How low can you go?
Canada Yes!
kill me
hey atleast you're not sweden... yet
It's not Islamophobia if I just show what their books say.
What. Canada already has prohibitions against discrimination based on religious grounds enshrined within the Canadian Human Rights Act. This motion (read: not a law) seems to be advocating for special punitive measures to be taken against discrimination against muslims or islamist ideology.
Islamism is a political manifestation of the Muslim faith, and is incompatible with Western practice. It should be rejected, admonished, and cast out at every turn.
It'll be soon, when they start shipping in carts of Muhammad, Abdul and Faruk.
Little brother just couldn't get it right, as usual.
The 2nd amendment protects the 1st....
Reported to the RCMP for radicalized speech
But your president is almost Muslim himself. Nothing can stand in the way of Muslims taking over your county in a few decades.
You shitty leaves. Stand up for yourselves lest we have border jumpers from the north as well.
Yeah. It is called `blasphemy laws` in the Middle East. Congrats Canada. OIC has won.
Give us 5 years.
>Nothing can stand in the way of Muslims taking over your county in a few decades
I'm buying a fucking gun
Buy as many reliable firearms as you can, maintain them and practice.
Don't forget to stockpile ammo.
You done goofed. No thoughts like this allowed. Enjoy your life sentence.
don't worry, the muslims will take care of that soon enough
Canada isn't a republic, Singapore.
Nice dubs.
Might I suggest getting an SKS before the LPC bans them?
L-LPC bans?
It has been part of their political platform since before Harper first took office to ban all semi-auto's and handguns.
Everyone in the firearm community is just hoping that Trudeau is as bad at following through with the gun control part of his campaign as he is with everything else, except bringing in more Syrians, obviously. He worked hard to hold that promise...
The largest e-petition ever handed over to parliament was for derestriction of the AR-15.
Here's their response:
>The Government thanks these petitioners for their representations.
>The Government believes in balanced, effective measures with respect to firearms that prioritize public safety while
>ensuring that law-abiding firearms owners are treated fairly under the law. The Government has committed to getting
>handguns and assault weapons off our streets and to strengthening controls on such weapons.
>The Government is committed to putting decision-making authority about weapons classification back into the hands of
>police, not politicians. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is responsible for the technical determination of the
>classification of firearms in accordance with the criteria stipulated by Parliament in the Criminal Code.
>The Criminal Code Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons,
>Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited, Restricted or Non-Restricted list the
>Armalite Rifle (AR)-15 as a named variant of the restricted M-16 rifle. The AR-15 is restricted because of its lineage to the
>military-issued M-16 assault rifle.
>The Government has no intention of using section 117.15 of the Criminal Code to change the classification of the AR-15
Welcome to the police state. Now pick up that can.
Holy fuck
As if 5 round limits weren't enough.
Fuck this gay country man. I want to keep feeling that tingle of patriotism for my homeland but it's waning quickly. Just fuck off man. Funz are cool, why do they have to restrict every single god damn thing about them.
Whatever, here's to hoping for a Trump win.
The RCMP recently said that all 10/22 magazines over 10 rounds are now prohibited devices.
Why? Because the Ruger Charger (a 10/22 pistol that was never really brought into the country in any great number and has since been discontinued) exists. So magazines that have been in circulation for decades before those pistols were even designed are now prohibited.
The first person who gets charged with this infraction is going to tear their assholes open in court, but they'll probably just bluff with a plea-bargain and then drop charges if they call the bluff (like they do with every other stupid fucking law they slap on firearms owners like the storage shit). They're fucking tyrants and cowards.
The firearm community responded basically with "yeah naw, fuck your shit" and everyone is still shooting their 10/22's with 25 round mags and 50+ round drums.
RCMP can eat a heaping pile of dick.
>lil brother
fuck man, that book was the first to reach me as a lefty. I had thought for so long that gov't surveillance was alright under my guy, it brought me into the wonderful world of objective morality.
... fuck
What should I do?
I hate the government of today, I hate what is happening to my country, but the moment I speak out I'll be arrested.
Do I just go out to my local, normally packed street corner with my megaphone and protest?
Is it even worth while to try and spread a message when no one wants to hear the truth?
Government officials on all levels don't actually care to listen to us. They don't respond, they don't listen, they don't care unless you're a minority, of course.
What the fuck do I do, Sup Forums?
Wow, sure surprises me I'll tell ya h'what.
Jeez, why is this happening?
Build up support and prepare for the next election.
Buying some guns/ammo isn't a bad idea either.
Not clicking on HuffPost. What does it say?
Canada isn't even a real country. There's no such thing as Canadian people. Your only hope is reunification with the southern American provinces. Only from there can we mutually improve our situation.
So what?
One time I shattered a guy's collar bone with a driver and I was out in a few months.
My lawyer would ravage this shit.
shitposting is from severe depression. pls dont hate the leaf
save us trump
>Want to hear about Islamophobia? Ask a visibly Muslim woman, suggests Elghawaby; or easier yet, read the comments section on any online article relating to Canada's Muslims. You'll easily find comments like this doozy: "If you don't like it here and this country is not up to your standards, you can always move somewhere else. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out."
geez, also that article just goes on about how Canadians are all racist to muzzos and has nothing about what the thing even did.
>If you don't like it here and this country is not up to your standards, you can always move somewhere else. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
>This is Anti-Islam
I hate this world, I hate it so much. I want the alternate timeline where the good guys won.
Goddam I feel sorry for you fuckers. If there's anything Sup Forums has taught me, its that god is real, and he hates our guts.
>If there's anything Sup Forums has taught me, its that god is real, and he hates our guts.
truer words haven't been spoken
But he hates us because we abandoned him.
fuck. what are you doing canada?
