fuck these fags, just banned me for saying something slightly trump negative despite months of support.
bunch of sensitive omega males
fuck these fags, just banned me for saying something slightly trump negative despite months of support.
bunch of sensitive omega males
what did you say?
post what you said...
Well you can't stay here dude
yea sure id love to dox myself thanks for the tip
you have to go back
Happened to me during debate #2 when I said that he wasn't really answering a question.
>go to a reddit hivemind subforum
>say something against hivemind
>get banned
WHOA, who would have thought?
>calls other people omega males
>too much of a pussy to post what he wrote
>crying about rebbit
go back there you dumb shit and don't come back
Fuck you for going there, faggot.
Saging not to bump this faggot ass niggas faggot ass thread
They did you a favor, welcome home, faggot.
Well if they don't want you there we don't want you here either faggot fuck off to Facebook or YouTube comment section fucker
fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
wow its almost as if its an expressly pro-trump sub that works to eliminate concern trolling
America is actually kind of good
Just message the mods and apologize and they'll let you back in.
im staying unless mods slay me
Sup Forums is the same way
if these other fucks COULD ban you they would
say ANYTHING that they might even think implies something negative about trump & your whole post gets thrown away & they type their little kneejerk response (LE CTR XDD) like a bunch of fucking faggot fools
fuck off
>going to reddit
I hope you get banned from here too pleb
That's why their membership is so high, everyone has been banned multiple times.
>we're lgbt friendly!
>mods call everyone faggots in PM and tell them theyre dead on the day of the rope
I got banned too after the third debate. I asked a question about how Trump was doing after the third debate and the nigger mods banned me. After trying to repeal it, the stupid nigger mod told me to explain to him why I'm voting for Trump.
Fuck Reddit, even if they are voting for Trump, reddit just breeds cucks and fucks.
You again
You need to go back (favelabook)
and so you came here to bitch about it? fuck off faggot.
thakn u for correcting my erection. .0001 semens has been deposited into ur mouth :^)
Serves you write for making an account there, homo.
Because I don't have any other interests that I can pursue other than pol? Right? See what I mean? Fuck off nigger
2nd and checked
I got banned months ago after getting gold a few times.
You are not allowed to name the Jew on reddit, you retard.
Yeah, you're a faggot. Eat shit
Lolol +1
if you post on reddit you're a fag
it's THE definition of an echo chamber. i only visited reddit to see what was going on at the donald and posted something that wasn't some shitty "pol lite" hackneyed meme
i think the draftourdaughters was a perfect example. they made the worst fucking psyops ever. but they did get our OC out, so there is that
>reddit name
What did you post your fucking personal details on reddit or some shit?
back to the burning ship that is r/politics ctr shill, you can't stay here
just blur your shit out
This. People put out way too much personal info nowadays.
Don't be such a melodramatic faggot and go message a mod. Dumbass.
I've been banned like 3-4 times now.
Be thankful you didn't get the rope instead.
you have to make a new account and go back
there might be enough to piece it together (maybe)
Fuck reddit for banning this cancer kiddo, take him BACK
Good for them.
After he wins, you could get gassed instead.
I got banned for calling their former top mod a rapist that started sli.mg for his own monetary benifit.
yeah that place sucks i got banned just for calling someone a nigger and telling him to kill himself. like what the fuck
cant wait until this election is over and all you reddit fags leave
faggot leave
we dont want you either
If you post on reddit, Sup Forums will never forgive you
Never late to say fuck drumpf or fuck shillary
hahahaha this just happened to me in a youtube chat.
The owner of the stream and 95% of the people in chat were pro Trump.
I said something sarcastic and the mod started calling me a libtard.
Say numerous times I have supported Trump since the beginning but nope I'm a libtard.
The mods were all teenage girls. Jesus Christ we are getting the SJW's now aren't we.
how would that be doxing yourself, kyou stupid faggot?
I like the_donald subreddit, but 99% of sub reddits and reddit in general are absolute shit
wow weird, thats not like here at all
Why am I reading leddit drama on Sup Forums ?
no everything on that website is jewish brainwashing because it forces you to self-censor
difference is these autists cant ban
Because the control freaks are now becoming part of the Trump movement.
trumpulets are sensistive. They're finally got a steam rolling going, and they gotta keep up the high energy for 6 more days.
They need to not do the following:
>Kill more police
>Commit more voter fraud
>Praise an OKeefe video
>Send emails
yea they banned me too
Dude, the_donald is the biggest fucking safe space/hugbox I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing. If you post anything even remotely negative about Trump, if you criticize or contradict the hive mind in any way, you are fucking gone. It's the weirdest fucking shit.
Then, go to hell,faggot.
They're just fucking around senpai. Source: was a mod
Reddit in general is a liberal/atheist echo chamber. It's also rather socialist, and many people there lie and overthink things to the nth degree. I hate that place. I have a friend I care about who goes on there way too much and I hate it and that he does it. He doesn't even realize the subtle conditioning he's under
Yes, the_donald is shit, but you know what? THESE FUCKING PEOPLE ARE AMONG US NOW.
Fucking Sup Forums went and made a fucking retarded hugbox on reddit and now all those idiots they met there have decided to come here as well. That's why this place has been FUCKING SHIT FOR THE PAST YEAR.
Go the fuck back to R E D D I T, assholes. You aren't wanted here!
a couple bros spamming CP in every thread would scare em away right quick
Why did they ban you for fucks sake. We don't want Reddit fags here
r/donald is legitimately more nazi than/pol/
I mean it is against their rules.
This makes zero sense, Donald Trump himself posts on /r/the_donald.
They want their echo chamber despite complaining about the rest of Reddit and Tumblr being echo chambers
kek go back
don't be such a fucking omega male. Just post the gist of what you said, no need for verbatim.
All the edgy fucktards complaining about /r/the_donald in here need to stfu. /r/the_donald is the best source online for aggregated news about Trump and the campaign-Trump himself posts there, ffs, and that's a good enough endorsement for me.
Don't worry. You're among friends here
Mods can you please ban OP ?
welcome to the club. that's why we hate reddit
power hunger admins
Let's raid it.
I wanna strangle the people who think that pointing out minor, insignificant details in a picture is the height of humor and awareness. Them and the repetitious joke fuckers.
Why would you post personal details on Reddit? Sounds like this story is a shitload of faggotry, lies, and crying. You literally came here to cry about a ban on Reddit.
Did you actually contribute to any investigations or just post shitty comments that dont help shit?
The donald is not to debate the donald.
The donald exists to HELP GET HIM ELECTED.
If you want to debate about him, do it here autist.
>He sees Sup Forums as a boogeyman
Wish all the alt right faggots and cucks would just go back.
If I see another milo thread here it might just be the line in the sand where I never return, vote left and devote myself to ignorance is bliss.
>getting replies that are MEAN is the same an censorship
you have to go back redditor
its called slander faggot. you think trump cant sue ? why do you think the media suddenly is being more fair? each news agency is facing a multi million dollar law suite for defamation
Don't understand why people complain about being banned when saying shit on the subreddit, the_donald doesn't pretend to be non-biased nor a circlejerk, that's pretty much the point. You wouldn't post about how much you loved consoles in pcmasterrace without being banned.
>no spamming
I wonder where they draw the line because I see this picture posted almost every day
difference is i support trump, wasnt even trying to debate or w.e.
Most people dislike reddit because the popular opinion is brought to the top and praised, and any dissent is silenced.
We joke around on here and say we're all autistic, but in reality you're much more likely to find actual aspergers/autism on reddit. That's why the way they talk on there is kind of weird.
t. reddit rapefugee