Should marijuana be legal to use recreationally?
Can we have a society where people can choose to do nothing but smoke weed all day?
Should marijuana be legal to use recreationally?
Can we have a society where people can choose to do nothing but smoke weed all day?
Yes, but pot smokers must make at least $50,000 a year, that's a good incentive to improve our economy.
>Can we have a society where people can choose to do nothing but smoke weed all day?
That society is not going to happen, but it would be a much better society for sure.
>Should marijuana be legal to use recreationally?
It is inevitable that this will be the case nationally within the next few years. The trend across all metrics show this.
Is that your first attempt at rolling a joint?
It looks you used crumbled toilet paper. It's going to run like a nigger when you smoke it.
What a shitty roll. He looks under aged anyway.
maybe $75k, put it out of non-STEMs reach
>It is inevitable that this will be the case nationally within the next few years. The trend across all metrics show this.
There are lots of people against it. Just because people make a big stink about it being illegal, there is no guarantee it will change anything.
Unless a Germany, France, or UK legalize on the national level, i do not see the USA legalizing tbqh
Honestly is there a legitimate reason to keep it illegal?
Like, an actually legitimate reason?
Drugs should be legal and addictions should be illegal. If someone does nothing but smoke weed everyday then that person should go on government payroll to do shit job like sweeping the street. That person should only be allowed to satisfy their drug craving once they are productive to society and if it's medically safe.
yes and we already do. inb4 muh degeneracy
Thanks user, was waiting for you to post.
>weed is legal
>more and more people start smoking
>becomes popular in the media
>misrepresented but teenagers pick it up
>get high instead of studying
>fail or work miserable jobs
>make little money
>still smoke weed
>stay poor4lyfe bc you smoked weed which ruined your work ethic and future prospects
Have you been living under a rock?
I recently smoked and had edibles for the first time.
I thought the high would get better as my body got used to it, but i feel like it just makes me stupid. Nothing like alcohol.
>There are lots of people against it.
Doesn't matter anymore. The majority has spoken.
>Yeah, I've done it once
>let me tell you all about it
Please, swedebro, continue.
but when it was illegal to everyone you could still get it easily
I'm not condoning using it, i'm just curious, maybe i did something wrong.
Is that known domestic terrorist Sam Hyde?
>what is sample size
>what is voter turnout
>what is voter eligibility (non-citizens and felons can't vote)
not going to believe that shitty graph m8
Most people say yes. I say no. And it has nothing to do with the marykike itself.
If cannabis is legalized, it would be grown in the states, taxed, and distributed. In doing so, the cartels would lose over half of their profits overnight. I may sound pessimistic, but I have my doubts that they are just going to grease up and take it.
More than likely what will happen is the US will instead have a huge influx of mexican made meth. The cartels will seek to replenish these lost profits by replacing it with the next highest in demand/low overhead crop they can, which is cheaply made methamphetamine.
If marijuana is legalized, all that we'll get out of it is another drug war, and more tweeks dancing in the streets, which I find poetically ironic.
thats a pretty shitty joint
same goes for alcohol
more people die from alcohol
people die from the black market
huge cost to keep people in prison
>Can we have a society where people can choose to do nothing but smoke weed all day?
That's already a reality you fucking maniac.
Try a sativa strain. Indicas put you in "couch lock".
>alcohol is legal
>more and more people start drinking
>becomes popular in the media
>misrepresented but teenagers pick it up
>get drunk instead of studying
>fail or work miserable jobs
>make little money
>still drink alcohol
>stay poor4lyfe bc you got drunk which ruined your work ethic and future prospects
guess you better bring back the prohibition americucks
So, you propose to keep the cartel fully funded I take it?
it also works like that though
true redpilled life is not to drink/smoke/indulge and to focus on hard work
No one is defending alcohol here so no point bringing it up in MJs defense
I would call you FBI, but I imagine their hands are quite full at the moment.
Prohibition doesn't really work with out a crazy level of police state or for things no one does anyways.
That's my thoughts.
>no point bringing it up in MJs defense
For me it is a valid point though. When I smoke, I definitely do not feel like drinking. I'm sure there are a lot more out there who have similar results. Drinking definitely causes a lot more problems than weed ever did.
What if we actually controlled the border or threatened mexico with invasion/some kind of occupation to remove the cartels if they can't stop it themselves? Europe has countries with humans too and they don't do shit like that. Well other than traffic small quantities of other recreational drugs but they don't bring violence.
>tfw friend used to always roll the blunts
>now he's away so I have to roll my own
fuck why do I suck at rolling
Until the pic can roll and stops using his moms harpoon wrappers as skins,
He cat be involved in such a discussion
If it works like that then how come the prohibition was a disaster? You *wish* it worked like that but the real world (and common sense) says that your idea is retarded. Making a mild recreational substance legal does not destroy society and nothing good comes from making them illegal.