Leafs and Svens can't take a break. Every second they can't get beaten by the other in progresiveness. It's amazing yet disgusting.
>"not all truthful statements must be free from restriction"
Canada courts literally saying the truth must be suppressed
What did we do to piss him off?!
Fuck Mohammad and fuck Muslims.
Become liberal atheist faggot societies.
The only reason God hasn't brought down fire and brimstone is the same reason he didn't destroy Sodom until Lot Left.
If there's even one righteous person in the city, it wont die.
>Ant-Islamophobia motion
What are the specifics of it?
You realize that if Trump wins and we get Muslims running across Canada's border to attack us, you fuckers are getting annexed right?
I thought "god" destroyed Sodom because they tried to gang rape him...
Trust me, with our "hate speech" laws, specifics don't really matter
Kind of.
EVERYBODY in sodom was 100% degenerate. To the point where when angels appeared to Lot the citizens went to his house and demanded to rape the angels.
then the angels blinded them and got lot and his daughters the fuck outta there.
You already tried that once
That wasn't even your army leaf.
Fuck that shit, i'l take my free healthcare and non retarded populace thank you very much. You americans think your so awesome but anyone that sees you from close knows your just a smelly old man talking about how great he used to be.
And his daughters date raped him
>free healthcare
>non retarded populace
I..... I mean the meme writes itself.
>Implying the modern canadian has the means and balls to commit something like that today.
We are a cucked nation and will soon prioritize islam over everything thanks to Weedman and other liberals.
Please nuke us
Oh man, can you imagine being in that situation? Stories like this are what makes me believe in the Bible. Only humans would try to gang rape an otherworldly being.
Every time I see the leaf I just imagine a goose sitting on chair typing up some slide threads.
Ironic because any slander of religion and race in Singapore are illegal as well.
We're cucked.
Am I reading this correctly, that it's saying facts are hate speech?
Do Canadians have no pride? O actually feel sorry for the people who don't want any of this happening.
>yfw the ape represents america
They're probably just worried that the locals will start killing Chinese like they did in Indonesia.
Wait..let me try to understand this...Islamaphobia means fear of Islam. So, they are going to fine/jail people who are afraid?
Canadian geese are fucking assholes. They'll literally attack shit 10 times their size. Fuck I thought that one incident where I had to kick one as a kid while I was at the park was just because I was fairly small.
>facts are banned
Would this work in any scientific field? In any business? If lives were on the line, would facts be ignored because they weren't convenient? This is literally the only situation this mentality doesn't have immediate repercussions, and I'm still sitting here wondering how people can have such a narrow view.
It's verifiably, objectively false. Concretely. How... How did this happen?
Sounds about right. Soon it will be illegal to have any phobia which might offend people.
>implying the Muslims here aren't literally second rate citizens.
All they literally do is play guitar and soccer.
canada has always been competing with sweden since the beginning.
everyone always laughed at canada though, but with sweden we are starting to feel pitty
But if they prevent me from showing what these books say, they would be infringing my religious right to present my Islamic faith as a devout white Muslim.
>implying us Chinks don't play bball and play vidya
I have rich Malay neighbours and clients but all of them are uncle Toms desu
is canada the new sweden?
Based geese
This is worse than sweden. It's basically a heresy law
Yeah common sense is being spat on & thrown in the garbage: your leaders are fucking cowards
>RCMP can eat a heaping pile of dick
>MFW i live in an area not policed by the federal goons
feels good man
come to BC and help make BCexit a reality
We're doing sliiiiightly better. Government still cucked to shit but people are getting angry. Full stop on immigrant intake for a while now.
Too fucking bad they didn't realize it'd be an issue earlier. Fucking Löfven.
Join us. We have guns and althe first ammendment. And trump in a few months.
>Not including the ultra conservative Texas of canada Oil country Alberta.
>Not including Based Goldmine Yukon
Those three provinces and we can be genuinely self sufficient. Wont even have to trade. But ofc we will to avoid invoking the wrath of the "democracy bringing" army.
Canadian cascadia when?
>Based Goldmine Yukon
that pic isnt mine but a plan discussed among maby BCexiters is to take yukon and use the northern part as a penal colony in order to create a gold backed currency
we could let alberta join but only if it nukes calgary and mass purges the NDP
I mean, I would.
and we are full of righteous people they just havent been awoken yet. life is still too good
if trudeau ever crashes the economy and all the shit is ever exposed there would be a bloody revolution
>Canada isn't even a real country. There's no such thing as Canadian people.
Trudeau is proud of this, proclaiming Canada to be the world's first "post-national country." And yes, post-nationalism is a thing.
Social harmony can be achieved if we just completely ignore black crime rates, the teachings of Islam and white genetic superiority. We just have to pretend hard enough that we are all equal. Then we'll have peace on earth. Capisce?
i cant wait to see his smug fucking face wiped clean after the revolution when we shoot him and his fucking family
the trudeau family has done more harm to canada then all the rest of the prime ministers and colonial governors combined could have dreamed of
trudeaus are like the tsar and he will be put down
Kek'd loudly
i hate canada for electing that fag Trudeau
We need to kick Canada out of the Anglo club, guys.
Who can the replacement be?
Why is that white woman pretending to be a Muslim?
reminder only 37% voted for him and most provinces votes dont count
reminder that canadian democracy is a ruse and both parties are different sides of a shekel
Our problems happened long before Trudeau. Mass immigration has been around for decades. He's a total doofus and is gleeful at the death of Canada, but he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger. Trudeau could go away, but the immigration problems would still remain. They're irreversible at this stage.
What do you mean?