How do I refute this? I literally can't think of a thing.
How do I refute this? I literally can't think of a thing
Houses are physical, race is a social construct
Niggers started the house fire
if being killed by police is the equivalence of a house fire in this situation than the white person house should actually be on fire a lot more than the black person house, both in total and statistically
You don't.
Looks like he is doing the right thing OP, he is watering down that house to avoid it from catching fire while the people equipped to fight it arrive. In actuality he his trying to keep the fire from spreading as the house on fire is clearly a lost cause.
Seizing the means of production on hoses is the only option, goy
>social construct
the house on the right was set on fire by its occupants
You're on only like 5 layers of irony bro. Watch this:
How can race be a social construct, if society is a construct in itself?
this is the correct answer. it's a totally autistic answer, but as far as WUI (Wildland Urban Interface) tactics are concerned, it's right.
It's a strawman. Name one person who thinks you should do what the comic purports. You can't, because it's a strawman argument.
Because all houses matter, you take care of the house that's on fire.
The black house is a shitty trailer that caught fire by its own occupants, the white house is nice and well-kept, and it probably got set on fire black people.
The house on the right isn't actually on fire. The statistics show niggers are actually LESS likely to get shot by cops than whites...
Literally this. Does the cartoonist realize he's showing the person he seems to be attacking doing the correct action for the scenario?
Your shit is not my problem fucker. I have zero obligation to take care of our give a shit about your house. All lives matter is a bullshit cop out, and in reality only lives I care about matter.
You refute it by pointing out the fact that 3x as many whites are killed as blacks by police every year, and if you adjust for white/black crime rates, whites are more likely to be killed per capita.
White people live in trailers. Black live in projects.
Ok so
This argument is a straw man
But it is also implying that blacks are the only ones on fire, which is not the cause.
In fact, more whites are killed by police officers on average than blacks!
So in fact, the guy who is putting out the fire on the wrong house IS the one protesting for the wrong thing to stop, because he/she should REALLY be protesting Police Brutality against WHITES!
Also OP, I suggest you learn all of the collections of fallacies and Non-arguments. They are listed on the Sup Forums sticky, they help you refute dumb libshit stuff like the pic u posted
Firefighters protect all houses equally.
That image strawmans the issue.
Your house doesn't matter to me.
Terminate yourself with extreme prejudice.
did the house wave a gun at a cop? i don't get the connection
You don't. There is literally nothing wrong with BLM as a concept. In execution it might fail, people apply it wrong, misunderstand or are just fucking dumb. But the core idea is actually sound: not as an excuse for looting or w/e, just as an acknowledgement of the way reality is.
Black lives DO matter, but people are using that as an excuse to justify their shitty retaliation/lashing-out while creating dividing lines in our culture, rather than trying to work toward a solution that helps everyone and brings the country closer together.
It's a loaded 'statement' intellectually dishonest at best.
Just like black lives matter, which implies that lives in general matter, and they don't.
Blacks want to be seen as worthwhile, rather than proving themselves useful as individuals.
They collectively want participation trophies simply for being lazy pieces of shit.
Not being on fire is not considered a privilege.
No one harasses houses for not being on fire.
BLM sprang up as a result of black men being shot by cops, and they say black men are being disproportionately targeted by police and we need to do something about it. However, black people are being shot by police in exactly the same proportion as they are committing crimes. Their whole movement is a lie.
A proper house burning analogy would be the Burning Houses Matter guy lying that his house is on fire and that the fire department better do something about it.
Just tell him that, to you, your life matters most.
If a house is consumed in fire, it is left to burn. Firefighters then water the near by houses to prevent the spreading of the flames.
SO... we should let the niggers die off like this, and protect everyone else so they don't burn themselves out of existence.
they won't let me print "black lives are particular worthless" on a t-shirt
But black people aren't on fire.
> Whites are more likely to be killed per capita.
But that's not true, and your own post refutes it. There are more than 3x as many whites as blacks in America.
The house on the right is already burned out, he's making the right decision by wetting his house. It's well known that dried leaves and organic material in the gutter can set a house's roof on fire.
If this was accurate there would be 1000 houses on fire next door, representing black on black violence, which the fireman is ignoring.
Cop on black murders aren't classified as murders, this is the problem.
I said adjusting for respective crime rates. Learn how to fucking read
Black lives matter co-opted what was once a common consensus, that police brutality needs to stopped, to a retarded conclusion that every nig that dies from a police encounter dindu nuffin
It's not a strawman though. It's an analogy.
The point is that the impression exists of disproportionate police brutality to blacks, and in those circumstances insisting we talk about all lives is pointless, because all lives aren't perceived to be in crisis.
It's totally irrelevant because blacks commit far more crime and almost all dead blacks are killed by other blacks.
My bad, leaf, but I still disagree. I've looked at the number of people killed by cops by race and compared it to crime rates by race found they happen in the same proportions.
