A letter is being sent out to Congress from Comey tomorrow, this was just left in my D.C. dead drop.

Other urls found in this thread:



I don't have the whole letter. This image was left in my dead drop you fuck.

Yes show it.

Show the whole letter you liar

can i be a spy too? im not very good at anything, but ill try my best


>blow me

What is a dead drop Praise kek and fuck moloch

For comparison, here's a Comey signature I found from Googling.

Why should we believe you? Not to be rude, but this website has been awash in false flags and RP'ing faggots all day

Look forged asshole. The J looks like Comey had Parkinsons or someone was trying to trace and forge.



>James Baloney

wtf op?

>a word doc I typed up 5 seconds ago printed and took a photo of with a shitty forged signature
>all for (you)'s
Here you go (((((((((((YOU)))))))))))

Why do people care if it interferes with a Presidential election?

Shouldn't the law take precedence?

This is going to seriously destabilize America, if its real.

James B. Comey

He does have unfortunate handwriting.

Dead drops are basically flash drives located in public places.


The signature in the letter looks much shakier than that. I am inclined not to believe it at present.


Fuck OP, if you spent just a little more time on that J I'd have believed you.

>l4n 2 f0rge m8

this is the worst signature ive ever seen

autistic handwriting proves it's fake as fuck


>james blomey


Get me up to speed
What's a dead drop?

Man that sure seems secure.

Maybe he was shaking with fear when he was writing it user.

Looks like a poor forgery.


What is happening to this fucking election?

Yeah, OP's is forged. Look at the wobble on the outer part of the J. Indicative of somebody going very slowly to recreate a different handwriting.

that looks like james blowmey

>looks much shakier than that
His hands might be shaking m8

>It's fucking nothing
kys op

It's not too bad of a forge. The B to C connection is pretty fluid and accurate, but the fact that OP's "James" arches in the middle as opposed to the straight "James" in anons reference, and the shaky "J" in OP's, makes me think that this is a forge

Is this real?

If not I like your effort user.

Security isn't a priority. It's merely an Anonymous location (no cameras, in an alley) that people can whistleblow from time to time to my agency.


this is obviously James BlowMe

op is a liar



> blowme

Hey now!

Dead drop huh

what's a "dead drop"?

>tripcode doesn't show up in archives


>James Blow me

>Op forged a document from the chief federal law enforcement official

You glorious faggot, I hope you're behind seven proxiese

Stop playing with my emotions

Fake and gay delete your account

God speed FBI

Your agency being? Surely if you are anonymous showing us something like this, you can afford to let us know where you are from!

lol that signature is shit OP. On an important document like this he would make that shit like John Hancock.

I wud +1 u if i could

Comparing it to that, this dead drop is bullshit. Signature is completely wrong.

whats a dead drop and why do you got one?

Hey op you're about to be vanned

shit sig nig

I hope this is real but I've seen way too many "HIGH-RANKING MARTIAN HERE, WE'RE INVADING TOMORROW, AMA" bullshit threads to believe anything like this


Oh boy, it's really happening this time. They're gonna shut it down, or whatever.

Dead drops are used to pass information without revealing a source, most of the time.

ie) Source contacts person intended to receive information. States information will be delivered via dead drop. Dead drop can be anything, anywhere, any time. Only thing that limits it is your imagination, and chances that some random could stumble across it.

>tfw the tannu tuvan throat singing message board has moles in more governments than USSR ever did

nice signature faggot how much practice did it take to get it to look so natural


>t. never played Oblivion



No it won't, if Hillary is arrested a better candidate will take her place.

The law always comes first.

Trips of truth. That's a federal pound-me-in-the-ass felony if it's forged. Probably wire fraud too since he posted it on the internet


>Sincerely yours,

Yeah, definitely fake

not even a CTR shill, but doesn't his signature look like a 6th grader writing in cursive with their non-dominant hand? or does comey have michaeljfox handwriting?

So somebody left you a cameraphone picture of a single page with only 3 lines and a signature on it. I'm sure your "Organization" will make excellent use of this, you LARPing faggot.

>Sup Forums falls for a fucking lie

never change



it's gone tits fucking up m80

lmao my autistic 9 year old can scribble a better signature you hack

>forging the signature of the FUCKING FBI DIRECTOR

Pic related, OP's future.

Here's his signature from the Friday letter. Almost identical to OP's without being copy/pasted

Friendly reminder its insanely easy to post fake shit on Sup Forums and get you fags all up in arms.


as if forgery wasn't bad enough, you just forged the literal top dog of the v& force.

Sup Forums we sure have come a long way

>forging FBI director letter and signature

it's like you think being arrested is fun.

These fucking RP threads are rediculous.

>CTR new tactic
>turn everything into a CIA psyop

This shit must be really fucked up for them to be putting out such a hard ass disinfo campaign.

>but we strongly implore you to take immediate action on our recommendation

learn to write a lil bit better if youre gonna waste your time doing shit like this, i could tell it was fake just from reading that atrocity of a clause

trade-craft question, not going to ask anything specific, only enough to figure out if you're full of shit.

how long did you walk around before you confirmed you were black?

>I was pretending to be retarded


ITT: larping


Enjoy your felony.

No, really.

You didn't fool anyone faggot

Read the thread

No, that official "J" is fucking beautiful compared to OPs.

>implying Comey signs every single letter he sends out

Fuck drumpf And fuck white ppl

Fake. Forger's wiggle.

This (March 18, 2016): youtube.com/watch?v=sDr2NJPv8kE

leads to

this (today): reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5aqvr4/this_is_the_secret_of_the_fbi_tweets_this_is_what/

You didnt get anyone you faggot hope you get banned

>thread calls you a faggot for posting fake shit
>haha got you

>half of the thread called you out
M-merely pretending

>Gets called fake by 90% of a thread
>I have fooled you all!

>signatures are always uniform