How to Get My Wife to Hate Nigger Music?

Long story short - my wife loves nigger music. How do I get her to stop?

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Introduce her to Moonman.

as long as shes redpilled about blacks who cares if she finds some of their music catchy

lol chances are youve been cucked by multiple niggers already

Beat her

Show her music

>he married a woman that loves nigger music
>somehow believes he'll be able to change her shitty taste after marrying her
>He's such a cuck he didn't told his wife about his hate for nigger music before marrying her
Jesus christ what the heck is wrong with you people

>not solving this problem before marrying her
You deserve to be cucked jesus fucking christ

Fuck the nigger out of her, bleach her from the inside out.

you married someone who like nigbeats?

you married?


fucking kek didnt that chapter come out like 5 hours ago and there already making shit like this

>long way
Pay for her to learn to play a classical instrument, attend classical music listening lessons.
>quick way
Have a nigger rape her.

If she's Christian the only way to do it is by making arguments that appeal to that.

God despises that kind of jungle-beat garbage because it's filthy disgusting diabolical trash that is steeped in sins against purity and chastity. If she loves God she will despise the things he despises. Indicate to her that if she enjoys that sort of filth that she is a reprobate and that God is disgusted by her sinful tastes.

Nigger music is good though. Jazz, Blues, Soul, Funk, good stuff.

make her listen to some Argentinian music instead

Yeah they used to pay real musical instruments and be really good in it back then. Rap is just someone talking in ebonics with a musical background.

play* real musical instruments

Don't quote me on this but I think that's from a doujin which actually came out before the chapter. Which implies the author faps to doujins based on his own series....

>Which implies the author faps to doujins based on his own series....
Topkek! I always wonder if most authors try to avoid doujins with there characters, or if they intentionally seek them out.

Convert to Christianity.

kill yourself

Enact a long campaign of mockery. Enlist friends to gang up with you in making fun of the lyrics and repetitive beats. Appeal to her maturity. Play good music and explain why it is good. Teach her about the circle of fifths. Make your own shit rap tunes with autotune to show how childish it is. Print out the lyrics of her favorite songs and demand she defend them. Rip out any subwoofers from your cars. Provide a healthy alternative, like edm dubstep made by nerdy white kids in england. Push her into trap edm. Its like rap without lyrics and would be a good bridge.

You don't understand how degeneracy works, do you, user?

>Long story short - my wife loves niggers

Is what that means.

You're an idiot to be married to her, get the fuck out or prepare for pain.

And if you're stupid enough to ignore me, remember this post years later when your life has been blown up, remember that some piece of the world did try to help you, and since you can't buy me a drink, buy some stranger a jug of g&t. And don't tell him why, because you'll want to keep all of that shit to yourself, nobody wants to hear about troubles that you asked for.

You're from Mexico

make her listen real music (Monteverdi for example)
if she does not convert is a bitch and you're a cunt

>Listen to EDM/Dubstep
>But first take out your bass

I live in a state and area where there are virtually no niggers (but it's growing, which scares me). I don't think it's possible.

Tanqueray is preferred.

Just have her listen to the worst gangster music of all time: Top Authority.

But im not a cuck
I don't see the point you're trying to make here

But jazz is god tier

OP, I think you know what to do...

Express your abhorrence of nigger music, eventually her perspective on the subject will change.