How could society be a construct, if a construct is a construct
I'm sure there are times when a black guy gets killed by a cop when there was no need, like the guy reaching for his drivers license
But are blacks really the primary victims of this?
>implying blacks are targeted by whites when actually whites are targeted by blacks
well here I am reduced to a cig smoker. Still no real responses. I'll go smoke my cig while you literally figure out your countries life goals.
Then you argue that. You don't say "All lives matter" as a meaningless response but "Black lives are being taken by other blacks, and police have reason to be afraid. 'Black lives matter' ignores that blacks as a group imperil their own lives"
Fixed it OP
False equivalence.
The concept of white privilege is what privileged whites use to try to shut-up non-privileged whites when non-privileged whites complain about being dispossessed, fired, and replaced.
>Still no real responses.
wow rude
You're like little children.
How can a construct exist when linguistics fails to conform to naturalized logic
Point out that the issue at hand is the behavior of the police and that they have killed people of all races under questionable circumstances.
Then elaborate that framing the topic as a racial issue is politically motivated and meant to turn the American people against each other and fuel partisan politics rather than having us join together to demand better behavior from our police.
Also: Kelly Thomas.
following strawman logic: we should pay more attention to blacks that are doing fine than to whites suffering
think of blacks as arsonists setting their own houses on fire for insurance money.We have to put out the fire, but only to prevent it from spreading.
How can words have meaning if they are ALL social constructs?
I cannot refute this.
No houses exist all that exists is water and fire. The house represents fire
Water is not representative of anything.
Right except that absolutely all available evidence to include BLM's own favorite stories show that this is a hoax, this is completely made up. Police are not attacking blacks for being blacks.
It's like how educated Europeans are under the impression that Columbine happens evety hour here.
then whats the point of grouping up all blacks if grouping up all lives isnt allowed?
the methapor is this, burning house is group of people. so in sense we all know its not that all black lives matter, only some inviduals, but never all, as they try to imply it themselves
That image implies that the burning house is left unassisted while the fireman does nothing.
We throwing hand over fist cash at the black community and they just spoil like rancid corpses left in the sun to rot. Countering this kind of "BLM matter because they are being attacked and murdered by cops" means dropping very heavy red pills. There is no way to argue against their logic if they are allowed to set the unrealistic reality.
>less then 1200 people are shot by police each year in a country of 330 million
>more whites are shot each year then blacks
>police shootings are so irrelevantly small compared to black on black crime which is 40x more prevelant and never gets reported or address by BLM
If black lives 'matter' to BLM. Why are they not attacking and fixing the largest threat to black americans by margins so large is is insane to think anything else is relevant.
Black on black crime is the biggest killer of blacks without any kind of close second.
>We should care exactly equally at all times about everything
Classic example of a straw man argument.
If black lives matter cared about black lives, they'd mention the 93% of blacks that are killed by other blacks as well
Here ya go
In terms of total victims, no, it's still Whites. They're killed disproportionately to their population size, but they're also disproportionately involved in violent crime, so it adds up.
I do think that a movement dedicated to combating and minimizing police brutality would be a noble one, but turning it into a divisive race issue that splits people apart when they should be working together to solve a problem that affects everyone in this country ensures that nothing will ever really be done about it.
Not shown in the fourth panel is the dindus who are setting fire to their own neighborhood and crying that white man won't put it out anymore.
Then it should be called All Lives Matter, but it's not. Try again.
If it gets classified as murder the cop is probably going to jail.
When do you ever see cops going to jail in America?
oops I fixed it
"black lives matter" is based on a false promise; the house isn't on fire.
Ah fuck, I remember that case.
>Kelly Thomas (April 5, 1974 – July 10, 2011) was a homeless man diagnosed with schizophrenia who lived on the streets of Fullerton, California. He was beaten by six members of the Fullerton Police Department, on July 5, 2011. Thomas was taken to St. Jude Medical Center before being transferred to the UC Irvine Medical Center, where he was comatose on arrival and not expected to recover. He never regained consciousness, and died on July 10, 2011.
>A judge declined to dismiss the charges against the officers in January 2013, finding that "a reasonable person could infer that the use of force was excessive and unreasonable." An appeals court judge also denied a request to overturn the lower court's decision. On January 13, 2014, Ramos and Cicinelli were found not guilty of all charges, while the trial for Wolfe was pending. Following the verdict for the two officers, the district attorney's office announced it would not pursue the case against Wolfe. On January 17, 2014, charges against Wolfe were dropped.
Fucking hell.
if all houses matter then wouldn't they be spraying water on BOTH houses? this comic doesn't even make sense.
Poo poo
>people say nice things to sound nice
Reality shows that a person's words do not represent the actions that will be taken when logic is applied.
And its more reasonable to assume that being realistic is evil instead of sensible today.
Don't think too much on it, it boils down to naive people being stupid and inexperienced. When time comes for them to make a tough decision they'll realize they were wrong all along.
Right now what we do have control over is whether a civil war takes place or not, and whether we vote Trump or not.
And if not a civil war, then a world war.
