Timebro warned us
Militia groups prepare for armed revolt if Clinton wins: ‘Last chance to save America from ruin’
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Something about this is very comfy. I can't put my put my finger on it though.
>all the founding fathers say its your duty to overthrow a government that does not represent you
>leftists literally tout that they will no longer represent white males
>expect white males not to revolt
will leftists ever not lack foresight?
>“How many people are voting for Trump? Ooh-rah!” asks Chris Hill, a paralegal who goes by the code name “Bloodagent.”
This sounds really, really true.
Satan trips, civil war confirmed!
What a cool nickname. There's a dude I play airsoft with that used hat code name. His real name is Chris and he's a paralegal.
The government never represented minorities. They never revolt.
>these comments
It is your right to rebel against a tyrannical government. What is wrong with these people?
>satan happy about nwo taking over
Minorities were never supposed to be a thing in America....
they weren't citizens when our nation was founded
what is black lives matter
without replying to this thread, will you join them?
It just goes to show how effective the brainwashing campaign has been for the last 60 years. Also, their little world would spiral out of control if Dancing With The Stars or Sunday morning football didn't come one. They'd rather be controlled like cattle.
They've been brainwashed by the liberal school system.
It's gotten so bad that a professor found that most of his college students thought that slavery was invented in America.
>Hillary wins
>trumplets slaughtered by police
Kek will it
If the sabres rattle enough.
My militia is ready but we aren't in the mood to get Waco'd.
It's just insane. I bet these same people think it's good that people rebelled against Gaddafi, Hussein, Asaad,etc.
Remember power is the key to power.
God fuckin bless the USA
I think, in the event of a clearly corrupt government assuming leadership, it would be our duty to stage a peaceful, armed protest on Washington DC.
Well those are right wing bigots.
I'd wager these people would support an armed revolution in Russia, if only because of their anti gay laws.
>he doesn't know the CIA staged those revolts to destabilize hostile governments
I'm your huckleberry. The majority of cops are trumpers too.
look what these fuckers did in a shittier 3rd world country using twitter
In a completely hypothetical situation in which I am given a gun and training, of course.
Of course they do. The only information they know about these conflicts are the 10 minutes of """news""" they saw on CNN. Then it's right back to posting what they had for dinner along with their mug on kikebook or whatever the fuck else do in their spare time.
thats because they dont enjoy black lives matter terrorism targeted assisinations
I know that dummy, just saying the lefties think it's good for """rebels"""" to overthrow Middle Eastern governments because they are corrupt, bad,etc, but the idea the American government is corrupt, bad and should be reformed is not good.
>what is the civil rights movement
>what was the civil war
>what were the indian wars
literally kill yourself;
Armed Forces back Trump, Law Enforcement backs Trump, Border Control backs Trump, NRA endorsed Trump, every registered gun owner in America backs Trump. Learn to accept when you have lost and it will sting less later.
you are not supposed to reply and reveal your powerlevel user.
that said, i have to imagine this is exactly the type of situation the founding fathers included the 2nd amendment for
Think the police will protect you shill? Everywhere will go into complete chaos and CTR scum will be hunted down and executed for the revolution!
Actually I find minorities to be quite revolting.
if was water is clean that village would be pretty comfy desu
I said hypothetical. Everything I post is satirical in nature
It's called a terrorist group
Our government is corrupt. This election is the last chance to smoothly transition it back to not being blatantly corrupt, and just being retarded.
>It's called a terrorist group
That's called the federal government
Lefties love to think the guard and military will quell any serious insurrection but they forget that service members and vets are triple bluepilled on the oath of enlistment from day 1. "I, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
They do look like they're having more fun. But then who knows what insane future drugs and sex robots they have in that city.
leftists on gun rights
>"hurr durr you need to be in a militia"
leftists on militias
>"Those are terrorist groups hurr durr"