Why are so many white people fag-enablers? Why do they buy what the merchant sells?

Why are so many white people fag-enablers? Why do they buy what the merchant sells?

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systemic and prolonged attack

sluts hang out with gays because it makes them feel chaste by comparison. beta males enable sluts. also white girls, dogs etc.

ignore sodomite orders.

If they we are so smart why do we keep falling for jewish mind tricks? I honestly think white people WANT to be degenerate.

I actually miss him...

t. Cum in Filth

Fuck off

I found it easier to just casually mention that jews are fucking everything up in normal conversation.

The shekelbergsteins leave, and I go about my day.

Why does common filth think white people are the worst because the export fag propaganda to africans yet white people should not blame jews for subverting them with gay propaganda?

doesn't he think a people should be able to resist any propaganda because if they can't they are morally retarded? Why would exporting gay rights to Africa matter? If Africans are good anti-sodomite people no amount of shilling will change that.

Used to live near gay friendly part of town, shamelessly picked up unsuspecting sluts in gay bars even tho 100% straight. It was like shooting fish in a barrel desu.


traced your IP and got this


Because whites are on average more liberal and intelligent than other races and there's literally nothing wrong with being gay.

You're just an insecure faggot.

everyone is morally retarded. don't exacerbate the situation by spreading it more.

White peoples biggest mistake ever was altruism

>praising self destruction

Kill yourself


which is weird considering there are more black gays than accounted for, but kikes and their communist servants push that specially to white countries and white populations.

ta fazendo a honra irmão homofóbico

Russia won the cold war

it's baffling that whites have relatively low levels of homosexuality (idk about sodomy) yet fucking all of us defend it with extreme vitriol.

Oh shut up, remember white gays are your greatest ally.

Essa palavra não existe.

Existem corretores, agradeço.

>So long as they parrot alt-right talking points who cares if they are reprobates!

This is why the alt-right went from dark enlightenment to neo-liberalism.

the downlow is it's own thing. white people should be thankful that their gays are exclusive as it keeps the HIV contained and out of married relationships.

gays will fuck women if given the opportunity. They are in total bondage to lust and depravity.

look up Foucault deal with the devil

Why are all leafs faggots?

Why am I suppose to care where ~1% of the population of literally who's put their penor?

I wish I knew.

because it destroys civilization and sends us all to burn in eternal hellfire.

can you summarize? I haven't had to read foucault since my critical theory classes for my english degree (lol) and would rather not break my 4 year streak



I know that feel

Not sure how when it goes into Foucault exactly, I know it's long but it's a good video. E. Micheal Jones is pretty good overall.

Libido Dominandi made me feel sick to my stomach. "You" by nobodytm on youtube features some good excerpts from his interview on it

it's around 18:30

não sabe oq é homofóbico?
espero que esteja dando uma de espertinho mano.