I don't frown upon the idea that we should educate each other on idiocy, but it can be distracting from real problems.
fucking never
I don't know why though
I mean I do, no one wants to go to jail even if they're guilty but how is everyone else okay with this happening?
False analogy. Arguing over rhetoric isn't the same as acting to solve a problem.
>be fireman
>blue house burns down
>another blue house gets burned down a few months later
>all of the other colored houses are burning down too
>blue houses matter movement starts
>house starts burning
>it's red
>fire begins to spread to blue house
>blue houses matter!!!!
>aim hose at blue house
>red house has more fire but who cares
>save blue house
>hear a rumor that firemen are paintist
>"but I saved a blue house"
>"all firemen are paintist sows"
>tfw this comes from the guy whose house I just saved earlier in this post
>he pulls a lighter on me
>I fire my hose at him in self defense
>another "blue houses matter" protest
>this time they got violent
>rioting, burning down houses, etc.
>block firetruck routes
>attack the firestation
>we aren't even doing anything bad to the blue houses... we're supposed to help them but they don't want help.
>call in the national park rangers to stop riots and fires
>no fires, they stop as soon as they show up
>the national park rangers leave
>riots start again
>have to go to fireman training again because apparently I did something that may seem paintist to some people
>get sick of job and the blue houses matter garbage
>resign from the fire station
Fuck my life and fuck #BLM
The answer is simple. Blacks are being killed by cops, and it's 100% justified. Michael Brown? Confirmed thug. Trayvon Martin? Confirmed Thug. The list goes on. Blacks commit 51.6% of murders in the US, despite comprising a mere 12% of the population. It should come as no surprise that they encounter police more often, which increases the likelihood that such an encounter will end "badly", especially when you factor in their proclivity o resist arrest.
the house on the right belongs to a white person.
That aside, if we were to carry the analogy through, then both houses would end up being sprayed with the firehose anyway. The house that isn't on fire would still need to be sprayed so that it doesn't catch on fire.
"BlackLivesMatter" is totally legit under the premise that Blacks are being targeted and killed in disproportionately high numbers by cops.
But they aren't. So either both or neither of those houses are on fire.
Repeat after me:
"That's stupid."
Easy, if one house is on fire due to outside forces, it should be helped, if it is one fire because of the home owner or the home owner called too many times about the wolf, you can say fuck off nigger
First of all, the moral proposed in the second frame is contradictory. One cannot care about all things equally AND make a choice as to which act of amelioration takes precedence. Because, doing so would be to prioritize the very things that one claims to care equally for.
And second of all, if we humor the intended analogy of the final frame, and accept that all houses matter, then in regard to the illustration, the obvious logical action would be to put out the fire starting from the left side of the burning house and working one's way to the right so as to 1) prevent the left house from catching fire and 2) extinguishing the fire that is currently devouring the right house. Hence, problem solved.
If the circumstances were different, however (like say that there were many houses surround the one ablaze), then the solution would be different as well; it all depends on the context of the situation and whether or not one decides to act rationally.
>Blacks are being killed by cops
>Trayvon Martin
U wut m8?
Link the actual murder statistics that show that white on black is literally one of the lowest if not the lowest one.
The comic would be correct if the house he was focusing on was the one on fire and the house the BLM dude was focused on had a little fire in one corner.
Leave it to the autists on Sup Forums to hair-split irrelevant details. Eat my shit.
Pointing out that BLM or its refutation of all lives matter is not based upon some impossible "everything equally" idiocy is "autism" and "hair-splitting?" Do you even understand what those terms mean or are you just tossing them around because they make you feel special?
black lives matter and all lives matter are both wrong. only white lives matter.
e z p z
>Pointing out that BLM or its refutation of all lives matter is not based upon some impossible "everything equally" idiocy is "autism" and "hair-splitting?"
No, you catastrophically dumb fuck, pointing out that George Zimmerman is not a cop is hair-splitting. What the fuck are you talking about? Re-read this exchange, then proceed to face palm yourself an appropriate number of times.
>house on fire
>man with hose not in fireman garb, so I assume it's the homeowner on the lefts hose and property
>seeing it that way he doesnt see a problem with a house burning down, its not his place and its his water
>guy without the hose wonders why hes not helping the other house
>he will probably get blamed for starting the fire anyway so why try to fix it
>mind your own property, dont care about the other and risk the hate, itll come on its own
This comic promotes segregation.
>mfw im ok with that
>pointing out that George Zimmerman is not a cop is hair-splitting
Sorry, previously I responded in the wrong way.
Let me get this straight. You are supporting an idiotic notion that Zimmerman, a private citizen without any authority to use any force (let alone deadly force), is somehow equivalent to a police officer?
Black Lives matter says that whites are responsible for Black deaths, even though the overwhelming majority are black on black crime.
The equivalent would be someone intentionally setting his own house on fire several times a day and then complaining when the fire truck was late to his house once.
mention that #all lives matter trended after cops were shot at by BLM protesters.