Are you ready?
The Second American Civil War
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>tfw alt-right death squads mow down every leftie from coast to coast
Ready for those fat, black, southern fucks to get out of my union
Can't wait
I appreciate the sentiment, but it's retarded.
Whose fighting who?
Then why did you force them to stay?
Why don't we invade orgy island? Sup Forumsacks arrive in rafts and duckies - liberate a bunch of underage sex slaves. We'd be hailed as heros.
Theres no civil war going to go down.
The "Progressive" Left/Establishment
All True American Patriots
Tax money but that's all down the drain now that they're essentially shitskin containment zones
Then i'm ready. Lets go!
if they can do it by protesting and organizing meetups on twitter in 3rd world shitholes why cant we
theres going to be a lot of civil unrest
Where were you for obamas two terms and his executive orders? Lol please
If she is indicted I don't see how we won't have a constitutional crisis.
Then you'll see some serious shit.
We cannot be the ones to fire the first shot. We must peacefully march on DC, while armed, and demand the convening of a new constitutional congress.
If you go to a March and don't go armed you're going to be in the way.
>Maverick returns to his master's side as a protecting spirit.
Let us pray Trump wins and it will not come to that.
I will be in 10 days. Bought another rifle the other day with the spare $1000 the other day.
It's fun to LARP though.
the first civil war killed ~700 000 people. How many this time?
Too many
Not enough
it'll be too much of a mess
see the issue right now is now we got a bunch of retards claiming they are alt right for everything the alt right doesn't stand for.
you'll have the "alt right" killing the alt right just like how GG had to fight the "GG" cause those retards had no real idea how to distinguish people from tumblr and twitter from the real thing.
the alt right started here sure, but it was over the ideas of what the american flag stood for and what the constitution meant, period. None of this jewish propaganda, none of this social justice garbage.
Now we got racists and i mean the literal definition of it trying to stain what it really is all about.
I hate black people like how any reasonable black person hates black people, they are lazy dumb criminals who shit over all that martin luther king jr died for. All the opportunity in the world wouldn't undo the level of laziness and ineptitude of a lot of niggers. They simply want to be handed shit and blame everyone for their self inflicted problems.
However they fucking smear the name of good black people in shit and that is a problem, cause it isn't that easy as "remove all who ain't white." You have more than just a race war, you have more than just petty differences at the base of this.
The reason the whole thing is a complete mess is because we have a varying amount of people agreeing on the same thing, but the finer points of the individual are usually different.
This isn't even on the same level of the previous civil war, this will be the few people vs the government and its brainwashed lackeys.
You all are thinking this will be red vs blue. Our problem isn't such an easy target or an easy solution.
For that reason I even doubt there will be a civil war, it'll be a group of terrorists shooting random innocent people at worse. At best it'll be a riot that has no idea who or what their target should be.
>pic related
6 million
Any right-thinking man or woman, no matter their color or creed, is welcome in the New America.
>you spent time writing this
Upside down flag=Distress
Funny thing is. I just found out a family secret that part of my family served the Confederacy in combat and I have 50 confed dollars in front of me dated February 17th 1864 signed by a treasurer in Richmond,Virginia.
D-do I qualify as a legacy member lads part of a Foreign Volunteers Regiment? Will I get a plot of land and a qt white wife to raise a new generation of white warriors?
If you're white then who the fuck cares?
Need all the whites we can get desu
Im a walking boner...
Interesting about shooting the power grid because Remember this?
17 transformers hit by a team of snipers with precision and total stealth. No suspects,no forensics and no one ever arrested.
Official spec ops testing the response?
Legit dummy run of a revolutionary act?
2:58 a.m. – AT&T fiber-optic telecommunications cables were cut not far from U.S. Highway 101 just outside south San Jose.
1:07 a.m. – Some customers of Level 3 Communications, an Internet service provider, lost service. Cables in its vault near the Metcalf substation were also cut.
1:31 a.m. – A surveillance camera pointed along a chain-link fence around the substation recorded a streak of light that investigators from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office think was a signal from a waved flashlight. It was followed by the muzzle flash of rifles and sparks from bullets hitting the fence.
1:37 a.m. – PG&E received an alarm from motion sensors at the substation, possibly from bullets grazing the fence.
1:41 a.m. – Santa Clara County Sheriff's department received a 911 call about gunfire, sent by an engineer at a nearby power plant that still had phone service.
1:45 a.m. – The first bank of transformers, riddled with bullet holes and having leaked 52,000 US gallons (200,000 l; 43,000 imp gal) of oil, overheated – at which time PG&E's control center about 90 miles (140 km) north received an equipment-failure alarm.
1:50 a.m. – Another apparent flashlight signal, caught on film, marked the end of the attack. More than 100 expended 7.62×39mm cartridges were later found at the site.
1:51 a.m. – Law-enforcement officers arrived, but found everything quiet. Unable to get past the locked fence and seeing nothing suspicious, they left.
3:15 a.m. – A PG&E worker arrived to survey the damage
That's operator tier right user?
