Still the best.
Still the best
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Actually inspired by Uncle Ben and his death, not literally who real dad, nor Stark
Keeps promise to dying enemy which causes the conflict for the rest of the series
A literal adult
>closest to the ditko stuff
well no shit it's the best, this is the interpretation of the character that made him popular. peter made decisions that the narrative allowed him to bite him in the ass in later stories.
In homecoming, after peter comes off as a total dickhead to Liz, instead of allowing her to stay around and cause conflict they just put her on a bus so the red carpet can get rolled out for MJ. that's not how Spider-Man works. Problems that Peter's life as Spider-Man causes shouldn't just magically resolve themselves.
This. Only a child would like the Marvelverse and Garfield was a homosexual in all regards.
I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided to turn Homecoming's Spiderman into a straight up idiot.
Honestly the web part of the costume still looks bad to me. Looks really metallic and seems like it was placed on top of the real suit. But the spider symbol is really amazing so a give it a pass
What the fuck was Mr. Aziz thinking with that 29 minute guarantee? Of course Peter would never make it in time, it's god damn Manhattan.
He has the best Spider-Man movies, but I think I actually prefer Tom Holland's performance.
Holland with Raimi's plots would be the goat Spidey film
Also had the best game! I assert that Spiderman 2 for PS2 would be considered a classic.
Are we ready to admit Spider-Man 3 wasn't that bad?
It had two big flaws: no unlockable costumes, and no JK Simmons (and the guy they got for JJJ is terrible).
I love Spiderman 3 compared to the other garbage Spiderman releases. Despite chewing the scenery at least Toby makes it fun
The bar isn't very high though
Let's not forget it had a superior music score but I'll give homecoming props for recreating the classic spiderman theme. (Even though it played in the intro briefly and we never heard it in the actual movie)
>Even though it played in the intro briefly and we never heard it in the actual movie
That disappointed me so much.
>Garfield was a homosexual in all regards.
Especially because he was so in love with Emma Stone...
Spider-Man 3 is the best superhero comedy movie of all time.
Probably one of my top five superhero fights of all time.
>No music.
>Not overly flashy.
>The blows look like they hurt.
>And each of their costumes gets successively more fucked up as the fight drags on.
>The noise Peter makes at the 51 second mark.
Nope, not even 2nd.
corporate trash
It is absolutely NOT closest to the Ditko stuff, that would ASM 1, like it or not bub. Read an actual comic
I have said this since 2002 and still stand by it: Spider-Man 1 would have gotten a PG rating if not for this scene. It's brutal as hell.
I don't understand why they didn't make the weblines more defined in Homecoming if it was going to be CGI anyway
The sound effects were nice too, his web sounding like a fence displays how strong it is.
Yes. At least for the first two films.
Don't worry user, I got the reference.
Spiderman 2 was a masterpiece
Could you imagine if they had the balls to use Gwen instead of MJ and kill her during the bridge scene? Dafoe Goblin would have been the eternal GOAT supervillain.
>Spider-Man 1 would have gotten a PG rating if not for this scene. It's brutal as hell.
I was actually shocked by how brutal this was. Because of how it was shot, you can feel every impact. The sweat on Peter's face is a great touch that shows you just how spent he is.
A man can dream....a man can dream....
The villains are fucking fantastic, and the only one that even comes close is Vulture. I'll give you that. Best Peter Parker? Fuck no
Since when did Peter...
>ride a skateboard
>Act like a total hipster
>barely give a fuck about responsibility
>not ever have struggles balancing out his hero life and civilian life
>act like a total dick to Uncle Ben the entire time
>I don't understand why they didn't make the weblines more defined in Homecoming
Because Spider webs are thin as fuck and hard to see in real life. That should be reflected on the suit.
I agree with you, but I felt Homecoming gets a pass because Peter is 15 and he really thought fighting Cap was going to change his life forever.
It's not that unlike the very first spidey-comic where spidey tries to join the Fantastic Four
It is bad. What the butler says essentially ruins the entire trilogy
This, people are giving him shit for being a naive idiot, but they're forgetting he's barely 15 in Homecoming. He's a teen, the fact that he's got smarts on science doesn't mean he isn't bound to make stupid decisions.
Regardless of what people say of the rest of that movie, it has one of the best villain birth scenes I've ever seen.
The music perfectly reflects the characters feelings, from his confused awakening to the moment he finally focus on what's really important to him.
Did you buy it?
Pizza time
The butler scene isn't even in the new Spider-man 3.1
It just shows Harry looking at a photo of when they were all friends, and that convinces him to go help Peter
>the girl he was crushing on moved away
that doesn't sound like a problem resolving itself, user.
>spider-man 3
>implying bad
without irony, this music alone is worth more than amazing spider-man 1 and 2 combined
it's crazy how some people just "fit" is a certain outfit. for spider-man it's toby
That would've make it the perfect movie
Too bad he never fucked with the landlord's daughter... she was cute.
Spiders are also not six feet tall and don't have four limbs
I wish comics spiderman just shot webs out of his wrists instead of cartridges
It's bad, but better than most capeshit and every non-Raimi Spidey movie.
That was like coolest part of the costume in my opinion. Whenever I see a spider man design, I always picture it with the white webbing.
The movie at least had heart. That's better than most superhero movies this days.
Yes. The others can't even compare.
eh, played Spidey too dweeby for my liking, but yeah he was good.
>and seems like it was placed on top of the real suit
It adds vastly to the authenticity.
It looking like it was just half assed drawn on with a crayon like the current suit doesn't fucking cut it.
I mean, I always use Batman and Robin and Spider-Man 3 when I want to make an argument about what an “awful” movie really is. Now, on a technical level, on a screen-writing level, SM3 is superior to B&R. But SM3 is so fucking boring. I’ve only ever watched it once, in the theater, and that’s all I need. Now, Batman and Robin? I can watch that movie all day, any time I find it in TV I gotta stop and watch it. It’s a terrible movie, but it’s entertaining.
I think being boring is the worst thing a movie can be.
what was this actor thinking?
It really was the best spider man movie and it was a solid trilogy, honestly I'm kinda hoping we get a spider verse movie just so we can see Ramis spidey again, but I'm still surprised with how much they got away with especially the part we're peters intiated into the Klan
She ended up getting FRANKED by Thomas Jane.
That always felt off to me. Like I know his web is strong as titanium but it's not made of metal. Plus it's organic in this so if it is metal it must hurt like heII.
Second best.
how did you miss it during the building lift?
little known fact: that spit/saliva at 0:42 was digitally edited from blood
the scene was censored, and that kinda sucks
Toby was a bumbling idiot meant to portray Clark Kent more than anything resembling Peter Parker to anyone who actually knows Spider-Man comics
It's shit, Raimi should have made a Superman movie, because his vision of Spider-Man is just Superman
>he's not superman, you know
65 posts in and someone finally Raimiposts. Sigh. it was good while it lasted
>Act like a total hipster
>barely give a fuck about responsibility
>not ever have struggles balancing out his hero life and civilian life
>act like a total dick to Uncle Ben the entire time
You're either trolling or didn't watch the movie.