She literally gets savaged on every single kikebook post. Just how fucked is she guys?


Other urls found in this thread:

Who else has their bets on for trump? I'm in at 3.2:1


It's over for her

I wish I bet when it was like 5 to 1

Need more comment caps, I don't have a kikebook or go there.

fuckin same

Ive seen the same both on FB & Twitter. The ppl absolutely HATE her. Landslide incoming

where can burgers bet?

Anyone want to compete for the worst odds? 225 here :/

Trips of Truth.

Praise KEK!

Holy shit someone from New York that actually recognized the fact the Hillary's a carpetbagger.

I bet $25 on him


>tfw you just want people to like your posts and say nice things but they tell you mean things

Wow it's almost as if over 100 million people vote in the U.S. elections, and only a tiny tiny itty bitty fraction of them make comments on politicians' facebook pages. You'd have to be a real retard to think the comments on a politician's facebook page is indicative of their level of support in the general electorate. That goes double when you consider how many of them are likely to be russian bots instead of actual people.

Muh russians


Way to ignore everything in my post except a single sentence.

>russian bots

this is just normal facebook

From her most recent post

Friendly reminder that Mark Zuckerberg is a russian spy and Donald Trump is quoted as saying "I am best friends with him (Mark Zuckerberg)"
"Yeah, I think he's attractive, very great, very smart guy and my son loves the cyber he has"

Put 50 on him months ago when he was like 2.5. Then got another 90 or so on at 5.5.

Why do white Americans love Israel so much?

Try responding to the rest of my post instead of just my last sentence, tard

I read the whole post i just disregarded it when i got to that point


$1000 6:1

Honestly I have no fucking clue. It's some evangelical boomer and gen x horse shit or something. idk.

We kill their neighbors, they give us the burgers

The Bible.

The only non Muslim country in that shithole.

"as a fellow ginger"

Please expand the ginger quotation for me.

Do all these top liked comments have loads of Hillary supporters replying to them or is everyone agreeing?

Trump supporters tend to upvote/like each other's shit a lot more than Hillary supporters because they're all so high energy. So top voted comments don't really tell the full story.

Problem is that the popular vote doesnt matter. The Electorate AKA the Cucklectorate decides

If you're unable to even get a positive comment as a top comment something is wrong.
If Hillary supporters can all shill the fuck out of her but can't click a thumbs up that's a serious lack of numbers on her home turf.

It's fucking social media FFS. It means nothing and doesn't reflect in the vote.

Should I put 300 on Trump while he's still at 3 to 1?

That's all I've got after rent money but he's winning right? fellas he's winning though?

>fellas he's winning though?
No. He's not winning.

6 to 1....MAGA

>Most popular means of communication isn't indicative of who is the clear favorite among most of the american people.
K....Keep me posted.

What's he at in the popular vote bet now? Probably safer to bet on that if its not too low

Again, well over 100 million people vote in the general election, but only a tiny little fraction of that amount posts on politicians' facebook pages. You're fucking retarded if you look to social media likes to determine a candidate's chances of winning, period.

Shadilay, centipede! All in!

>Again, well over 100 million people vote in the general election, but only a tiny little fraction of that amount responds to polls. You're fucking retarded if you look to the polls to determine a candidate's chances of winning, period.

Because AIPAC, in Tribal collusion with their fellow members in mass media (seriously, just look at who owns, staffs, and directs these companies) and financial institutions in the US, have brainwashed the less intelligent US population into believing their lies and deceit.

would be sweet if Trump sent the 3am nuke to Israel and playe dit off like it was for worst Korea.

Shitty comparison. Polls, by and large, are trustworthy indications of a candidate's chances of winning. Fucking social media likes are not.

Civil War soon friend


Yeah, like the Michigan primaries right?

Shes nuts

>Shitty comparison
See, simply saying that doesn't make it true.
>Likes don't determine...
Polls are literally just "Likes" for the candidate, there's no way to prove everyone polled is going to vote.

You need to get a clue. The "electorate" means the people who vote in a particular election. What you are thinking of is the ELECTORAL COLLEGE which is something else entirely. The electoral college are just the people who officially vote on the President based on the popular vote in their states. Yes, it is technically possible for faithless electors not to vote for who their state voted for, but most of the time it doesn't happen.

Long Story short, it goes a LONG way back, all the way to the 1600's

Nigga what

You need to educate yourself. Social media likes are not representative of the popular as a whole.

Just because there is an example or two of polls being wrong doesn't invalid the entire concept. Try again.

Read his Twitter

*population as a whole


>Popular opinion doesn't sway the election at all.
Okay Shill, we're done here.

