What do you think society would be like with only white people?
What do you think society would be like with only white people?
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Shit food, awesome everything else.
I couldn't even imagine what Sup Forums would be like...Not complaining about immigrants.
>Shit food
>What's Mediterranean cuisine
Portugal Italy French Spain Greek
>Portugal Italy French Spain Greek
Incredibly boring.
No rapes. No violent crime. No poverty. No stealing.
>the white people have shit food meme
Where did this start?
>Shit food
What a dumb meme, only Americans can relate to it.
japan would be the dominant civilization
Blacks are so poor and dumb they pud tons of spice into everything to trick them into thinking they're eating good food when it's just cheap shit so when they see whites not put as much spices into their food because the food itself is delicious they think whites have poor taste.
Can't exist. Even if you got rid of all the currently colored, they'd just demote Italians to brown.
Then the Slavs, then the Irish...
It's not like we haven't been there before
It exists. It's called rural England and it's fucking heaven.
t. Tyrone
Mayo and Incest
Probably better than society with only non-white people
thats why we have great sports and festivals
What the fuck are blacks thinking?
How the fuck did KFC get so popular?
Literally the fucking dankest thing ever
I feel kind of ashamed that this is mostly down to other types of white ppl ;_;
We'd still find plenty of reasons to have wars.
>Shit food, awesome everything else.
Is France white?
Brown people think that haphazardly applying spices to hide the disgusting flavor of rancid food qualifies cooking. Mind you, this is coming from someone who uses habenero peppers in their cooking and loves spicy foods.
black people literally think they invented chicken
Fuck. Irish would be the first ones I'd demote.
>get their entire race cucked to extinction by jews and shitskins
I wonder what the UK would be like before ww2. You know...Without Allah.
Fuck man. Identity politics have become so dominant the last couple years I can no longer imagine a world without muh hate crime.
Okay, Germans, French, British, and Scandinavians only. Pure White Anglos from Australia, Canada, and USA can stay where we belong.
Nigger food isn't spicy or flavored. It's horrid fried crap, disgusting limp flavorless "greens" or whatever that shit is called, grape "drank", and macaroni.
White people and their shit food meme came from stuff like roux and cream sauces from the French (used to dominate international culinary culture) and Brits, I think. But I do have to admit Asian food is the best shit in the world, also cream sauces and other rich Euro stuff make me gag.
Jews represent 22% of all individual recipients of nobel prizes worldwide between 1901 and 2016 and own a disproportionate amount of industry.
Mudslimes were at the top of scientific and cultural achievements during the dark ages but got cucked by the mongols.
Chinks were a good at some point in history but fell behind on tech. Maybe they'll have a resurgence at some point.
The only people that didn't have a substantial civilization at some point were the aboriginals, gypsies and arguable black people.
> have low-quality food
> cover it in spices to make it edible
> still starve because of how shit it is
Non-white food in inferior. People just think that spice = good.
Used to be. Authentic french food is white
>What do you think society would be like with only white people?
pic related.
Spain is Caucasian.
>Pure White Anglos
I swear your guys should sometimes stop and take a look at how funny what you write sounds. Do you even go outside sometimes ? rofl
>implying soul food isn't a bastardized version of French cuisine
>Own all (((social mediums))) used to mock them.
French food is fucking awesome
They can even pour batter over fruit, bake, and it tastes godlike
Just made a cherry clafoutis and it's so good
The 2015 is so beautiful. Such a wonderful, colorful diverse society!
Fucking liberals everywhere.
kinda liek mount olympus
If you want to get real sad look at Detroit.
Race riots ruined that city.
I'm jealous
Mudslimes got fucked by their religion.
Everyone will be a feminist.
Transgenders will finally be accepted into society.
Everyone is gender fluid.
50% or more of the population will be vegetarian or vegan.
Why are jews so smart?
I think you mean english/scottish cuisine.
Fuck, that's a weird thought
Sounds like Benjamin Franklin
>not liking burgers
Are you gay, son?
A pretty amazing society. I say that as an Asian.
Maybe you should look at our country you fucking cuck?
Yeah keep voting for refugees to fuck our women
Go off yourself you faggot
Nigger twitter.
Nogs actually think fried chicken is top tier cuisine.
Italians are very smart and have a rich history. It's in your best interest to fully consider them white
>Shit food
I wouldn't eat food in the home of a dirty subhuman, claiming that his food and magical spices "are da sheet"
You're poor, your cutlery is disgusting, your plates are stained, your food is cheap and your idea of a feast is rice with chopped up banana and bbq sauce you fucking monkey.
When you order pizza you get spare ham with no sauce you POVO fuck.
Keep talking shit about other people's food when your house is fucking filth.
we don't need your disgusting chink validation, GO BACK TO YOUR SHITHOLE
I'm gonna go with paradise.
They have high iqs, like Europeans compared to Africans or something
More idealistic, but will still have it's own problems, but those problems will usually be those coming from individuals who are fringe elements.
I feel like more people would take this seriously if the Star of David wasn't there.
>inb4 kike
I hate Jews.
A shitskin who's only invention was the stick who's country men now live by eating garbage is complaining about beef Wellington!?
>Botswana tier iq
all the shit was invented by jews anyway. whites only added their genocidal bits.
From top left to bottom left and then top right to bottom right:
>never happened
>like verbally spoken words? I own kikebook! Bls allow me to bring a chaos candidate to finish you off
>fiat money/inheritances/loans only they get
>devil shit
>kill people
>blame the fags who did it for something they didn't do while you rape angels
You wish you Jews made that shit
Only think worthwhile you polish Jews make is
Rude. Asians are nifty, a good ally.