trump starts a monarchy so his kids can reign with justice.
This. Hillary already tried the "FBI is trying to manipulate the election" defense and it didn't work. No way she wins in a fight with the FBI. The investigation will tank her poll numbers, then Trump will appoint Cruz to go after her at DOJ.
what is going on?
>25 years till Barron can run for president
He said NH :) in which case we don't need PA
Nothing at the moment, but there are rumours that the FBI might be pushing for an indictment of Hillary due to something they found in the investigation of the Foundation
Christmas might come early this year
Based NRA
It literally is going to be the end of hillarys campaign for reals
>Hillary wins the election
>Found guilty of treason before inauguration day
>Preemptively impeached
Who becomes president?
For those of you youngsters who don't study history, take a little time to read about Mark Felt.
CTR shills are over-reporting "rumors" so that we'all be discouraged when hillary isn't indicted.
Tim 'literally who' Kaine
Bump it
EZ PZ senpai
>Donald J
>Donald Jr.
That NRA commercial about fighting back against the (((elites))) got me all charged up!
Speaker of the house, Paul Ryan for the interim after the inauguration. Then, the House votes for the president based on the three remaining candidates. No supermajority needed to win. - i think
Kek have mercy
Thats dumb as hell (unless you're shilling) because even rumors are damaging to her chances of winning.
wow its fucking nothing. you trumpcucks are getting really pathetic now, and thats saying something
Implying youd be able to hold in the glee of a crimnal whos avoided jail going down
they're still #1 in the ratings, so w/e
I like Sean Hannity, but he's just generic conservative guy with party loyalty.
Lou Dobbs gives no fucks.
He might be wore than Clinton, he is a STRONG supporter of the TPP. What if this was the plan all along?
LOL fox is getting desperate.
Hannity will report any rumors, even if they were whispered from my dogs asshole.
Newt dropping bombs.
Good shit. GOOD SHIT.
It's not about winning the election, it's about seeing her in cuffs.
Was getting caught part of the plan?
The ride never ends.
Fox news is banned in Canada for dishonest reporting. FML
>The three remaining candidates
Donald Trump, Jill Stein or Gary Johnson? Imagine if a 3rd party candidate gets elected this way, since the establishment hates Donald Trump.
Have a bump!
Did they ban CNN and MSNBC?
Are any of the networks covering this or just Fox? I only ask, because I want liberals heads to explode and I know they aren't getting their info from Fox.
hes joking
Lord give my post strength. Hillary will rot in jail.
>Shillary finally getting what she deserves
Let's hope that Trump wins so that another democrat Bildeberg puppet won't be chosen instead of her, changing nothing.
Just Fox. Clinton couldn't buy them out (completely), so the smear campaign was the backup plan. It worked fairly well.
Fuck you - kek proved my post correct
the two hour pro-Trump per week
Fox news is such a joke. I have no idea why people think they are "ultra right wing". They basically have at least 2 Hillary supporters 24/7 specially in their morning show
Okay, now this is a Happening! Holy shiite!
Another thing that might be happening:
FBI establishment is working with the DOJ and Obama.
-they indict hillary a day before the election.
-constutional crisis
-the 4/4 supreme court per cuck roberts votes to reissue ballot with Biden on the ticket
-Obama stays president for the 6 months it takes to reissue ballots
-Biden wins ohio/michigan/pa but fails to reach 270
-House votes in Biden per the Constitution.
stay vigilant.
Just think, Hillary is shitting her pantsuit right now!
For those of you who ignored my suggestion here ... this is the shorthand version...
Inside of any organization, including the FBI, there are people who are political appointees and people who are career law enforcement.
The political appointees are loyal to those who appointed them and those who give them power and cover.
The career law enforcement people are loyal to the law, to the truth, and to justice.
Most career people know that there is a certain amount of politics within the FBI, and they usually steer clear.
But sometimes they find something that perverts justice so much that they just won't step aside. And in those cases they take extraordinary action.
When the watergate burglar's were arrested, there was an attempt to apply political pressure to squash the investigation.
The head of the FBI and the attorney general were part of this attempt, at the direction of the president and his staff.
But a secret source, known as "deep throat" started to leak information to the Washington post, and the stories written by the post eventually forced the resignation of President Nixon and resulted in jail sentences for a number of his people.
35 years later, we learned that "Deep Throat" was Mark Felt, the deputy director of the FBI.
The bottom line... political power only works with people who care about political power. But when political power faces people who have spent their LIFETIMES in support and defense of the law, there is no weapon that can stop them.
The Clinton leaks are real. They are being leaked by the people in the best position to know what is going on, and (if it is followed up), it will be the greatest scandal in american political history.
Oh, and CTR... be very careful about answering this. Obstruction of justice is a tricky charge, and even you aren't low-level enough to be ignored.