Brazil has good natural resources, land, and is geographically safe as shit...

Brazil has good natural resources, land, and is geographically safe as shit. I don't think race is only skin deep but I do think they have a population smart enough to succeed. Why are they such a shit hole?

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For one, fat, toxic politics getting rich with rampant corruption. Our government runs entirely on bribes.

Thing is, they're actually a clear picture of the brazilian people. 90% of brazilians are corrupt scumbags who'll try and take advantage at any opportunity they have, ranging from cutting queues to enter a fucking buss to avoiding taxes. They even have a name for that, the "jeitinho brasileiro" or brazilian way of doing things. Only logical our politics would be the same.

Also Trump needs to make america great again, we can't depend on america, so it's retarded to ask for Trump to fix our shit. Ain't happening.

Do you even go out of your room?

most people here are corrupt as fuck, and I'm not talking only in politics. Bad culture, education, genetics, I don't know, but for some reason the ratio of good people to bad people here is something like 50/50


why not overthrow your government? If Brazilians tried to revolt no one would be surprised. You guys have guns right?

Seriously, do what we did. It's not a crazy concept and I'd imagine people in Brazil aren't happy with how things are. Why the fuck don't people revolt anymore just because it's the 21st century?

A country's government simply reflects back on the people that it governs. In the case of Brazil, it's a degenerate shithole.

Brazil is America's future if miscegenation is allowed to run rampant.

>I don't think race is only skin deep
>Why are they such a shit hole?

Because of multiculturalism. Brazil is the prime (modern) example of interbreeding and multicultural acceptance gone amok, and accepted as the norm.

Think of it this way. People that visit Brazil do so with the understanding that they are going to engage in some care free debauchery at some point. This behavior is encouraged by the ethnic.

The big problem here is the lack of identity as a nation, we never really had a "nationalistic blood" traditions down here. And even after split from Portugal the population were too isolated from each others to build one.
Also keep in mind the resources were really easy and Brazil is a land free of natural disasters, our country didn't have natives willing to defend the land or fight back as equals so in the past the population never really had any issues to bring comotion and then work together against the odds.
I just wish hope the big rise of right wing sentiment here is the ignition so we can purge the "red" and then have one.

Only the bandits have guns, lefties are anti-police

All the noble cultures of the past declined, because the purity and vigour of the originally created race faded out. They were compromised by the seed of lesser races that were attracted to the works of the superior men. The undeniable reason for their decline was then due to a kind of racial blood poisoning. Racial blood must be perserved in its purity at all costs.

>just because it's the 21st century?
Yes exactly because of that. Life is too easy and comfortable as is to give it up for a greater cause. This applies to all of western civilization.

Trump help and win brazil?

Poverty out the ass. Real poverty too, people living in fucking huts starving to death. Not America poverty where Latisha receives money from the the feds to buy Chili Cheese fritos for her kids.

I honestly feel sorry for the good Brazilians.

>tfw no favela ape gf

We did, and we got the commies out at least. Our current president is doing some things right, and the gibmedat countries like Venezuela hate him, so it's a good sign.

Very few people actually starve to death. By 2002 Brazil became a deliberate welfare state with a third world developing economy. Hence why we are broke as shit now. No one thought about paying for the gibmedats. Our Ledashas refuse work to get money from the state. And God forbid you mention that's bad.

This is what I don't understand. What fucks do you give that Venezuela likes/dislikes anything that happens with your government.

If you are going to be alpha, you have to not give any shits about derelicts and darkies. If Brazil is going to be taken seriously, you have to do 2 things:
>Remove degeneracy (darkies)
>Tell the banks to fuck off, and become isolationists.

Once you do that, white people will flock to your country, and there will be much rejoicing and reproducing of offspring in the name of awesomeness.

>Brazil has good natural resources
Yeah, we do. We also sell them for super cheap prices, and nobody seems to give a shit.
Money go to politicians' bank accounts, and resources/jobs/growth go to other countries.
Remember when the US sold 20% of it's uranium to Russia? it's that on drugs.

wait why do only you guys and Canada have Niobium only?

Ask Soros.

We have 98% of all Niobium in the world (Canada has the other 2%). But we don't do shit with it. almost no mines, and pretty much no research labs. and to make it worse, areas in which there may be large reserves of it, are sold out to foreign countries. Just this year (or last year, I can't remember) we sold a big-ass area, with a fuck-load of niobium to China.
And again, no one talks about it, no one gives a shit.

this thread's making me depressed. I really hope someone comes along soon and makes Brazil great again. I've always like your shitposters on here

He's coming.
Now I'm off to bed.