If America erupts into civil war I will come support my brothers (I also want American Citizenship)
Death to tyrants
Genocide the Liberals
Praise Kek
Also some of my descendants lived in Virginia and they owned slaves so I'm based af
Alabama here.
Come home, brother. Help us cleanse the land of niggers and jews
>Henry Waxman, the ranking member of the Energy and Commerce Committee stated that the attack was, "an unprecedented and sophisticated attack on an electric grid substation with military-style weapons. Communications were disrupted. The attack inflicted substantial damage. It took weeks to replace the damaged parts. Under slightly different conditions, there could have been serious power outages or worse."
Has to be a spec ops test or some seriously trained militiamen preparing for the day it begins.
Praise kek.
Any user's from AL have any info on where to meet for the trump crusades?
I wonder how many Californians are here.
I will finish what my Great-Great-Great Grandfather at the First Battle of Manassass.
Brother! Where is AL meeting at senpai? I'll be there to shake all of you glorious fuckers hands.
If there aren't nukes count me out.
I imagine every county will have their own units. Birmingham will need the most help though. That place will need to be quarantined and then liquidated.
This user is a spook
Yeah, I just feel like communications will be fucked, and people won't know where to meet.
The left may feel a civil war is justified when Trump wins.
When was this?
I would if your migration system didn't ban whites for their quota. You only want browns and blacks :(
They only let in Europeans with "exceptional talents" i.e sports stars,actors etc or those with a wife/husband and/or $150k+ in savings and have a job lined up from a established company. I could have fast tracked citizenship if I had a green card and volunteered for the national guard or standard military in "Low security clearance" roles like cook,driver,logistic etc. Citizenship after 1 year of service instead of 5 years permanent residency would open full clearance to all rights and roles. I would have to do a GED aswell because foreign qualifications don't count in the US.
I'd apply to serve on the Trump Wall in all honesty. He better bloody build it. I dream of manning a mounted Mk19 and firing glorious explosives of freedom onto the brown hordes.
>safe space no guns faggots will overthrow Trump
Why do you think that?
April 16th 2013
Read here
I never forgot it. Always found it strange.
I'm coming for ya bootys
Look at comments I replied to
> my brothers from Sup Forums will accidentally shoot me because I come from a defenseless left city
It's been fun guys
Yeah, I was trying to figure out if anyone knew anything from AL. Ur the nigger, nigger.
no sir mr fbi man
We're not going to start off by shooting lefties. We are going to stage an armed march on Washington DC and convene a new constitutional congress.
my post number is the number that are kill
So you don't think our military is with us?
When they refuse. This happens.
It will be a pretty short war if that's the case, almost all progressives can barely lift a gun let alone fire one.
The only way the establishment would have a chance is if it had help from foreign governments.
Civil war only happens if Hillcunt wins.
If Trump wins, there will be some minor negro skirmishes in the cities, which will all be quickly put down and culled.
We know white liberals don't do shit except rant online about how their feels were hurt, so they're not a threat now or ever.
>almost all progressives can barely lift a gun let alone fire one.
The part you dont get is they NEED moral rationalization before they do things.
They'll only act if they think its a good thing.
Guns are bad, so they don't use em.
But, if the right ever attacks them, they are defending themselves, which is a moral good. So suddenly, every nu-male in the country will fight against you.
I mean, im pretty sure true american patriots can take on 3 nigs, 5 mexicans, and a couple white liberals each.
if singles, white will lose the race war
really makes you slaughter the traitors huh
Lefties can't even left a gun.
Won't ever happen.
yes tbqh
You caught me tim
We are sending a squad of agents to your mom's basment right now. Get ready you fucking neckbeard.
Praise Kek
You lose nigger
Just get a green card and join the army or marines. Everything else is boring because you don't get to kill people. Infantry is the only way to go.
Once you get discharged you'll already have citizenship. Plus you'll get free college and everyone will respect you for fighting in Trumps grand army to defeat ISIS
Do it. We need based Europeans.
y-yeah i knew that would happen
All of my neighbors are 80+ year olds. It's going to be fun raiding their homes for supplies.
Found the nigger
The military is the largest SJW experiment.
We'll have the vets, and a large part of the Marines and part of the army on our side. But all general officers are political appointee SJWs.
The military is a leftist joke. All lot are fed up with the SHARP briefings and the pussy pass though. A good number would desert, but the heavy weapons and nukes would be controlled by the SJW Navy and AF.
you really think that pic related would ever fire a gun?
kek is with us
If you told him that racists were running around shooting black people en masse he'd try.
unless hes jewish, then he'd move to isreal
I think you overestimate the progressive left.
These people want to feel attached to a cause, but they are too lazy to put in the effort to actually change anything. That's why social media is so popular with them, they can give the illusion of being a revolutionary from the comfort of their computer.
If a full on civil war occurred, you would see these people either continuing to protest from college campuses, or flee to Canada/ Europe.
The motto of whites is "anything you can do, we can do better".
c-can I come too?
Bring it you cucked faggots. Us lefties have been prepping too.