I personally don't give a fuck about the cartels or Mexico. Mexico government is one of the major reasons it's flourished in the first place. But if you want to hit the cartels with any significant measure of force, you have to strip away the money source. Legalizing marijuana won't do anything.
This. Strong borders is just a starting point; it in itself won't accomplish everything. It will take generations of commitment from both overseering factions in the US aswell as Mexico to keep a detrimental narcotics problem under control.
>ask friends for a marijuana contact
>get the name of the dealer
>report the dealer to crime stoppers
>just got a $450 reward check in the mail because he was dealing other drugs as well and was given a 3-year sentence
>act pissed off at friends that they gave me the number to someone being arrested
well imo tbqh senpai
>illegalize substance
>forbid glorifying use (cuz DUDE WEED/ALCOHOL/METH LMAO) in media, i can live with rap or songs where drug use is advocated
>also educate on negative affects of substance abuse
>current generation that uses it will have to quit or use illegally
>if caught go to jail get probation/prison etc
>learns to live without
>if not goes back to prison
>let generations of people who die out (after 30 or 40 years)
>younger generations have less and less users until it's not an issue anymore?
tell me how this doesnt work? only bad thing is people who cant follow directions (IE THE LAW) get arrested
>let generations of people who die out
generations of people who use** die out
what a nice and awesome person you are
he is probably going to get murked smdh tbqh
Medical marijuana helped me temporarily with my tinnitus but it made me absolutely BTFO so I stopped using it. Didn't really enjoy it. In my experience potheads are more pleasant than alcoholics, so I don't see aa reason to keep it banned
The issue of weed being legal or not is really a low priority for me now, but it has been obvious for decades that it should not be a scheduled substance. The current status only serves to increase the size of government for enforcement and it empowers the cartels. The more important issue at hand is keeping Hillary out of office. The weed issue is going sort itself out over the next few years regardless. Our upcoming election is much more important. This may be our last chance to pivot this country in a new direction before the dollar collapses and makes us irrelevant in the bigger picture. I say doesn't matter if you are white, black, brown, green.. we need to make America great again. Last chance.
that's literally all I've been doing for the past 5 days
We already have that kind of society
>learns to live without
>if not goes back to prison
because that worked so well for the prohibition
just because weed would be legalized doesn't mean it'll be free
How do you feel user? I always start to feel terrible if I consistently smoke for too many days in a row
Your joint is shit. Look up the card technique on mastarollah's youtube channel and maybe you can make a decent joint.
I'm so sick of these degenerates. My brother was smaking a cannabis cigarette in the garage and I subtly notified my father, who kicked him out of the house. Now he's living on the streets.
Degenerates btfo!
pretty hot, got any more like this?
Dude i make
>Should marijuana be legal to use recreationally?
>Can we have a society where people can choose to do nothing but smoke weed all day?
Why is this debunked thousands of times argument the only thing you people can ever come up with?
Then put an age restriction like with booze. Also week killing motivation is a meme
This isn't the 1920s. We can impose longer sentences.
Meth cant move through concrete border walls user
this is stupid. the black market will still be there as strong as ever. You're just removing like 2% of pot smokers from the pool.
The ideology behind marijuana is that money doesn't matter. It's just a stupid shit thing that rats spend their lives chasing.
What a shit-excuse for a brother you are. Why didn't your father kick you out for being a little bitch? Snitching on your brother for smoking a joint. Fuck.
This is not a story made up in an effort to trigger stoners.
yes and yes if they got money or land to support themselves
Learn how to roll better. That thing is horrendous.
Literally everyone who is against legalisation is just some loser nerd with no friends who can't get a hookup.
This is 100% true science backed fact and they know it.
Here's a tip for you. The police literally couldn't care less about anything they can't immediately respond to.
Meh I make 90k doing hvac so STEM isnt everything
I am a nerd, I just use tor and it just works.
But you have to be a super hacker in order to buy marijuana online.
Undo that roll and roll every single one of those papers til you get it fuckin spot on, m80
What is Aleppo?
I started smoking weed as a teen and still do. I do work I enjoy most of the time and can guarantee I make more money then you do. Ive also met doctors, lawers and cops who smoke. The idea that smoking weed makes you lazy and useless is a myth. It just happens that some lazy and useless people happen to smoke and it gives the rest of us a bad name.
Of course you're right. The only reason it didn't work in the 1920s is because it weren't CURRENT YEAR. After all making something illegal will surely cause people to "learn to live without it". That's why nobody smokes weed since it's illegal. It's totally not wishful thinking completely oblivious of reality.
Recreational Marijuana is illegal?
Decriminalize - Do not legalize.
Can you imagine what the Bayer-Monsanto / Big Pharma will do to weed if they get the chance??? CMON PEEPS