Oh please
This guy i a clown

We survive by mocking ourselves and always being humble, which is something pretty valued here. We have the problem of votes being compulsory, if it weren't for that, I think we wouldn't be this bad

I'm voting this guy only because I think he's going to give me guns and freedoms

First of all, the weather is nice and their culture is lazy.

Secondly, they fell for the socialist trap.

can one of you explain this guy to me? Is he Trump tier?

America alrdy got a niigger problem why do they need more niggers to deal with?:^)

Not even close. A Trump wannabe maybe.

Good point. Send them to Israel (':

An anti-gay Trump, which may be linked to corruption, so no

Stop destroying the rain-forest you fucking monkeys

I don't know what you're getting at kike

damn that sucks. It's crazy how we're supposed to be advanced as a society, yet these days the only qualities I look at in respect to politicial candidates is whether they're willing to arrest politicians

dealing with niggers are what goyims are for

He is, right now, the only right-wing alternative in Brazil.

The media demonizes him the same way it does with trump.

He is from the Brazilian army and he is a conservative/nationalist guy, that is considered "politically incorrect" by the media and by the leftists.

He's a neoliberal zionist.

The main problem of Brazil is lax laws. Both for rich and poor criminals. Max sentence is 30 years, even for rape, and you get reduced time in jail for basically anything, from not being proven to misbehave to pretending to read a book. Many people only serve 1/6 of the actual sentence in jail. Underage criminals aren't held accountable.

Corruption should be life imprisonment.
Premeditated murder should be life imprisonment.
Rape should be life imprisonment.

And even petty crimes should be met with harsh sentences.

Funny story, his son fainted like a bitch in a debate recently.

Literally weaker than fucking Hillary.

Its basically what

I don't think that the population is that bad, though

Ever since our colonization we have been exporting everything and our economic resources are not invested in the inter market

It is a combination of a lot of problems

But we have nice and educated places, though

funny thing is that, most of the new generation lefties are actually white people

also, the politicians elect their own judges. they can only be sentenced by the supreme court, it's disgusting.

12 Communists party: PT, PCdoB, PCB, PCO,PHS, PTB, PSOL, PDT, PTB, PSTU, PPS, POR. 15 years in power of leis,robbery and burglary.

lmao great pic. Does anyone there even support communism anymore? So easy to give government power, so damn hard to take it away...damn

Brazil almost turned into a Venezuela

Those who don't work

Leis=Laws for those who are wondering



this, I hate this shitty european laws the fucking champagne socialists in charge decided to implement in Brazil. Everything else flows naturally from the ridiculous laxness of our laws and impunity that comes from it (plus all the state companies, ripe for corruption)

Brazil is not multicultural at all. People of every single race have the same % of religious addherence (around 60-70% catholic, 15-25% evangelical, 7-14% none, etc), everyone (99+%) speaks the same language, etc. London is multicultural, Singapore is multicultura, Brazil is not

Everyone still supports communism. This country is a joke.

People seem to be waking up for now at least.

brazilians basically never revolted, in any century. Last real change supported by strong nationalism by the people was independence in 1822. And a few protests here and there, but most real changes are top-down

Agreed. Brazil for sure its a mixed people country. But, we're definetely not multicultural. Our region traditions haven't faded away.

>Why is it such a shithole?

Sheep mentality.


A socialist shithole,it will never go forward unless a bloody civil war takes place and the right side wins.

people don't starve to death, brazil is one of the fattest countries in the world too. Favelados are usually fat as fuck, especially women. The only places were you can see people actually starving is in the shittiest, most isolated parts of the sertão (were it doesn't even rain) in the northeast and isolates amazonian communities

this, we're a broke third-world welfare state that didn't get rich before we started all the gibs


I'm as right wing as it can get but this guy is too unreasonable and authoritarian for my tastes. Some of his statements are just absurd, Sup Forums would generally like though. He's very nationalistic and a conservative in all meanings of the word. I think the fundamental flaw with his ideology is the fact that state enforced morality doesn't work. In fact it only back fires and society will get even more degenerate.

degeneracy in Brazil was always a higher-class big-city white thing. Recent elections showed this, with a very degenerate far-left faggot winning only on the wealthiest neighborhoods of Rio.

Also I'll add that the current government is fundamentally hopeless because our current constitution is complete garbage.