I'll say nice things to you user. I bet you would look pretty in a dress.

She even gets savaged on every Bernie post as well, even if it has nothing to do with the election specifically.

Bernie: NO NDAPL!!!
Bernouts: Yeah fuck Clinton!

Again, we are talking about an election where wel over 100 million people vote, and only a tiny tiny fraction even LOOK AT a politicians' facebook page. So, no, facebook likes do not sway the election.

Got it at +275.

Put a grand on it. MAGA

we need to keep it trending that HIllary hates gays and didnt support gay marriage.

i feel like this sentiment won't really carry over to the next generation to get in charge

israel will be left behind

>Just because there is an example or two of polls being wrong doesn't invalid the entire concept. Try again.

This isn't "just" one or two polls. This is Michigan, a crucial swing state. This is a 1 in 5 fuck up, it's not a 1 in 51 fuck up.

>and only a tiny tiny fraction
So, the same amount of people who get polled?

Where do you bet?

See facebook likes are not representative or random sampled.

Like I said, by and large, the polls are generally right. Pointing to one example and saying "SEE THE POLLS TOTALLY SUCK LOLOL" doesn't prove anything.


>russian bots

i hate this shitty leddit meme
>as a woman
>as a lesbian
>as a tranny
pretty much subtle attentionwhoring

Does he have a part to play for The Nose? Then most of those are true. Ffs trump says everything is fucking rigged would you fuck off

dropped 6k on him at 3.25-1 yesterday

>facebook likes are not representative or random sampled.
But when your hardcore supporters are so far outweighed by hardcore opposers that you can't even keep a positive comment on your feed it means you're getting trounced.
You're seeing it as "Oh it's just likes and Trump fans"
Hillary fans can like shit too.
And they don't outnumber Trump supporters obviously.
She's done shill, done.
"B-b-but polls are random"
Yes, I'm sure, I know a guy who did polling, the fact that they ask what your party affiliation is before even asking you their question is good enough for me to not give a fuck about polls or what people like you think.
You're a fucking moron, and a shill, enjoy being BTFO and trying to recover.


> Pointing to one example and saying "SEE THE POLLS TOTALLY SUCK LOLOL" doesn't prove anything.

They had Clinton 15 to 20 points ahead of Sanders. Do you know why the polls were so screwed up in Michigan? It's because they underestimated millennial support and turn out for Sanders. How do you end up fucking something that obvious up? The polls are using poor assumptions.

Why do you not understand this simple concept? There will be well over 100 million voters in this election. ONLY A TINY LITTLE FRACTION OF THOSE VOTERS LOOK AT A POLITICIANS' FACEBOOK PAGE. They sure as hell don't spend time on them liking and posting comments.

>Ffs trump says everything is fucking rigged
he actually has proof though. Project Veritas bitch

>most of those are true
holy shit you're not even CTR just deluded

They may have used poor assumptions in that case, but in virtually every other case they have been pretty consistently accurate.

dude wtf

>She literally gets savaged on every single kikebook post.

I'm surprised CTR is not aggressively protecting her on Facebook.

where can I place a bet? never bet before

>CTR actually posts CP to deleta threads now
wtf Sup Forums

Same for polls, why is this your defense for facebook but when polling is brought up it's somehow credible?
Because it fits your agenda?
If I go to 100 facebook pages, and immediately scratch out every page with "Make America great again" until I hit 100 facebook pages of people without that slogan, not only did I intentionally skew the results to what I want, but I'm being intellectually dishonest.
However such a concept evades one as simple minded as yourself, good day shill.

I'm only going to say this one more time. Facebook likes are not representative or random samples. They do not reflect the view of the electorate as a whole. Polls, by and large, do!

ban him, ffs

>but in virtually every other case they have been pretty consistently accurate.

You don't get any special awards if you accurately predict California or Texas, or nearly 30 other states.

My point is this: The pollsters were off by a HUGE 15 to 20 points in Michigan primaries. Michigan is a rust belt state with a certain type of demographic that is attracted to Trump.


The absolute madman.

>If a candidate is popular on the biggest social networking site on the planet it means nothing.
>Comparing Clinton's campaign likes and Trumps means nothing, even just a simple button press means nothing.
>But saying a name to a pollster requires honesty, you're 100% required to vote for the candidate you've elected in a poll and you definately will vote because you answered to some random guy who you would vote for.

Where do you bet?

Real niggas dont get banned

I bet $100 when he was like 6:1. Gonna make bank off this corrupt bitch


Bovada. But they aren't taking bets anymore.


Oh good the polls expert is here.