You have one minute to name a more blue-pilled propaganda kids film than this one.
You have one minute to name a more blue-pilled propaganda kids film than this one
>Not redpilled
Ok Kidd
everything on the electric jew is fucking awful. World Peace was pretty good though
Good movie and even has Tom waits music. Go fuck yourself.
>oh nooo a movie about a businessman being bad, this must be communist jew propaganda!
I watched that on an airplane and RAGED for the entire film. The director needs to die by getting assfucked with an oversized dildo.
Why are Americans so afraid of Communism?
Singapore Airlines. Couldn't get past 10 minutes.
Communist = enemy to most Americans
So old economic models returning and opening the door to any capable producers, thus restoring a meritocracy that had been torn down by greedy, conniving rats is a blue-pilled movie?
sounds like something a fuckin COMMIE would say
The villain is literally Donald Trump
We just think it's stupid.
name a more red pilled children's movie
you cant
Memes aside I am a National Socialist
For most I wouldn't categorize it as fear. More of an intense hatred.
Guess again, this movie named (((them))). The villain is literally George Soros
How can you hate something that you have never experienced?
FernGully: The Last Rainforest
I'm a natsoc and we are usually centre in economics. You're up there with stalin and mao my dude.
>Older generation of robots being phased out due to the meddling of a pussy man antagonist with mommy issues.
>Older generation doesn't like this and rebels
The only thing that I can see as being potentially blue pilled is the whole "It doesn't matter what you're made of" thing that's constantly brought up, and even then it's not as if it's treated as that anyone can accomplish anything no matter what in spite of who they are. The protagonist only accomplishes his goals and dreams by the end from nothing other than his own hard work.
It's a movie that encourages creativity conforming to a system. The villain can be seen as a Trump like figure yes, but he can also come off as a Soros like figure.
This is the most correct answer.
Cold war.
Fucking commie
The Three Little Pigs m8
>commit sudoku
>implying that Stalinism is not National Socialism on steroids
>national SOCIALISM
*That encourages creative rather than confirming to a system
God I need to learn how to proofread.
>1 post by this ID
Hitlers economy in action was pretty far to the left
Was it just me or does the pig leader have a Muslim beard?
Hitler was centrist. Socialism involves state intervention in the economy. The more economic equality in a society, the further left.
You must not have seen Zootopia...
The Secret of NIMH
>Socialism involves state intervention in the economy
>National Socialist Germany was a complete authoritarian state
>Everything was literally controlled by the state
Hurr durr
You are probably a lolbertarian, dont you have to smoke weed, faggot?
Well, I mean... if I'm being honest with myself, Sup Forums culture is the polar OPPOSITE of creativity. The whole idea behind a "meme" is that you're repeating someone else's idea.
Also, a large percentage of people on Sup Forums wants to bring an end to what they call "Degeneracy" which is basically just anything deviating from what they consider normal.
>Being anywhere near Thatcher
Holy shit. Your so right OP. Jesus.
Zootopia is about a corrupt cop who entraps a criminal and eventually uses that position of power to force the criminal into a relationship. Fucking hardcore shit man.
Explain. I'm not 12 so I don't watch animated shit. I've heard it's bluepilled as fuck but nobody's told me why.
I wanted so badly to swallow this movie's bluepill tho. It was a legit good film.
>Movie about how about how ability is greater than being made (((shiny)))
Pol is very creative. People here make memes all the time. I've made a few.
But we're not here to be creative you faggot. Most of us come here to discuss ideas and have real debates. With the election it's hard to do that, all it has turned into is a shitposting meme fest. You'd be surprised how many creative people go on pol. I've been in Opera's and theater productions with nat socialists and people who browse pop.
We want to bring a end to degeneracy because we believe in objective moralism and virtue (most people here are Christian). If you don't believe in this your life will be shit.