>For one, fat, toxic politics getting rich with rampant corruption. Our government runs entirely on bribes.
Sounds like they'd fit right in with the US

Kek, my bad, didn't realize it was a typo

this is the face of our new left


Oy vey.

to be fair us Americans swarm at the first sniff of corruption (at least the woke citizens do, and more and more are becoming woke)

America's corruption isn't a severe and blatant as Brazil's though. Their corruption kills their country. We're still able to keep going for now at least

only actual right-winger, fags dislike him because too working-class in demeanor and vocabulary (also gets distracted by BS provocations easier than trump and has a shorter tempers), and because he criticized privatization in the past (if you check the record, he usually voted in favor of most privatizations, but thought they were selling shit for to free).

Main proposals: stop degeneracy (sex-change for kids, teaching anal sex to toddlers, ending subsidies and tax exemptions to "artists", paper-printing new-gen ballots to avoid fraud, giving brazilians their gun-rights back -big YES from me-, tough on crime laws -supports death penalty from time to time, think "criminals need to get fucked", etc, hence why he is popular online and among those who hear him speak directly, although also says a lot of unecessary shit so the media can create drama, also is more economically conservative nowadays but it's clear he has nationalist streaks there -he loves to talk about Nyobium for example, and how we're selling our resources instead of using them-, but he is getting closer to libertarian-like economists (his son is even going to a post-grad degree in economics with the Mises Institute), etc. Basically the only right-wing guy here, was unknown for years until his videos turned into memes online and he got a lot of young supporters. His son ran for mayor of Rio and got over 10% of the votes with a shitty small party and very little money (and other parties supporting him too, only a small-ass one) and awful campaign structure (first time running for executive office). He did better in poorer regions (but not favelas), with men and young people (IIRC he had almost 30% with >18 under 30s, because they're mroe famous online. Did poorly with women though. More slandered than Trump and called literally hitler even though he's a total cuck for Israel

remind me again about how prestes overthrew the government and became president? So no, no real change from him

yall teach anal sex to kids? I mean I see the value in proper sex education but wtf?

I think that might imply your government sees long sentences as a waste of money.

our country is retarded, not toddlers, but in our shithole government things sjw degeneracy for 10 year old kids is a fucking priority, it's infuriating.

A video that was gonna be shown in primary schools (7-11 usually) even said it was better to be bisexual because you had "50% more chance to find love", really. They really got the degeneracy right and the math wrong. It was stopped after Bolsonaro made a huge fuss about it (the kit gay) and since then the media only wants to talk to him about faggotry and how he is "anti-gay" (has gay friends, gays working for him, just said he wouldn't be proud to have a gay kid and they shouldn't teach it to kids, literally said "i want them to be happy, but don't sexualize kids" - most critics btw don't give a fuck to see interviews with non-anti-him media that's out to get the guy or just dislike him for being too low-class, he really makes Trump sound sophisticated sometimes), anti-women, anti-black, literally hitler, etc (the last 3 are completely out of their ass, don't even have a basis in reality).

Only stuff you could really says is extreme about him is that he still defends the generals from the 60s to 80s and says they never tortured anyone, and when he gets angry his rethoric can raise to Duterte-tier, although his policies usually don't go beyond saying the death penalty should be reinstated for crimes (as said above, you could literally be condemned to 400 years in jail, get a 30 year sentence and walk free after 10, at most, for "good behavior", and if you're under 16 -previously 18 until this year- you get no criminal record and gets at most 3 years in a "re-education facility").

Funny thing is that's exactly like brazilians talk in the streets. Sayings here "a good criminal is a dead criminal", "direitos humanos virou direito dos manos" (human rights turned into thug's rights, because basically we only hear about it when some lawyer wants to get some thug out of jail scot-free)

our laws are all extremely biased torwards impunity, and our jurisprudence is called "guaranteeist" because it makes it as easy as humanly possible for someone to escape a jail sentence. Impunity is rampant, even murderers are hardly ever punished, and if you watch TV-programs about crime and shit, you'll realize the same street-robbers who were arrested last week are back in the streets again this year.

Anothe brazilian saying: "a polícia prende, a justiça solta " ("police arrests, justice (courts) set free").

That's why we have lynchings from time to time, people get tired after the same thugh steals their motorcycle and the one they buy to replace it every 2 months

10% of murder cases solved, including in the south (that Sup Forums got memed into thinking is civilized), and politicians and shills say we "arrest too much people" and "prisons don't reduce crime", even though both claims are false (they say "we arrested more and more in the 200s, but crime didn't go down", but they don't mention how São Paulo was responsible for the majority of arrests and, wew they went went from one of the top violent states to one of the safest, so fast that people still think it's a violent place against all data)