Lego movie is red pilled. It's a story of a guy becoming uncucked. The "everything is awesome" song is the anthem of the wageslave masses and their blissful ignorance of the oppressive utopia of rules.
and the villain is Soros
It's all intentional user
1. Pig leader raised index like radical muslims
2. Pig ship was full of explosives
3. Pigs wear stereotypical arab beards
3. Immigrants prey on local women
4. main characters often match the line up of the Germany flag and share the same colors
5. Large mythical eagle lives far away and pisses in the ocean
6. left wing sympathizers in the form of old women and teenage girls defend the immigrants
7. Main character is an angry, failed artist as a reference to Hitler
I felt the same way.
I cringed every time they pulled the feminist metaphor but I was so entertained.
I know right? I'd only class one of them as a good leader...
Just proves that women can't rule.
What is redpilled about a ragtag group of everymen rebelling against conformist corporatocracy? Isn't that the american dream? Are you literally a fascist?
I don't understand the evil trump meme
Would you hate a mouthful of liquid shit?
How can you really know until you've experienced it?
wait a minute that rabbit
I maintain it was a subtle redpill.
>diversity could work if all members of society were functional
>government will try to exploit racial tensions to grab more power
>it's a fact that not all groups will exist in perfect statistical equality in all areas of life
>Shakira is a sandnigger
Communism disgusts me
degenerate propaganda
I tried to watch Zootopia but couldn't. Went and watched Fury Road for the 20th time instead.
200,000,000 deaths and counting
I used to love that movie but now that you mention it, it's totally shitlib propaganda.
lol i watched that when i was little
whats wrong with it exactly?
Because it is bad.
I dont remember the plot of this film to recall why its blue pilled. Can someone give me a quick re-cap?
Whats the difference? Does the second one have more mountain dew and 360noscopes?
neither do i it was the first movie i ever saw in theaters
Fuck communism. Better dead than red.
I know one show....It's called Squirrel and Hedgehog and it was made by Best Korea not ugly blue pilled South Cumrea.
because it's like the plague
just look at our universities
Gotta hand it to the Norks, Lt. Fox Vixen has it going on.
most forms of anarchism are tempered with certain codes of conduct like the community working together or not breaking the non aggression principal ect
ultra anarchism is 100% no rules where everyone just does literally anything they want to do and if you dont like it fuck you fite me cunt
>American College Neoliberalism
Stalin genocided gays back in the good ol days
This, desu. The predators could sort of be interpreted to represent any particular group, including white people.
Also, those sheep were definitely Jews.
You can't honestly believe this. There are probably hundreds of images created per day, maybe with borrowed ideas but certainly with a good mixture of our own.
It's an allegory for how bad things were getting at Disney under Michael Eisner that culminated in the Walt Disney stand-in coming in to help get him out. I thought you Jew haters would be all over that.
It implied that the only reason that blacks couldn't function in society is because of white men keeping them down.
It was bluepilled as fuck, but it wasn't that terrible. There are definitely directors out there who deserve being violently sodomized more.
>It's awesome to win and it's awesome to lose! It's awesome to lose!
You might be right
That's exactly why it's bluepilled as fuck.
Easily misunderstood message that is utterly impossible to understand unless you're already redpilled
It's the same shit southpark gets away with. Utterly bluepilled nonsense until you realize Garrison isn't actually Trump. Who realizes that? Fucking nobody who watches that liberal trite.
You should kill yourselves for pushing this literal Jewish shit.
The director needs to die by getting assfucked with an oversized dildo.
That's what he does for fun
The Lion King
Well I mean, a literal fucking jew wrote, directed, and starred in it.
>for pushing this literal Jewish shit.
I'd never push it on others: it's totally bluepilled, and the fan-base is full of horrible SJW-tier perverts.
Because americans like owning property you stupid shitskin
>tfw syndicalism
It's not bluepilled at all, IMO. In the face of evil capitalist greed, the main character promotes something more centrist and yet ultimately left-leaning, and carries his people into a more just and humane society. But robots != people, so it never touches on race or real Jewry; it's more of a class struggle allegory.